
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

26.08.2015 16:23:02 gen. bath/shower combination совмещённый санузел (I live in a four story condo and have a bath/shower combination.)
26.08.2015 15:36:20 gen. sniff back tears глотать слёзы (I could hear her sniffing back tears proceeded by a rustle of tissues as she blew her nose very hard.)
26.08.2015 15:29:35 context. indeed наоборот (в знач. "более того"; только в контексте: There is no legal requirement to have a liability cap under English law. Indeed, caps that are too low are considered unfair.)
26.08.2015 13:09:27 inf. doorplate табличка (на двери с указанием фамилии или названия помещения)
26.08.2015 11:13:18 mil., lingo lock and load! оружие к бою!
26.08.2015 10:57:52 inf. take a detour объехать (напр., участок дороги, непригодный для движения // о разнице между "take a detour" и "make a detour" смотри goo.gl/I7rKRz)
25.08.2015 16:44:31 inf. mobster крутой
25.08.2015 14:57:32 gen. service ribbons орденская планка (Service ribbons or ribbon bars are small ribbons mounted on small metal bars equipped with attaching devices, and are generally issued for wear in place of medals. / In most NATO militaries, only the service ribbons are normally worn on everyday occasions (as opposed to the actual medals). // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_Ribbon; ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Орденская_планка)
20.08.2015 16:39:12 gen. go ahead говори
19.08.2015 17:17:41 gen. Eastern Bloc страны ОВД
19.08.2015 17:13:05 gen. in one's office у себя (т.е. у себя в кабинете)
19.08.2015 13:44:35 gen. be smothered захлебнуться (об аттаке // A second attempt about 1130 on a narrower portion of the front reached the lower slopes of Hill 306 but was then smothered by fire, mainly from the north flank)
19.08.2015 13:37:05 USA fatigues полевая форма (=or battledress; standard combat uniform, green in color) Не путать с повседневной формой!)
19.08.2015 13:24:33 gen. phytosanitary product фитосанитарное средство
19.08.2015 13:12:39 mil., lingo pin down прижать к земле (She felt an invisible force pin her down to the ground, legs spread, arms wide. // также в переносном значении: The infantry remained pinned down under intensified ground fire and an enemy dive-bombing.)
19.08.2015 13:12:04 gen. go for naught сойти на нет (The infantry remained pinned down under intensified ground fire and an enemy dive-bombing, so that the whole effort went for naught.)
19.08.2015 9:56:07 mil. casualty report рапорт о потерях личного состава
19.08.2015 9:40:08 gen. under the pretense of якобы (= как бы: to reveal an intimate body part under the pretense of an accident – якобы случайно)
18.08.2015 14:50:13 inf. not an issue at all без проблем (в ответ на вопрос)
18.08.2015 14:49:02 inf. have serious issues с головой не всё в порядке (If you say that a person "has issues", it means that they are mentally or emotionally unhealty. They may need a psychiatrist's help. // You have serious issues.)
18.08.2015 14:46:08 inf. it's no trouble всё в порядке (в значении "не переживай, мне это не доставит неудобств": "I can drive Jared to school" "Really? Are you sure?" "Yeah, it's no trouble." phrasemix.com)
18.08.2015 14:42:42 gen. have trouble understanding плохо понимать
18.08.2015 12:02:04 slang brit. bloke штрих (a person (mainly UK))
18.08.2015 11:55:53 mil., lingo Nat Gaurd нацгвардия
18.08.2015 11:55:53 inf. Nat Guard нацгвардия (Nat Guard and uniformed military on station now in the Gulf coast area.)
18.08.2015 11:40:05 gen. be on station нести боевое дежурство (Nat Guard and uniformed military on station now in the Gulf coast area. US Navy and Marine forces already are on station in the Middle East, part of the US policy of keeping a carrier strike group and an amphibious ready group in the region. "We will stay on station until our presence there is not needed any further," National Guard Maj. Gen. John Nichols said. ...told one of the Air Patrols to escort the A6 to the Midway and the other one to stay on station to the south of PIRAZ.)
