
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

23.05.2016 14:10:30 gen. make it tough усложнять (Dad, don't make it tough for me. – Папа, не надо всё усложнять.)
23.05.2016 14:00:47 slang screw the pooch с треском облажаться (to fuck things up royally)
23.05.2016 14:00:47 slang screw the pooch облажаться по полной (to fuck things up royally)
23.05.2016 13:48:25 gen. fritter around валять дурака (I was supposed to do work, but I frittered around all afternoon.)
20.05.2016 15:19:36 slang rat on настучать на (someone: He ratted on his coworker.)
20.05.2016 14:58:43 gen. lose one's mind сдуреть (Have you lost your fucking mind? – Ты что, сдурела?)
20.05.2016 14:02:55 gen. douchebag урод (jerk or asshole; a mean or rude person; someone seen as being arrogant, snobby or obnoxious)
20.05.2016 12:00:47 gen. slander очернить (to make a false or unsupported, malicious statement (spoken or published), especially one which is injurious to a person's reputation)
19.05.2016 17:01:13 gen. fuck off свалить
19.05.2016 16:19:30 gen. place one foot in front of the other переставлять ноги (I was so tired that I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. / All I did was to place one foot in front of the other for nearly four hours.)
19.05.2016 15:29:33 mil., lingo go hiding out шкериться
19.05.2016 15:18:04 mil., lingo hide out шкериться (тж. go hiding out) прятаться, стараться не попадаться на глаза командному составу с целью уклонения от потенциальных работ)
19.05.2016 12:07:15 slang put head on the block подставляться (I'm not going to put my head on the block for you – it could cost me my promotion.)
19.05.2016 11:18:53 gen. put head on the block голову отдать (за кого-либо)
19.05.2016 11:18:53 idiom. put head on the block рисковать головой (ради кого-либо) I don't know why I should put my head on the block for Joan. What has she ever done for me?)
19.05.2016 11:18:53 slang put head on the block подписаться (поручиться за кого-либо) The last time I put my head on the block for anyone, it all backfired, and when the person goofed up, I looked like an idiot!)
16.05.2016 17:21:58 inf. make a big deal носиться (с чем-либо: I knew that I wasn't walking right, but my parents had made such a big deal of it.)
16.05.2016 17:17:35 gen. make a big deal делать трагедию
16.05.2016 17:16:55 gen. make a big deal придавать слишком много значения (If you start making a big deal of it, then it's a problem. / Let's not make a big deal of it.)
16.05.2016 17:16:55 gen. make a big deal делать много шума из
16.05.2016 17:10:12 gen. not make a big deal of скромно (напр., скромно отмечать день рождения – not make a big deal of one's birthday)
16.05.2016 16:55:30 gen. with one's head low опустив голову (All three of them stood with their heads low.)
16.05.2016 15:21:24 gen. very convenient проще всего (It's very convenient to blame others.)
16.05.2016 15:18:41 gen. it's always easier проще всего (или easy)
16.05.2016 13:57:05 gen. feh! фу! (an expression of disgust or contempt) It smelled like rotten food, stinking bodies, and stale air. Feh! / A gangster. Feh! Disgusting. | Wiktionary)
16.05.2016 10:07:38 law civil agreement соглашение о внесудебном урегулировании спора (A civil agreement is a legal agreement between two parties resolving a dispute and is commonly handled through the civil court system. Also known as a settlement, a civil agreement is usually the final agreement after mediation takes place.)
16.05.2016 10:07:10 law civil agreement мировое соглашение
13.05.2016 16:13:36 gen. filthy mouth грязный рот (characterized by obscenity)
13.05.2016 14:06:20 gen. work one's way up дослужиться (He was a grunt who worked his way up to become an officer.)
6.05.2016 13:47:26 hydrom. bells and whistles свистоперделки (Lurkmore)
30.04.2016 14:05:44 arts. provenance Провенанс
29.04.2016 13:04:23 mil. within the wire на территории (охраняемого объекта)
29.04.2016 13:03:00 gen. compound комплекс (в сочетаниях типа "военный комплекс" и т.п.)
29.04.2016 12:58:07 gen. compound территория (в значении "территория какого-либо предприятия или комплекса")
29.04.2016 12:52:59 slang die in the ass накрыться медным тазом (fail to function properly; be left unresolved: My computer died in the ass yesterday when I tried to turn it on. • Our plans to go to France died in the ass.)
