
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

21.03.2016 11:46:59 mil. go off разорваться (о снаряде, заряде, бомбе и т.п.: When the charge goes off, the piston is ejected in the right direction, right out the open nose end of the rocket. • The big automatic made a sound like hand grenades going off.)
21.03.2016 11:40:33 gen. thin неубедительный (Finlay looked blank. It must have sounded pretty thin to him. It would have sounded pretty thin to me too, in his position. (с))
21.03.2016 11:29:49 mil. be operated by состоять на вооружении ([Russian report] said the attack could only have been carried out using a discontinued Buk M-1 system, which it claimed the Ukrainian army operated but the Russian army did not.)
21.03.2016 11:25:42 gen. to the contrary свидетельствующий об обратном (Russia has denied supplying the system to the separatists, just as it has denied providing any military aid, despite much evidence to the contrary. | The Guardian)
21.03.2016 10:54:12 gen. a spell немного (о времени: wait a spell)
21.03.2016 10:48:56 gen. wait a spell подождать (немного: You'll have to wait a spell, they're all busy right now. • If you can wait a spell, I'll ride out there with you. • He looked up to the carriage man, tossing him a coin. "We'll need you to wait a spell, mate".)
21.03.2016 10:45:41 gen. for a spell ненадолго (I was up in Atlanta for a spell, wasn’t here to know. (с))
21.03.2016 10:44:29 inf. damsel дамочка
21.03.2016 10:24:41 inf. shit is fucked up полная задница
21.03.2016 10:24:19 inf. deep shit полная задница
19.03.2016 23:28:16 inf. bee sting пчелиный укус
19.03.2016 21:40:04 inf. get the hang of it въехать (=уловить суть процесса, понять, как управляться с чем-либо)
18.03.2016 17:31:34 inf. get tested in live action пройти обкатку (It was meticulously tested prior to the launch and tested in live action for 5 months.)
18.03.2016 17:28:58 inf. fig. action test обкатка (испытание в действии)
18.03.2016 14:29:42 inf. chain-store купленный в супермаркете (хороший вариант для перевода нашего "из Ашана" // He was dressed up in cheap chainstore clothes.)
18.03.2016 14:28:47 inf. chainstore купленный в супермаркете (хороший вариант для перевода нашего "из Ашана" // He was dressed up in cheap chainstore clothes.)
18.03.2016 14:28:47 inf. chainstore см. chain-store
18.03.2016 13:45:07 inf. run for one's life удирать
18.03.2016 13:45:07 inf. run for one's life спасаться бегством
18.03.2016 11:56:05 inf. private security company охранное предприятие (wikipedia.org)
18.03.2016 11:48:50 inf. be off rocker сдуреть (He's off his rocker if he thinks he can tackle the whole thing alone.)
18.03.2016 11:43:26 gen. you do it once again and ещё раз и (You do it once again and smack you in the face.)
18.03.2016 11:42:24 inf. be so close to ещё немного и (I swear to god I'm so close to losing my shit)
18.03.2016 11:38:16 gen. make someone blow a fuse вывести из себя
18.03.2016 11:38:16 idiom. make someone blow a gasket вывести из себя
18.03.2016 11:07:12 gen. as anything как я не знаю что (She as cool as anything.)
18.03.2016 11:03:59 gen. mean as fuck нереально крут
18.03.2016 11:02:03 inf. as hell нереально (She's tough as hell and she has brains to go with it.)
18.03.2016 10:56:50 gen. as I don't know what как я не знаю что (We aint have no AC out here. It's hot as I don't know what. • She is bad as I don't know what. • You could be cool as I don't know what, but if you're not ready to work hard, I can't really get with you.)
17.03.2016 23:21:08 gen. cash withdrawal fee комиссия за снятие наличных (с карты)
17.03.2016 23:18:59 gen. be shocked as hell обалдеть (as fuck, etc.)
17.03.2016 23:02:16 child. finders keepers, losers weepers что упало, то пропало
17.03.2016 22:59:48 child. finders keepers, losers weepers Чур, моё! Я первый нашёл!
17.03.2016 22:51:35 gen. make a copy отксерить
17.03.2016 18:38:18 inf. you name it всё что угодно (2010 was a bad time to sell anything – stocks, real estate, businesses, you name it.)