18.08.2015 11:31:57 mil. station боевое дежурство (обычно в сочетании "on station") One [of the drones] would be sent on station in thirty minutes. // "We will stay on station until our presence there is not needed any further," National Guard Maj. Gen. John Nichols said. // ...told one of the Air Patrols to escort the A6 to the Midway and the other one to stay on station to the south of PIRAZ. | (см. тж.) на боевом дежурстве)
17.08.2015 15:47:45 mil., lingo reel out тянуться (в некоторых контекстах) As the missile flies, the wires are reeled out behind it.)
17.08.2015 15:21:07 mil., lingo Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided Missile ПТУР (управляемая по проводам) сокращённо TOW)
17.08.2015 15:20:49 mil. TOW ПТУР (управляемая по проводам) – Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided Missile)
17.08.2015 14:45:33 mil., navy gunnery drill стрельбы (учебные, артиллерийские на флоте: One of the results of the gun crew's performance was that we never held another gunnery drill from that day until the day we departed the Gulf.)
17.08.2015 14:39:55 mil. scout out разведать (I want you to scout out the enemy positions and report back to me and my fellow Corps.)
17.08.2015 13:46:45 mil., lingo open up открыть огонь (эллипсис от "open fire": Shortly after that our guns opened up and I believe that two more missiles left the ship when the guns were firing.)
17.08.2015 13:26:13 mil., lingo come on the radio выйти на связь (When the A6 came on the radio saying he had been hit and his co-pilot had been hurt, the Captain was notified.)
17.08.2015 12:01:22 gen. skein клин (птичий)
17.08.2015 11:47:16 avia. V formation клин (боевой порядок)
17.08.2015 11:30:12 gen. observer корректировщик (огня)
14.08.2015 16:33:06 gen. cracknel шкварки (crisp bits of fried pork fat)
14.08.2015 15:12:51 gen. self inflicted injury членовредительство (One man paid another man £50 to break his arm in a door because he did not want to continue the training.The poor guy simply ended up in jail after treatment for self inflicted injuries.)
14.08.2015 12:16:15 mil. news armor техника (в знач. "бронетехника": When the Russian armor entered the city on that day, they did not expect a battle and the field commanders had no idea about how well the city is defended. • Analysis: Just as Russian armour and helicopters are edging up the border, Russian messaging is also advancing to the brink)
14.08.2015 12:16:15 mil. news armor бронетехника (When the Russian armor entered the city on that day, they did not expect a battle and the field commanders had no idea about how well the city is defended.)
14.08.2015 12:15:21 mil., lingo intel разведка (When the Russian armor entered the city on that day, they did not expect a battle and the field commanders had no idea about how well the city is defended. Their goal was to simply roll into the city with a show of force. Intel failed, and high level commanders (most of whom are gone now) were very reckless.)
14.08.2015 12:12:37 gen. sign up for подписаться (They knew what they had signed up for, nothing unusual.)
14.08.2015 12:10:47 mil. Russia Spetsnaz спецназ (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Moscow's deployment into Belarus is believed to be its biggest there since the Cold War, with "an expected 30,000 combat troops, Spetsnaz special operation forces, fighter jets including SU-35, Iskander dual-capable missiles and S-400 air defense systems," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on February 3. cnn.com)
14.08.2015 12:10:47 mil. Russia Spetznaz спецназ (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Entire "elite" Spetznaz units deserted to the Chechen rebels.)
14.08.2015 12:10:47 mil. Russia Speznaz спецназ (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Nato has warned that Russian forces in Belarus could reach 30,000, including Speznaz special operations forces, SU-35 fighter jets, S-400 air defence systems and Iskander missiles, which can carry nuclear weapons, and have a range of 500km. theguardian.com)
14.08.2015 11:46:29 gen. blindfold повязка (на глаза // Roger was later taken somewhere with his blindfold still on)
14.08.2015 11:35:46 inf. get a hand over получить преимущество (оказаться в более выигрышном положении) People on armor instead of under it can quickly scatter around and start fighting. If the vehicle will be intact at this point they get a hand over their attackers, if it's destroyed then they are at least even.)
14.08.2015 11:34:14 inf. scatter around рассредоточиться (People on armor instead of under it can quickly scatter around and start fighting. If the vehicle will be intact at this point they get a hand over their attackers, if it's destroyed then they are at least even.)
14.08.2015 11:31:25 mil. ride on armor ехать на броне (I think it roots down to WWII where if a tank shot an APC all people inside would be dead or permamently injured, so riding on armor gave you more chance to survive.)
