
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

7.08.2015 11:22:58 gen. float your boat см. whatever floats your boat
6.08.2015 17:17:26 inf. shmuck то же, что и prick
6.08.2015 16:46:49 sarcast. oh, really? да ты что! (A smartass answer given to someone who just stated something very obvious or very stupid.)
6.08.2015 16:41:34 gen. and now так вот
6.08.2015 16:41:00 gen. and now так (как начало фразы)
6.08.2015 15:34:19 gen. foul испачкать (She's fouled her diaper.)
6.08.2015 15:31:14 slang have a go at наехать (в знач. "надавить", "взять на испуг")
6.08.2015 15:16:53 inf. fig. put the heat давить (на кого-либо – on someone: John wouldn't talk, so the police were putting the heat on him to confess.)
6.08.2015 11:15:48 mil., lingo fighting hole огневая точка (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_fighting_position)
6.08.2015 11:12:38 gen. alike вне зависимости (single-handedly captured a machine gun nest)
6.08.2015 11:12:38 gen. alike будь то (single-handedly captured a machine gun nest)
6.08.2015 11:09:55 mil. station расставить (н-р, снайперов // Then they chained and locked the mosque's fifty-one heavy iron gates and stationed snipers at all the commanding heights.)
6.08.2015 11:04:50 mil. gun nest огневая точка
6.08.2015 10:41:43 mil. at attention смирно
6.08.2015 10:02:14 mil. battle assembly военные сборы (Battle Assembly is the term used by the United States Army Reserve to describe monthly training, where soldiers practice and perfect their military skills and maintain individual and unit readiness in the event of mobilization and deployment. These training activities were formerly referred to simply as "drill" or "weekend drill")
6.08.2015 9:36:02 mil. they shall not pass враг не пройдёт (a slogan used to express determination to defend a position against an enemy)
6.08.2015 9:28:55 inf. like shit off a shovel быстро (Bert's new car of goes like shit off a shovel.)
6.08.2015 9:15:44 mil. roll call построение
5.08.2015 18:01:17 jarg. be a contract заказать (вариант требует замены структуры: I am a contract / I am a hit – меня заказали)
5.08.2015 17:34:53 jarg. put on a hit list заказать (заказать убийство)
5.08.2015 16:47:10 mil. designated marksman пехотный снайпер (Снайпера, как учётную специальность, следует отличать от других значений данного термина, поскольку снайпер из числа рядовых военнослужащих является органичной частью своего подразделения. Действуя в составе своего подразделения, рядовой снайпер вписан в систему огня в обороне и в наступлении, в то время как офицер-снайпер, действующий в одиночку или в составе сводного подразделения, является самостоятельной тактической и огневой единицей. Пехотного снайпера, "марксмана", не следует путать с "классическим" снайпером. Марксман редко работает индивидуально в отличие от снайпера. Снайперы часто снаряжаются в команды для уничтожения одиночных целей и состоят из собственно снайперов и наблюдателей. Пехотный снайпер, однако, действует в качестве постоянного члена подразделения, чаще всего взвода, работающего в тесном контакте с другими бойцами, где его навыки востребованы всегда, когда возникает потребность в поражении дальних целей, недоступных стрелкам с обычным оружием, однако при этом пехотный снайпер имеет с ними общие цели в бою. Он, в отличие от снайпера, не столь сильно нуждается в навыках маскировки на местности. wikipedia.org)
5.08.2015 16:46:22 mil. marksman см. designated marksman (пехотный снайпер, марксман // The designated marksman (DM) or squad designated marksman (SDM) is a military marksman role in an infantry squad. The term "sniper" was used in Soviet doctrine although the soldiers using the Dragunov SVD were the first to use a specifically designed designated marksman's rifle.)
5.08.2015 16:28:02 gen. would you care потрудитесь (Would you care to elaborate please?)
5.08.2015 12:10:41 inf. city slickers дети асфальта (City slicker is a person raised in the city and accustomed to life there. This often leads to naivety in certain matters, and sometimes unusual prejudices. Most of them though are quite decent folk who just don't know that you can change your car's oil yourself.)