29.04.2016 12:51:35 gen. die trying во что бы то ни стало (в выражениях "do something or die tring") SYNONYMS: at all costs; at any cost; to the fullest; whatever it takes)
29.04.2016 12:51:35 gen. die trying любой ценой
29.04.2016 11:52:11 gen. performance indicator характеристика (в некоторых случаях)
28.04.2016 17:41:00 gen. take in взять к себе (to allow a person or an animal to live in one's home: take in a stray cat‎ • I was hoping that maybe you can take her in for a while.)
28.04.2016 17:36:10 gen. move in забрать к себе (жить: Did Maura kick you out so she could move in grandpa Patrick?)
28.04.2016 17:34:58 mil. restructuring переформирование (напр., подразделения) Также reorganization: These forces ... took refuge in Congo where they reorganized, retrained and rearmed.)
28.04.2016 16:58:04 gen. break down and rebuild переформировывать (The train travels east through Arizona, stops at a rail yard outside Flagstaff where it gets broken down and rebuilt.)
28.04.2016 16:53:14 gen. first-rate importance первоочередная важность (первоочередной важности – of first-rate importance)
28.04.2016 15:46:17 gen. at the other end на том конце (at the other end of the street, on the other end of the line)
28.04.2016 15:46:03 gen. on the other end of the line на том конце провода
28.04.2016 13:05:31 gen. makes the hair stand up on the back of one's neck волосы дыбом встают
28.04.2016 13:04:11 gen. give the creeps мурашки по коже (требует замены грамматической конструкции) Walking through the graveyard late at night really gives me the creeps.)
28.04.2016 13:02:42 gen. creep out пугать (to make uncomfortable or afraid, to give someone the creeps) That janitor who's always talking about blood creeps me out. | Wiktionary)
28.04.2016 12:59:53 gen. fearmonger нагонять страху
28.04.2016 12:59:53 gen. spread fear нагонять страху
28.04.2016 12:46:27 rude what's your fucking problem? ты задолбал!
28.04.2016 10:33:38 gen. throw in дать в нагрузку (To add something extra free of charge) If you take the large size, we'll throw in a set of tea towels.)
28.04.2016 9:57:36 law make a submission подать документы
28.04.2016 9:57:16 gen. apply подать документы (for something)
26.04.2016 15:20:47 gen. in back на задних рядах
26.04.2016 15:16:55 math. power кратное число (powers of 2 – числа, кратные 2)
26.04.2016 15:11:48 gen. procure снабдить (They kindly procured us a whole bunch of these things.)
26.04.2016 15:11:40 gen. procure предоставить (=снабдить) They kindly procured us a whole bunch of these things.)
26.04.2016 15:07:41 gen. turn oneself to переключиться
26.04.2016 15:02:15 gen. at the end of the day в принципе (в знач. "в целом")
25.04.2016 16:59:44 gen. hard-copy документально оформленный
25.04.2016 16:25:53 gen. central office of criminal investigations главное следственное управление (в структуре различных органов)
25.04.2016 15:15:47 gen. oversee calendars планирование рабочего времени руководителя
25.04.2016 14:58:23 gen. motion for temporary access to property and/or documents ходатайство о временном доступе к вещам и документам
25.04.2016 14:53:10 rude shitfucker уёбок (Like calling someone a fucker (derogatory) but even worse.)
25.04.2016 14:48:33 gen. douchebag надутый индюк (An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.)
25.04.2016 14:30:58 gen. motion to compel ходатайство об обязании предоставить документы
25.04.2016 14:29:00 gen. motion for discovery ходатайство о временном доступе к вещам и документам
25.04.2016 11:38:33 gen. make no mistake не стоит думать, что это не так
25.04.2016 11:34:09 gen. be right не ошибиться (в ком-либо – about someone: I always hated that boy. It's nice to know I was right about him.)
25.04.2016 11:34:09 gen. be right about не ошибиться (в ком-либо | I always hated that boy. It's nice to know I was right about him.)
25.04.2016 11:27:45 gen. make a mistake about ошибиться в (cоответственно, "не ошибиться" – make no mistake about)
25.04.2016 10:47:54 gen. based on a novel by по книге (novel, book, etc.)