17.03.2016 18:25:45 gen. be left speechless обалдеть (leaves me fucking speechless)
17.03.2016 18:25:10 gen. be left baffled обалдеть (leaves me fucking baffled)
17.03.2016 18:14:57 fig. shell-shocked не в себе (Better replace him with a fool, they said. Better pick the worst candidate who applies, they said. And they did. They picked a shell-shocked idiot from Boston. (с))
17.03.2016 18:04:59 gen. truckload машина (то есть количество, умещающееся в кузове грузовой машины) Например, машина дров, машина песка, даже машина солдат: I have ordered two truckloads of sand, which is about eighteen tons a load. • Throughout the evening, three truckloads of soldiers arrived at the camp.)
17.03.2016 15:33:04 inf. big deal шишка (Kliner owns the warehouses up near the highway, right?" "Right," he said. "And a whole lot more besides. Big deal round here, Mr. Kliner. (с))
17.03.2016 15:01:26 gen. ever не успевать (=едва, тж. hardly ever: As organic material decays, it is recycled so quickly that few nutrients ever reach the soil. – ...просто не успевают попадать в почву.)
17.03.2016 15:00:32 gen. never get a chance не успеть (He left so quickly that I never got a chance to say goodbye.)
17.03.2016 14:36:10 inf. sniff out пронюхать
17.03.2016 14:36:10 inf. sniff out разнюхать
17.03.2016 14:20:36 gen. keep station держаться (на каком-либо расстоянии; выражение происходит из флота: We drove on in silence for a mile or two. The two guys in the plain sedan kept station a hundred yards behind the Bentley.)
17.03.2016 13:45:46 gen. armored convoy бронеколонна
17.03.2016 13:13:36 mil. rally point точка сбора (A rally point is a place designated by the leader where the unit moves to reassemble and reorganize.)
17.03.2016 13:04:26 gen. pack child off to school собирать ребёнка в школу
17.03.2016 12:52:31 gen. pack off собрать в дорогу
17.03.2016 12:50:09 gen. ship in/out переправить (напр., через границу)
17.03.2016 12:16:53 gen. smuggle переправить (нелегально через границу, в т.ч.)
17.03.2016 12:08:31 gen. doctor's check-up медосмотр (You can consider booking your child in for a dentist appointment and a doctor’s check-up (some kids require immunisations for school).)
17.03.2016 12:03:38 gen. pack off собрать вещи (кому-либо другому)
17.03.2016 11:50:22 gen. get a Xerox отксерить
17.03.2016 11:49:55 gen. make a Xerox отксерить (In the early days of office copiers, Xerox was the clear leader, leading its name to become synonymous with the word "copy." "I'm going to make a Xerox of this" was a commonly heard statement in the latter part of the 20th century, even when an office's copier was another brand. || Finlay handed him the torn printout. "Get me a Xerox of this, will you?" he said. (с))
17.03.2016 11:26:02 mil. repair parts and tools запасные части, инструменты и принадлежности (из американской инструкции)
17.03.2016 11:15:22 gen. make up for наверстать (упущенное)
17.03.2016 1:54:39 gen. half hour полчаса (I waited a half hour.)
17.03.2016 1:54:09 gen. walk a circuit обойти кругом (She stepped through the French doors and strolled a slow circuit outside the house. / He walked a circuit of the truck.)
17.03.2016 1:52:09 gen. parking claim парковочный талон (Asked him to bring the Bentley to the airport and to leave the key and the parking claim at the arrivals information desk. (с))
17.03.2016 1:50:38 gen. go down like a tree упасть как подкошенный (I smashed the sap across the back of his skull. The guy went down on the gravel like a tree. (с))
17.03.2016 1:47:57 gen. fraction чуть-чуть
17.03.2016 1:47:57 gen. fraction слегка
17.03.2016 1:44:51 gen. split second доля секунды (right at the last split second)
17.03.2016 1:43:34 inf. fraction доля секунды (That won me a tiny fraction. / That made me hesitate a fraction. / I spent a fraction of a second weighing up the odds.)
17.03.2016 1:41:14 gen. send a shell into the chamber дослать патрон (в патронник) Также put, load, crank, rack, jack и т.п. Если речь идёт о помповом ружье, то вместо send можно сказать pump: I stuck the barrel out trying to pump a shell into the chamber. No luck. The action was frozen)
17.03.2016 1:33:53 gen. haul oneself out выбраться (откуда-либо / I hauled myself out of the pool.)