5.08.2015 11:52:42 austral. sook нытик (Don't be a sook)
5.08.2015 11:10:46 inf. catch heck см. catch hell
5.08.2015 11:10:14 inf. get bawled out влететь (ему за это влетело – he got bawled out for it)
5.08.2015 11:09:28 inf. get a scolding влететь (ему за это влетело – he got a scolding for it)
5.08.2015 10:25:22 inf. tel. give someone a jingle набрать
5.08.2015 10:25:22 inf. give a jingle звякнуть (т.е. позвонить)
5.08.2015 9:51:42 gen. turned бывший (при антонимическом переводе, когда подразумевается "а ныне": Сhess-champion-turned-politician Gary Kasparov... – Бывший чемпион мира по шахматам, российский оппозиционный политик Гарри Каспаров...)
4.08.2015 17:36:42 gen. inform донести (на кого-либо // He was a pariah. He had informed on two other cops who engaged in police brutality. And it had cost him his livelihood.)
4.08.2015 17:25:13 inf. blow the whistle сообщить (руководству или в органы о чём-либо, ком-либо, часто с положительной коннотацией (не имеет негативного значения "донести"); смотри также Whistleblower Protection Act: He brought a claim in an employment tribunal alleging that he had been unfairly dismissed as a result of having 'blown the whistle' on his employer's alleged financial malpractice.)
4.08.2015 17:07:49 inf. would you believe! как вам такое? (Then the manager came out and asked us to leave. Would you believe?)
4.08.2015 17:07:49 inf. would you believe! представляешь?
4.08.2015 17:07:49 inf. would you believe! вы только представьте!
4.08.2015 16:59:04 fig. one must be hearing things ослышаться (said when you cannot believe something because it is so unlikely // Уж не послышалось ли мне? – I must be hearing things.)
4.08.2015 16:53:49 inf. cower вздрагивать (cowering at any sort of noise / He was cowering at passing vehicles)
4.08.2015 15:53:56 gen. one must be hearing things послышаться (said when you cannot believe something because it is so unlikely // Уж не послышалось ли мне? – I must be hearing things.)
4.08.2015 15:50:24 gen. boo-fucking-hoo обидели мышку (передразнивая паникера A display of mock or sarcastic sympathy. / Boo-hoo is an imitation of the sound of someone crying or sobbing. Less often, a person may say it aloud in an affected way to convey sadness or disappointment. Can be used sarcastically.)
4.08.2015 13:56:46 inf. get on someone's ass задалбывать (persistently nag or urge someone to do something)
4.08.2015 13:56:09 inf. get on someone's ass компостировать мозги (To "get on someone's ass" is to bother them about something. A boss or professor might "get on your ass" about being late for work or school. They keep bothering you about it until you stop being late.)
4.08.2015 13:46:38 gen. take off like a bat out of hell рвануть с места (The car pulled away from the curb like a bat out of hell. // I started the car and peeled out of there like a bat outta hell and drove straight to the hospital.)
4.08.2015 13:14:05 gen. peel out рвануть с места (с пробуксовкой, дымом и визгом колёс) To accelerate from a stop in such a manner that the tires squeal and smoke. To burn rubber. // Dave got in his car and peeled out, waking the neighbors. / Waylon peeled out from the stoplight in his 57 Chevy.)
4.08.2015 13:00:11 gen. talk out of one's ass нести чушь
4.08.2015 11:59:53 gen. meet halfway пойти навстречу (He rushed forward to meet me halfway. // As I slowly walked up, the minister and the officials stepped forward to meet me halfway. // They also drove down to meet us halfway. /// в т.ч. в переносном значении: Japan ready to meet US halfway on beef and pork tariffs.)
4.08.2015 11:59:25 gen. meet halfway навстречу (He rushed forward to meet me halfway. // As I slowly walked up, the minister and the officials stepped forward to meet me halfway. // They also drove down to meet us halfway. /// в т.ч. в переносном значении, см. "пойти навстречу": Japan ready to meet US halfway on beef and pork tariffs.)
