
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

15.08.2016 11:42:17 law obstruct justice препятствовать следствию (They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.)
15.08.2016 11:37:31 police obstruction of justice препятствование следствию (We can prove you did it, Chloe, so here's the deal: you tell us the truth from now on, and we won't charge you with vandalism and obstruction of justice, okay?)
15.08.2016 11:14:46 inf. let's do this way давай так
15.08.2016 11:07:14 formal personal effects личные вещи (оосбенно погибшего или арестованного, а также в завещаниях) Samples of his personal effects have gone to the lab. / After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his personal effects. / Courts have given officers greater flexibility when conducting a search of an arrestee's personal effects, such as clothing and wallets.)
15.08.2016 10:46:09 police.jarg. context. DOA труп (dead on arrival; в знач. "скончавшийся к моменту приезда скорой помощи": We have a DOA in Central Park. – У нас труп в Центральном парке.)
15.08.2016 10:40:32 gen. revisit перечитать (с: I'll be revisiting those lovely stories tomorrow, on my day off.)
15.08.2016 10:32:59 inf. in heels на каблуках (So our woman in heels was in the elevator.)
15.08.2016 10:24:40 gen. valerian root валерьянка (valerian root tincture) Some people feel a "hangover" after taking valerian. / This is what happens when you give a cat some valerian root.)
15.08.2016 10:07:03 gen. chopsticks for dummies учебные палочки (китайские)
15.08.2016 10:06:24 gen. arts and crafts кружок "умелые руки"
15.08.2016 10:05:19 inf. wearing heels на каблуках
15.08.2016 10:03:54 inf. step on someone's toes перейти дорогу (You don't get that big in this town without stepping on some toes.)
15.08.2016 10:01:03 inf. flag a cab поймать такси
15.08.2016 10:01:03 inf. flag a cab ловить такси
13.08.2016 20:43:51 inf. Sunday-school picnic цветочки (Last year was bad enough, but compared to this year it looks like a Sunday-school picnic. / Life in today's prisons is a Sunday school picnic compared to prisons a century ago. | За вариант спасибо Liv Bliss)
13.08.2016 20:41:09 inf. Sunday-school picnic детский лепет (You'll see a bloodletting in Baghdad that makes Srebrenica looks like a Sunday school picnic. / Scientific management is a sunday school picnic compared to reengineering. || За вариант спасибо Liv Bliss)
13.08.2016 20:40:45 inf. look like a Sunday-school picnic показаться лёгкой прогулкой (цветочками, детским лепетом и т.п. || За вариант спасибо Liv Bliss)
12.08.2016 17:38:27 gen. elder аксакал
12.08.2016 16:48:54 nautic. off the starboard по правому борту (Port and starboard are nautical and aeronautical terms which refer to the left and right sides, respectively, of a waterborne vessel or aircraft as perceived by a person on board facing the front of the craft.)
12.08.2016 16:25:56 gen. holdings наработки (investigation holdings – наработки следствия (информация, которой на данный момент располагает следствие))
12.08.2016 15:11:53 fig. one-night stand партнёр на одну ночь
12.08.2016 14:22:42 mil. bust a gut надорваться (If I lift another goddamn shovelful of dirt, I'll bust a gut, so help me!)
12.08.2016 13:51:23 mil. start line positions исходные позиции
12.08.2016 13:48:02 mil. tie in соединиться (with – с другими частями: The 37th Battalion, to their right, had already moved down the River Douve valley when the Battalions of the 4th Australian Division crested the ridge. They tied-in with the 47th Battalion.)
12.08.2016 13:23:03 inf. pull a boner лохануться (to make a foolish, silly error or blunder; to do something stupid, | This phrase has become much less common in recent years due to the slang term "boner," meaning an erect penis: I pulled a boner and opened a misleading e-mail.)
12.08.2016 13:21:09 mil. move up into jumping-off positions выдвинуться на исходные позиции (At 0100 hours on 7th June 1917 the British and Anzacs moved up into their jumping off positions.)
12.08.2016 12:49:45 mil. jumpoff position исходная позиция (We returned to our jumpoff positions near Hill 239 without any losses. / Viehmann formed three assault parties and moved them into jumpoff positions close to the Russian line under cover of darkness.)
