
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

26.05.2021 16:51:56 gen. you don't say so! да вы что?!
26.05.2021 16:51:02 да что вы говорите?! да вы что?!
26.05.2021 16:40:13 рыжеволосый рыжий
26.05.2021 16:27:31 вправе быть вправе
26.05.2021 16:27:24 быть вправе вправе
26.05.2021 16:20:21 go hang go hang yourself
26.05.2021 16:19:51 go hang yourself go hang
26.05.2021 16:19:51 go hang yourself go hang oneself
26.05.2021 16:19:11 go hang oneself go hang yourself
26.05.2021 16:14:49 go hang oneself go hang
26.05.2021 16:12:38 go hang go hang oneself
26.05.2021 16:06:51 law.enf. in remand во время досудебного заключения (Authorities also held boys in adult prisons throughout the country while in remand.)
26.05.2021 16:05:54 law.enf. in remand в следственном изоляторе
26.05.2021 14:50:19 administer oaths administer an oath
26.05.2021 14:44:52 gen. affirmation of office присяга (напр., нотариуса: I, Joe Q. Notary, having been duly appointed and commissioned a Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity. pa.gov)
26.05.2021 14:23:25 measure a measure of
26.05.2021 13:49:57 done deal it's a done deal
26.05.2021 13:49:50 it's a done deal done deal
26.05.2021 13:49:37 a done deal done deal
26.05.2021 12:11:12 moto. face shield визор (мотошлема: An internal retractable sun visor eases eye strain instantly in varying light conditions without changing face shields.)
25.05.2021 2:20:56 есть такое дело это да
25.05.2021 0:54:51 нехорошо некрасиво
25.05.2021 0:50:44 gen. nefarious злокозненный
25.05.2021 0:00:24 slang backpedal соскочить (отказаться от своих слов)
25.05.2021 0:00:24 slang backpedal спрыгнуть (отказаться от своих слов)
24.05.2021 23:51:50 соскочить спрыгнуть
24.05.2021 23:51:43 спрыгнуть соскочить
24.05.2021 22:55:22 gen. less без учёта (в знач. "за вычeтом")
24.05.2021 22:52:47 gen. in saleable condition без потери товарного вида (Goods may be returned if unused and in saleable condition.)
24.05.2021 21:13:55 ничего страшного ничего
24.05.2021 18:55:59 connector terminal terminal block
24.05.2021 18:40:25 electr.eng. spade connector ножевой разъем
24.05.2021 12:22:56 стошнить вырвать
24.05.2021 12:22:56 выхватить из рук вырвать
24.05.2021 12:22:45 вырвать стошнить
24.05.2021 12:14:57 idiom. everyone and their dog все, кто ни попадя (everyone and their dog has a Ford Mustang)
24.05.2021 11:46:50 inf. tell me about it кто бы говорил
24.05.2021 11:26:47 как там его скажи мне, и я тебе скажу
24.05.2021 11:26:47 это самое скажи мне, и я тебе скажу
24.05.2021 11:08:59 по делу о по делу
24.05.2021 10:58:56 надо не надо
24.05.2021 10:58:53 не надо надо
24.05.2021 1:14:55 вздуть отмудохать
24.05.2021 1:14:55 взгреть отмудохать
24.05.2021 1:01:44 всыпать по первое число отмудохать
24.05.2021 0:38:03 отмудохать дать пизды
23.05.2021 22:57:28 in light in light of
23.05.2021 22:54:25 law neutrality непредвзятость (нейтральная позиция: The legal practitioners or professors serving as foreign law experts are paid for their testimony, so their neutrality has been questioned on the premise that a litigant would never select an expert absent a willingness to advance interpretations only consistent with said litigant's position. uakron.edu)
22.05.2021 1:24:09 moto. inf. Ducatisti дукативоды (A Ducati 899 Panigale meets Rules One and Two and in no way should be considered even remotely appropriate for a beginning rider. (I know the Ducatisti are taking to their keyboards at this moment.) revzilla.com)
21.05.2021 21:50:37 inf. wrench крутить гайки (Old bikes break more. This is a mechanical certainty; I've tested this theory a jillion times. Trust me, it's airtight. If you are unwilling to wrench, be prepared to spend a bit more. If you are unprepared to spend a bit more, be prepared to wrench.)
21.05.2021 11:42:01 colonisation colonization
21.05.2021 11:38:28 tools inf. Allen wrench шестигранник (в знач. "шестигранный торцевой гаечный ключ")
20.05.2021 23:46:05 lokum Turkish delight
20.05.2021 10:34:12 babooshka babushka
20.05.2021 10:31:06 humor. hooptie старушка (о старом автомобиле и т. п.)
20.05.2021 3:22:13 gen. be the king не иметь себе равных (Scooters are the king when it comes to miles per gallon.)