4.08.2015 11:49:31 inf. speak volumes многое говорить (It speaks volumes about you as a person. • She very kindly drove to meet us halfway, which speaks volumes of the kind of person she is. • In Romans chapter 16, Paul points out many women by name without hesitation. This speaks volumes about the level of their character and leadership in the early Church.)
4.08.2015 11:01:26 inf. stop for some scoff остановиться перекусить (We drove out of the storm briefly by the time we got to Mundrabilla, where we stopped for some scoff and petrol, before carrying on.)
4.08.2015 10:49:19 inf. get some scoff перехватить (перекусить: Are you coming to get some scoff? • We drove out of the storm briefly by the time we got to Mundrabilla, where we stopped for some scoff and petrol, before carrying on.)
4.08.2015 10:45:56 gen. less talk, more action меньше слов, больше дела (A phrase that is often used to get people to stop talking and lend a helping hand.)
4.08.2015 10:41:35 police lookout ориентировка (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-points_bulletin)
3.08.2015 17:49:52 rude fuck off убраться (So when I saw him at that meeting, I fucked off as fast as I could out of a back door. || В качестве альтернативы прекрасно смотрится (а главное, употребляется) bail out: He hadn't bailed out because he couldn't take the risk.)
3.08.2015 17:43:14 inf. make off as fast as one can рвануть ("We went off as fast as we could to get away from that debris," Robinson said. // "And then we were off as fast as we could, heading for the Vietnam border," he says. // Then we made off as fast as we could down a side road to the left into a bit of a hollow.)
3.08.2015 17:33:53 inf. dash off рвануть (hurry away, depart in a hurry // He dashed off as though he was being chased.)
3.08.2015 17:29:48 gen. rush ринуться
3.08.2015 17:29:30 gen. rush off ринуться
3.08.2015 17:29:05 gen. rush off ринуться на выход
3.08.2015 17:16:14 gen. don't count eggs before they hatch цыплят по осени считают
3.08.2015 17:13:56 gen. riot control weapons спецсредства
3.08.2015 17:02:29 inf. blast рвануть (c места: He got in the Porsche and blasted out of there)
3.08.2015 17:01:19 inf. shoot off рвануть (с места) Ruby guns the engine and the old car shoots off down the street. // The car shoots off and disappears down th road. // We shot off like a rocket from the start and held our power, passion, concentration, and technique to and through the finish line. // Gravel and dirt screamed out from under the tires but when they got traction we shot off like a rocket down the road.)
3.08.2015 16:24:50 inf. scram убраться (to leave a scene at once; go abruptly; go away hastily; get out // I fire up the motor, shove it into gear an' we scram.)
3.08.2015 15:54:04 gen. jerk away отдёрнуть (Mary jerked her hand away from the fire.)
3.08.2015 15:46:23 gen. that's very much not the case все совсем не так (And there you sat, happy in the assumption that racing at an old French circuit is as simple as strapping a powerful engine into a carbon fibre tub, inserting a racing driver and crossing your fingers? Well, Nissan's LMP1 team can tell you that actually no, that's very much not the case.)
3.08.2015 15:37:57 gen. burn rubber палить резину
3.08.2015 14:08:40 gen. lowboy низкорамная платформа (для перевозки тяжёлых) грузов // lowboy (low-boy trailer) in the U.S., low loader in British English, low-bed in western Canada and South Africa or float in Australia)
3.08.2015 14:08:13 auto. low-boy trailer трал
3.08.2015 13:30:38 gen. exhaust stack выхлопная труба (тж. о вертикальных выхлопных трубах автомобилей)
3.08.2015 13:15:56 gen. residually по остаточному принципу (he greater part of the national budget was channeled to the needs of the army, whereas education was funded residually and mostly from local budgets)
3.08.2015 13:11:24 gen. one at a time по очереди (One at a time, please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.)
3.08.2015 13:04:44 gen. one at a time не все сразу (One at a time, please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.)