12.08.2016 11:38:35 gen. back to square one вернуться к отправной точке (Ну вот, мы снова вернулись к отправной точке.)
12.08.2016 11:18:20 gen. in an homage to в дань (in an homage to the time-honored tradition)
12.08.2016 11:18:20 gen. in an homage to в дань уважения
11.08.2016 22:28:32 cook. choice of на выбор (Mixed Greens Salad Cherry tomatoes, pickled beets, shredded carrots, cucumber, and choice of dressing)
11.08.2016 22:24:54 cook. brined cheese солёный сыр
11.08.2016 21:59:45 idiom. quiet hunt тихая охота (сбор грибов)
11.08.2016 21:58:24 cook. bleu cheese блю-чиз (заправка для салатов)
11.08.2016 21:57:38 cook. cream soup крем-суп (Если крем-суп с какой-то добавкой, то название добавки вставляется в середину: Cream of mushroom soup (грибной крем-суп), cream of broccoli soup (крем-суп с брокколи) и т.д.)
11.08.2016 21:44:36 cook. white mushroom шампиньон (а не белый гриб) It has two color states while immature –white and brown–both of which have various names. When mature, it is known as portobello mushroom, often shortened to just portobello. When immature and white, this mushroom may be known as common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, cultivated mushroom, table mushroom, and champignon mushroom. When immature and brown, this mushroom may be known variously as Swiss brown mushroom, Roman brown mushroom, Italian brown, Italian mushroom, cremini or crimini mushroom, brown cap mushroom, or chestnut mushroom.)
11.08.2016 20:48:19 cook. solenyky соленики (salty cheese waffle crisps)
11.08.2016 19:52:42 cook. rocket salad рукола
11.08.2016 15:44:39 mil. expeditionary force экспедиционный корпус (The NATO associated Allied Expeditionary Force with attached Chinese and Japanese troops is currently completing its movement to jump-off positions.)
11.08.2016 14:23:57 inf. be in and out before one knows it одна нога здесь, другая там (I'll be in and out before you know it.)
11.08.2016 13:01:06 gen. restocking пополнение (запасов)
11.08.2016 11:38:16 inf. catch you до встречи
11.08.2016 11:38:16 inf. catch you later до встречи
11.08.2016 11:38:16 inf. catch up with you later до встречи
11.08.2016 11:19:44 inf. I'll talk to you later на связи! (в конце разговора; также сокращается до "talk to you later", "talk later" или просто "later")
11.08.2016 11:12:19 inf. mourn поминать (умершего) вариант контекстуальный)
11.08.2016 10:12:36 inf. context. I'll give you a call sometime soon до связи
11.08.2016 10:04:57 mil. wrecker эвакуационный транспортёр
11.08.2016 9:45:39 gen. on a good day если повезёт (By elimination, we can narrow our search for the weapon, and on a good day determine what it is.)
11.08.2016 9:20:54 gen. wrecker техпомощь
10.08.2016 15:55:51 gen. flip off тыкать дули
10.08.2016 15:48:22 gen. curse out материть
10.08.2016 15:48:22 gen. call someone names материть
10.08.2016 15:14:57 inf. look at светить (требует замены грамматической конструкции: The judge might even dismiss the case straight to adult court, and then Carl would be looking at jail time.)
10.08.2016 13:52:35 gen. stash припрятать (He stashed his liquor in the cabinet under the bar.)
10.08.2016 13:45:22 inf. and whatnot и так далее
10.08.2016 13:45:22 inf. and whatnot и тому подобное
10.08.2016 13:41:50 mil. requisition реквизировать (для нужд армии – to seize for military use: I'm requisitioning this vehicle on behalf of the Irish Republican Army. • Horses and carriages requisitioned in the mobilization before Winter War.)
10.08.2016 13:41:03 gen. and what not см. and whatnot
10.08.2016 13:23:10 mil. commandeer реквизировать (для нужд армии – to seize for military use, to requisition: In emergencies, commanders of needy combat units were allowed to commandeer vehicles to fill their immediate needs. • This special forces unit is commandeering this vehicle for military business.)
9.08.2016 16:22:02 inf. I'll be on my cell на связи!