20.05.2021 2:50:02 piece of work nasty piece of work
20.05.2021 2:36:30 отпиздить дать пизды
20.05.2021 2:36:19 навалять дать пизды
20.05.2021 2:36:19 вздуть дать пизды
20.05.2021 2:36:19 взгреть дать пизды
20.05.2021 2:05:49 context. at least that's what I heard вроде бы
20.05.2021 1:57:30 буквально только что только что
20.05.2021 1:48:19 артиллерийская подготовка артподготовка
20.05.2021 1:40:27 насколько мне известно насколько я знаю
20.05.2021 1:33:04 to the best of my knowledge to the best of my knowledge and belief
20.05.2021 1:28:55 emph. on earth ну вот (Ну вот как я должен был догадаться?! – How on earth was I supposed to guess that?)
20.05.2021 1:04:20 emph. on earth чёрт побери
20.05.2021 0:56:11 в темное время суток по темному
20.05.2021 0:56:11 после наступления темноты по темному
20.05.2021 0:40:04 not have a clue have no clue
20.05.2021 0:39:58 have no clue not have a clue
20.05.2021 0:06:49 и не более того и ничего более
20.05.2021 0:06:27 gen. is all и не более того (Kids make fun of him, is all.)
20.05.2021 0:05:00 и ничего более и не более того
19.05.2021 23:35:43 сейчас же сейчас
19.05.2021 23:23:21 tel. get someone on the phone with соединить с (Once I've gotten a feel for your business, I'll get you on the phone with my right-hand man Anthony. • If we have to, I'll get you on the phone with my service tech.)
19.05.2021 23:14:38 tel. put someone on the phone давать трубку ("Alright, I'll put you on the phone with Mrs. Wright." He hands his phone to Tre's mom.)
19.05.2021 23:08:51 tel. put someone on the line соединить с (Secretary: Just a moment, I'll put him on the line. • I'll put him on the line. Could you hold on, please?)
19.05.2021 23:08:51 tel. put someone on the phone with соединить с (someone else: "I'll put you on the phone with the guy in charge of the warehouse," the agent told him. • Management, to not hurt their store metric rating for credits applied to accounts, even made us use the tactic of "I'll put you on the phone with customer service to take that service off your account that you didn't authorize" to take care of upset customers instead of doing it themselves.)
19.05.2021 23:03:00 соединить с соединить
19.05.2021 22:52:44 единственно единственный
19.05.2021 21:35:20 inf. hot краденый (Check the VIN. The rest of this guide is useless if you're looking over a hot bike. (Stolen, not souped-up!) revzilla.com)
19.05.2021 21:32:55 inf. care for смотреть (в знач. "ухаживать": The bike generally looks like it was cared for.)
19.05.2021 20:59:44 gen. when it comes to по (в плане чего-либо: When it comes to performance, this model is definitely at the top of the list. – по мощностным характеристикам)
19.05.2021 20:54:58 gen. when it comes to в случае с
19.05.2021 20:53:21 separate the grain from the chaff sort the wheat from the chaff
19.05.2021 20:53:21 separate the grain from the chaff separate the wheat from the chaff
19.05.2021 20:53:14 separate the wheat from the chaff sort the wheat from the chaff
19.05.2021 20:51:58 sort the wheat from the chaff separate the wheat from the chaff
19.05.2021 20:33:31 inf. context. get burned попасть на деньги (Don't get burned: Tips for buying a used motorcycle)
19.05.2021 20:31:35 slang get burned наколоться
19.05.2021 16:33:13 hummer humdinger
19.05.2021 11:07:45 отдел записи актов гражданского состояния ЗАГС
19.05.2021 2:22:54 клоачные клоачный
19.05.2021 0:25:45 moto. slang lay down уложить на бок (мотоцикл: I mean, grabbing a fistfull of front brakes is a pretty reliable way to low side the bike and lay her down.)
19.05.2021 0:17:05 moto. inf. lay the bike down "положить" мотоцикл (You generally get a phrase like' I couldn't stop in time so I had to lay the bike down'. This is code for 'I don't know and was never taught how to use the brakes.' • "I had to lay down the bike to avoid hitting the curb, sliding a good fifty feet," he said. "I was lucky to be alive." • Whenever someone says "I had to lay her down" all I hear is "I ran out of skill." • Laying a bike down to reduce the impact is not giving up. Sometimes it is all you have but you can not just toss the bike over without any thought. • I've never understood the "I had to lay the bike down" thing and don't see it as a strategy that should ever even come up.)
19.05.2021 0:17:05 moto. inf. lay the bike down "класть" мотоцикл
19.05.2021 0:17:05 moto. inf. put the bike down "положить" мотоцикл (I am never going to put the motorcycle down to avoid an accident. Brake, swerve anything but laying it down. • Belcastro, who was wearing a helmet, put down the bike on the road, which is a common crash evasio tactic, but he struck the car as the bike slid past and stopped beyond the intersection.)
18.05.2021 11:59:49 botch botch together

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