14.08.2015 11:01:35 gen. run out of battery разрядиться (об электронике: Research found six in 10 people run out of battery before the end of the day. • My iPhone ran out of battery last night, and now it won't turn on. • Ran out of battery in your laptop again?)
14.08.2015 10:35:21 gen. click a gun щёлкать затвором ("Why you bas..." Max was cut of by both of Zayn's guards clicking their guns at him. // as we stepped out of the vehicle they were clicking their guns and pointing them at us, and the air was quite electric. // While inside the jeep, the soldiers threatened to kill them if they refused to cooperate with them by clicking their guns as if making them ready to fire.)
14.08.2015 10:28:20 weap. rack the slide взводить затвор (пистолета)
14.08.2015 10:16:57 gen. cock a weapon взводить затвор (This nineteen-year-old man had thirty soldiers in front of him, cocking their weapons and pointing them at him // You know like in the movies, just as the good guy is about to kill the bad guy, he cocks his gun. Now why didn't he have it cocked? Because that sound is scary. It's cool, isn't it?)
14.08.2015 9:54:02 media. sack увольнение (McDonald's has apologised for an incident in which workers in one of the US burger chain's French franchises appeared to be threatened with the sack for feeding homeless people.)
13.08.2015 16:43:58 gen. from behind cover из укрытия (Then three Lizard helicopters popped up from behind cover, two from out of clearings in the woods and the third from behind a barn. // Perform a stealth attack from behind cover to take out both guards at the same time.)
13.08.2015 16:29:25 gen. design limits рассчитанный (контекстуальное соответствие // "One more time, baby," she coaxed the helicopter as she pushed the engine well beyond its design limits yet again. – ...выжимая из двигателя горадо больше того, на что он был рассчитан.)
13.08.2015 16:12:23 gen. hold a pistol to head приставить пистолет к голове (Once airborne the women held semi-automatic pistols to pilot Tim Graves head and ordered him to land in the prison yard to pick up the two men.)
13.08.2015 16:05:10 gen. airlift переправить по воздуху (Family airlifted by helicopter from beach. • Blankets and other basic humanitarian supplies such as water, food, and medical that will be airlifted via helicopter to Gorkha immediately.)
13.08.2015 15:54:58 mil. knock out light выбить свет (While I was below, the second explosion came, knocking out the lights and throwing me to the floor. // Streets lights were knocked out in downtown Saskatoon Saturday after a major power outage affected the city's west side.)
13.08.2015 15:46:14 mil. group группировка (A communique from Adolf Hitler's headquarters said the Germans had "cut off and annihilated" a Soviet group which was isolated from its communications on the central sector of the eastern front.)
13.08.2015 14:31:24 inf. shitton чертова туча (Consider yourself lucky that you have a shitton of vehicles, as they don't last. At all.)
13.08.2015 14:24:23 mil. cover up approaches прикрывать подступы (Here are anti-tank and anti-infantry mines. Use them to shore up our defenses, covering up approaches.)
13.08.2015 14:23:36 mil. shore up defenses усилить оборону
13.08.2015 14:17:12 gen. hose прикончить (A tank (even many tanks) sent in without infantry cover into enemy trenches will get hosed up fast.)
13.08.2015 13:33:37 inf. barracks воинская часть (как территория; подойдет в некоторых контекстах))
13.08.2015 13:24:55 mil. military base воинская часть (как территория) In general, a military base provides accommodations for one or more units, but it may also be used as a command center, a training ground, or a proving ground. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_base))
13.08.2015 10:22:07 inf. spread out рассредоточиться (The police spread out to search a wider area. // This posture allowed them to choose their own moments of counter-attack and, most important of all, to resort to guerrilla tactics: spreading out, attacking from cover, picking off stragglers, harassing lines of retreat, and wearing down the enemy both physically and psychologically.)
13.08.2015 9:59:15 gen. from cover из укрытия (Most snipers operate from cover and concealment. // It's better to attack from cover than from out in the open. // This posture allowed them to choose their own moments of counter-attack and, most important of all, to resort to guerrilla tactics: spreading out, attacking from cover, picking off stragglers, harassing lines of retreat, and wearing down the enemy both physically and psychologically.)
13.08.2015 1:21:27 inf. favorite любимчик (It should be said that Jeff was the more attractive of the boys, and against all unwritten mother laws, their mother had chosen a favorite.)