9.08.2016 14:58:33 gen. см. call forwarding переадресация (переадресация вызовов)
9.08.2016 11:23:02 gen. very much a настоящий (used for emphasizing that a description of someone or something is very accurate or true) | Henry was very much a professional newspaper man. / He was very much a London boy, he was one of ours. / Coming from a family of three boys, my mother was very much a feminist.)
9.08.2016 11:18:46 obs. very much a натуральный (One night there was a bear on our deck, leaning back on his elbows against the rail and looking me in the eye, very much the hooligan. c) LB)
9.08.2016 11:07:35 fig. preserve удел (Ballet is still very much the preserve of little girls as parents seem reluctant to put their boys into dance classes.)
9.08.2016 10:58:08 gen. drop to all fours опуститься на четыре лапы
9.08.2016 10:57:23 gen. drop to all fours опуститься на четвереньки
9.08.2016 10:53:45 gen. not much слабый (They had piled furniture against the door, but that was not much protection against the attack.)
8.08.2016 17:36:55 mil. post направить
8.08.2016 17:35:10 gen. be posted находиться (по направлению правительства: The U.S. government employees posted in Kyiv. • Ukrainian military intelligence has identified and publicly named dozens of Russian officers posted to the region.)
8.08.2016 17:19:52 inf. ship in пригнать
8.08.2016 17:19:22 gen. ship in ввезти (Authorities reported that 30 tanks, 11 armored vehicles and six Grad rocket systems had been shipped in during the previous week.)
8.08.2016 16:46:57 gen. it never hurts to try попытка-не пытка
8.08.2016 16:37:29 gen. it never hurts лишним не бывает (Never hurts to say hi. / A player like him never hurts the team. / It never hurts to have a guy like him on your side.)
8.08.2016 15:20:33 invect. fucker урод (и т.п.)
8.08.2016 14:57:32 gen. be someone's point of contact держать связь (требует замены конструкции: I'll be your point of contact. – Будете держать связь со мной.)
8.08.2016 14:57:25 gen. be sms liaison держать связь (требует замены конструкции: I'll be your liaison. – Будете держать связь со мной.)
8.08.2016 14:18:23 gen. we meet again и снова здравствуйте (We meet again, Mr. Bond.)
8.08.2016 14:18:23 gen. welcome back и снова здравствуйте
8.08.2016 13:37:14 inf. coals to Newcastle не пришей кобыле хвост
8.08.2016 10:31:57 mil. bazooka ручной гранатомёт (bazooka)
7.08.2016 13:05:42 auto. tie rod end рулевой наконечник
7.08.2016 12:36:39 gen. I'll be right there сейчас! (=я сейчас буду)
7.08.2016 12:36:39 inf. I'll be right over сейчас!
7.08.2016 12:36:39 gen. on my way сейчас!
7.08.2016 12:36:39 gen. I'm coming сейчас!
5.08.2016 15:34:05 gen. just so we are clear чтоб ты понимал
5.08.2016 15:31:11 gen. make no mistake about it можете не сомневаться
5.08.2016 15:18:39 gen. pound flat утюжить
5.08.2016 13:43:51 rude bitchy злоебучий
5.08.2016 13:37:33 gen. attendance форма обучения (имеется ввиду "дневная" (full-time) или "вечерняя" (part-time), а вовсе не "очная" (intramural) или "заочная" (extramural))
5.08.2016 12:16:22 gen. same goes for касаться (And the same goes for the rest of you. – Остальных это тоже касается.)
4.08.2016 12:09:10 gen. every last one все до одного
4.08.2016 11:52:04 slang bitch out уклониться (уклониться)
4.08.2016 11:47:50 vulg. bitch out зассать (также chicken out)
4.08.2016 11:30:54 inf. bitch out пилить (о женщине)
4.08.2016 10:51:11 inf. be coming down with подхватить (болезнь) контекстуальный вариант || Achoo! I think I'm coming down with something. – Наверное, что-то подхватил.)
4.08.2016 10:20:46 jarg. get hold of нарыть
4.08.2016 10:19:04 idiom. get up with the chickens ‎ вставать с первыми петухами
4.08.2016 10:11:40 inf. it's not your fault ты здесь ни при чём

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