25.04.2016 10:40:53 gen. let daylight into наделать дырок (в ком-то пулями // to shoot or stab a person, especially fatally; to shoot holes in someone big enough so the sunlight would show through)
25.04.2016 10:40:20 gen. take out пристрелить
22.04.2016 16:41:30 gen. shtrafniki штрафники (Penal battalion service in infantry roles was the most common use of shtrafniki, and viewed by many Soviet prisoners as tantamount to a death sentence. / Excluding their permanent cadre of nonconvicts, the total number of convict-soldiers (shtrafniki) who served in penal units included ...)
22.04.2016 16:10:13 mil. execute on the spot расстрелять на месте (Shtrafniks that showed any sign of resistance or subversion were usually immediately transferred to trampler duty if they were not summarily executed on the spot.)
22.04.2016 16:09:11 gen. summary execution on the spot расстрел на месте (Shtrafniks that showed any sign of resistance or subversion were usually immediately transferred to trampler duty if they were not summarily executed on the spot.)
22.04.2016 15:01:38 gen. defaulter штрафник
22.04.2016 14:42:36 gen. because what if а то ещё
22.04.2016 14:37:22 inf. whole truckload целая куча (a whole truckload of information / people / money / cars / entertainment)
22.04.2016 14:34:56 gen. admit to сознаться (в совершении преступления) A Colorado killer admitted to nearly 50 murders .)
22.04.2016 14:26:49 gen. whole truckload полная машина (My parents had someone dump a whole truckload of sand in a pile in the back yard. / So I've ordered a whole truckload of sand, and I'm going to bury my whole yard in the stuff.)
22.04.2016 14:02:32 gen. send a car by прислать машину (I was hoping you could send a car by. / I'll send a car by her place, check things out, alright? / Instead of a hiring a cab, the man used a pay phone to call the Little Rock police department to ask if they'd send a car by to give him a ride)
22.04.2016 12:55:14 gen. one step at a time всё по порядку (=не спеши)
21.04.2016 17:47:05 gen. must be получается
21.04.2016 16:26:49 invect. scoundrel шакал
21.04.2016 14:41:09 gen. shoot friendlies стрелять по своим
19.04.2016 16:52:05 gen. woe to me горе мне (He got up slowly, repeating, "O woe, o woe to me!" and left the chaikhana, swaying. They say that no one has seen him in the city since that day: he ran away to the desert and wandered through the sands and prickly shrubs there, with a frightening appearance and overgrown hair, repeating endlessly: "O woe, o woe to me!" until he was eaten by jackals. – Он медленно встал и, восклицая: «О, горе мне, горе!» – вышел, пошатываясь, из чайханы. И говорят, что с тех пор его не видели больше в городе: он убежал в пустыню и там, страшный, заросший весь диким волосом, бродил в песках и колючем кустарнике, беспрестанно восклицая: «О, горе мне, горе!» – пока наконец не был съеден шакалами.)
19.04.2016 13:51:49 gen. tag along составить компанию (кому-либо; англ. выражение не требует дополнения: If you ever visit the bamboo gardens, I'd like to tag along.)
19.04.2016 13:39:01 gen. single dad отец-одиночка
19.04.2016 13:23:51 lat. sic так в тексте (помета переводчика или редактора) Sic is frequently used to indicate that an error of spelling, grammar, or logic has been quoted faithfully: The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker...)
19.04.2016 13:23:44 lat. sic так в исходном тексте (помета переводчика или редактора) Sic is frequently used to indicate that an error of spelling, grammar, or logic has been quoted faithfully: The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker...)
19.04.2016 12:03:42 gen. drag someone around таскать за собой (Archie was just a little boy then, and we older children had to drag him around all the time. // The way Alice figured, if he didn't love her, then he wouldn't drag her around with him. // He couldn't drag her around with him to war zones and Amazonian treks even if she were willing)
19.04.2016 11:57:31 gen. no other way без вариантов
19.04.2016 11:47:52 gen. carry something wherever one goes таскать за собой
19.04.2016 11:46:42 gen. carry around таскать за собой (повсюду)
19.04.2016 10:38:51 mil. activity боевая работа (в некоторых контекстах)
18.04.2016 17:39:19 gen. basic competence базовый опыт
18.04.2016 15:08:22 mil. routine штатная ситуация

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