3.08.2015 11:38:57 gen. until the day comes when до тех пор, пока (Ladies and gentlemen, until the day comes when we can do away with the gun, I hope we all agree that peace and stability do not come free of charge. • Until the day comes when they understand they're so miserable they've got nothing left to lose but their messed up shithole lives. • A weak, sickly, constipated, bilious, grouchy man never appreciates that his usefulness is nearly at an end, until the day comes when he's out of a job for good.)
3.08.2015 11:14:23 gen. whole crowd всей толпой (A whole crowd of us are going to the club. // Then the whole crowd of us will get together by the pump and begin whispering and monkeying, as though we were up to some mischief.)
3.08.2015 11:10:18 gen. man in charge старший
3.08.2015 11:07:14 gen. whole pack всей толпой (Yeah there was a whole pack of us.)
3.08.2015 10:23:49 inf. lowboy трак (или lowboy trailer // для направления РУС ⇒ АНГЛ. // низкорамная платформа для перевозки тяжёлых грузов // low loader in British English, low-bed in western Canada and South Africa or float in Australia)
31.07.2015 16:35:45 inf. blanket устроить тёмную (To toss in a blanket by way of punishment // We'll have our men blanket "em i" the hall.)
31.07.2015 16:32:38 gen. border outpost пограничная застава (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_outpost)
31.07.2015 16:24:42 mil. outpost передовой наблюдательный пункт (в некоторых контекстах)
30.07.2015 14:04:42 gen. keep to oneself держать в секрете (I want you to keep this news to yourself. • This should be kept to yourself. • I kept your little secret to myself all these years.)
30.07.2015 13:03:38 gen. step in вмешаться (Given some of the court decisions on this, its probably time for Congress to step in and clarify some of these issues.)
30.07.2015 13:02:38 inf. step in заскочить (I just stepped in to say hi on my way to class)
30.07.2015 10:10:40 busin. efficient экономичный (performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; efficient ≠ эффективный: While telephone prospecting is the most efficient, face to face prospecting is the most effective.)
30.07.2015 9:52:01 gen. your call has been diverted ваш вызов переадресовывается на автоответчик (либо на другой номер)
29.07.2015 23:53:58 gen. grieving nation государство, чьи граждане погибли в результате трагедии
29.07.2015 17:47:59 mil. contract servicemen военнослужащий контрактной службы
29.07.2015 17:06:08 mil. explan. military volunteer военнослужащий контрактной службы (wikipedia.org)
29.07.2015 17:06:08 mil. explan. volunteer recruit военнослужащий контрактной службы (The Army has traditionally relied on volunteer recruits, the only exceptions to this being during the latter part of the First World War until 1919, and then again during the Second World War and for fifteen years after it until 1960, when conscription was enacted.)
29.07.2015 17:05:32 mil. volunteer military service контрактная служба
29.07.2015 16:19:38 mil. execute расстрелять (by shooting) // done by firing squad or by a single firearm)
29.07.2015 16:04:04 mil. air superiority fighter истребитель (самолет, "предназначенный для завоевания превосходства в воздухе")
29.07.2015 15:56:00 mil. special reporting group группа особого подчинения
29.07.2015 14:22:10 gen. zip tie стяжка (пластиковый хомутик для стягивания проводов // Может использоваться в качестве импровизированных наручников. На западе полиция активно использует специально предназначенные для этого стяжки.)
28.07.2015 16:51:13 inf. shit oneself обделаться (See the look on their faces? The little one shit himself. – Oh, dude, I smelled it.)
28.07.2015 16:49:23 mil., lingo names now! кто такие? (Drop your weapons! Names now, shitheads!)
28.07.2015 16:46:41 mil. conserve ammo беречь патроны (Watch out for friendlies. Muzzle discipline, clean shots only, conserve ammo. // из фильма Outpost 37)
28.07.2015 16:42:13 inf. make it back вернуться (That we should turn around, try and make it back to MACO on foot)
28.07.2015 16:40:43 inf. how recent? как давно? (There was action here. -Y eah. Recently. – How recent? – Doesn't matter. // из фильма Outpost 37)
28.07.2015 16:33:02 inf. step in вступить (в значении "вмешаться", "сказать своё слово": Given some of the court decisions on this, its probably time for Congress to step in and clarify some of these issues.)

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