13.08.2015 1:19:23 inf. a year apart с разницей в один год (Among their children were two boys, Jeff and Skip. These two were only about a year apart)
13.08.2015 1:17:31 inf. upstairs neighbor сосед сверху (We ended up calling the police for an upstairs neighbor. // On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor.)
13.08.2015 1:15:48 inf. downstairs neighbor сосед снизу (Our air conditioner works (thanks to our awesome downstairs neighbor who knew what was wrong).)
12.08.2015 15:21:54 inf. hammer down дать газу (We rolled up my car window for more wind resistance, and I hammered down with him on my tail.)
12.08.2015 11:50:49 gen. be wrong about ошибаться (The only thing I was wrong about was my optimistic prediction that bitcoin will ride high until the next great general depression)
12.08.2015 11:50:18 gen. be wrong about ошибиться (The only thing I was wrong about was my optimistic prediction that bitcoin will ride high until the next great general depression.)
11.08.2015 16:49:07 law involuntary manslaughter непредумышленное убийство (murder – всегда убийство по умыслу // см. также "homicide by negligence" и "malice aforethought")
11.08.2015 16:46:53 law malice aforethought преступный умысел (Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought, either expressed or implied.)
11.08.2015 16:45:20 law homicide by negligence убийство по неосторожности
11.08.2015 14:15:55 gen. All-Great Don Host Всевеликое Войско Донское
11.08.2015 12:12:30 gen. All-Great Don Host Всевеликое Войско Донское (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cossack_host)
11.08.2015 9:57:14 trucks prime mover голова (т.е. седельный тягач по отношению к полуприцепу // см. тж. "deadhead" (порожняк) и "bobtail" ("огрызок"))
10.08.2015 16:39:32 inf. checkerboard pattern "шашечка" (раскраска такси)
10.08.2015 16:33:15 gen. dollar van маршрутка (wikipedia.org)
10.08.2015 16:33:15 gen. jitney маршрутка (small bus or minibus which typically operates service on a fixed route, sometimes scheduled)
10.08.2015 14:47:06 context. God help you if не дай бог (God help you if you do that again! • I will be looking out for you in future and God help you if I ever see you again... • You're to do it, but God help you if you ever tell them a damned thing about what we're going to do)
10.08.2015 14:46:29 gen. may God keep you from упаси бог (May God keep you from going near that place! // см. тж. статью "не дай бог")
10.08.2015 14:35:36 context. don't even think не дай бог (Don't even think of pulling something like that again. – Не дай бог тебе выкинуть такое ещё раз! • Don't even think of touching her. – И не дай бог ты тронешь ее.)
10.08.2015 14:01:18 inf. live on easy street горя не знать
10.08.2015 13:33:52 mil. assault rifle автоматическая винтовка (второго поколения (battle rifle – автоматическая винтовка первого поколения))
10.08.2015 13:29:52 mil. assault rifle автомат (Автомат, или автоматический карабин (в иностранной литературе – "штурмовая винтовка"))
10.08.2015 13:27:34 mil. assault rifle автоматический карабин (то же, что и автомат)
10.08.2015 13:18:49 mil. battle rifle автоматическая винтовка первого поколения
10.08.2015 13:16:11 mil. battle rifle автоматическая винтовка первого поколения (под винтовочно-пулемётный боеприпас goo.gl)
10.08.2015 11:30:07 inf. buttonhole заловить (To accost or detain a person in order to force them to engage you in conversation. // Man, I dropped by this party last night to say hey to a friend, and my ex was there, and before I could get out she totally buttonholed me in the foyer and starting crying about how we should get back together. It was messy. // Urban Dictionary)
10.08.2015 11:16:26 slang context. browbeat строить (to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech: His father likes to browbeat waiters and waitresses.)
9.08.2015 22:29:05 inf. hector наезжать (to talk and behave towards someone in a loud and unpleasantly forceful way, especially in order to get them to act or think as you want)
9.08.2015 0:12:34 inf. face down не спасовать (to make a face-to-face stand with someone who eventually backs down / o defeat someone or something that is opposing you by being brave and strong // They mounted a renewed attack at dawn and he faced them down once more. They fled.)
7.08.2015 12:43:13 gen. cab type капотная схема (тягача)
7.08.2015 12:39:47 gen. low loader трал

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