17.03.2016 1:30:27 gen. in line with the alphabet по алфавиту (All filed in line with the alphabet, all in neat date order. (с))
17.03.2016 1:16:28 inf. halfway и наполовину (But this fat police chief was a waste of space. ... He didn’t look halfway competent. (с))
17.03.2016 1:14:35 gen. halfway through the night полночи (I read halfway through the night.)
17.03.2016 1:03:38 inf. tight as a fish's asshole все схвачено
17.03.2016 0:59:51 inf. tight as a fish's asshole не подкопаешься (It’s manufactured up in Dalton and the whole operation is as tight as a fish’s asshole. They haven’t lost a single sheet in a hundred and twenty years.)
17.03.2016 0:46:16 gen. in here зайди (Teale leaned forward and thumbed the intercom button on the desk. "Baker?" Teale said. "In here, please.")
17.03.2016 0:44:38 gen. smell a rat почуять неладное
17.03.2016 0:43:50 gen. smell a rat понять, что дело плохо (He'd smelled a rat and run for his life.)
17.03.2016 0:42:15 context. tell пусть (someone); в соответствующем контексте // Tell them to come over. – Пусть заедут.)
17.03.2016 0:38:40 inf. shoot off one's mouth трепаться (And I'm not going out of business just because an asshole like Hubble is running around somewhere shooting his stupid mouth off. (с))
16.03.2016 17:22:30 mil. ghillie см. ghillie suit
16.03.2016 14:47:26 radioloc. radome колпак (антенны РДС или РГСН из радиопрозрачного материала: Patriot missile radome is made of slip-cast fused silica approximately 16.5 millimetres (0.65 in) thick, with nickel alloy tip, and a composite base attachment ring bonded to the slip cast fused silica and protected by a molded silicone rubber ring. The radome provides an aerodynamic shape for the missile and microwave window and thermal protection for the RF seeker and electronic components.)
16.03.2016 14:44:00 mil., AAA high-manoeuvrability высокоманёвренный
16.03.2016 14:43:09 furn. bassinette детская кроватка
16.03.2016 14:42:25 furn. bassinette люлька
16.03.2016 14:36:26 missil. blast-fragmentation осколочно-фугасный (предпочтительный вариант)
16.03.2016 14:34:56 furn. bassinette кроватка для новорождённых
16.03.2016 12:37:07 missil. HE-fragmentation осколочно-фугасный (HE for "high explosive")
16.03.2016 12:06:38 gen. latax см. lateral acceleration
15.03.2016 18:36:29 mil. fragmentation поражающие элементы (снаряда)
15.03.2016 13:54:06 econ. sustain damage причинять ущерб (нести ущерб; нести убыток)
15.03.2016 13:54:06 econ. sustain damage терпеть убытки
15.03.2016 13:40:33 gen. lay flat улечься (I took off my coat and rolled it up. Lay flat on the floor and crammed the coat under my head. (c))
15.03.2016 13:39:02 gen. lay flat распластаться (I swam out onto the truck’s roof. Lay flat and silent. Held my breath. (c))
15.03.2016 11:20:29 inf. poke around шарить (копаться в чем-то // I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.)
15.03.2016 11:17:19 gen. tinker шаманить (This car is a runner but has been sitting a while and will need a little tinkering to get started)
15.03.2016 8:36:24 gen. edit war война правок
15.03.2016 7:55:22 mil., AAA effective range зона поражения с вероятностью не ниже заданной
14.03.2016 18:40:04 ceram. sitall ситалл (a crystalline glass-ceramic with ultra low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) originally manufactured in the former Soviet Union | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitall)
14.03.2016 15:34:07 rude red-hot mama огонь-баба
14.03.2016 15:21:50 auto. locking jaw pin палец (захвата седельного устройства)
14.03.2016 15:15:25 auto. fifth-wheel coupling опорно-сцепное устройство
14.03.2016 15:04:19 auto. fifth-wheel coupling седельно-сцепное устройство (The fifth-wheel coupling provides the link between a semi-trailer and the towing truck or tractor unit.)

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