
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

4.10.2016 10:13:24 gen. on duty дежурный
3.10.2016 20:21:34 neol. unputoffable неотложный
3.10.2016 17:02:39 mil. negative отбой
3.10.2016 16:54:22 gen. figure out придумать (We'll figure out something. – Сейчас что-нибудь придумаем.)
3.10.2016 16:52:01 mil. copy that принял (радиосвязь) Когда сказано в значении "вас понял".)
3.10.2016 15:14:21 gen. gathering of evidence сбор доказательств
3.10.2016 15:00:38 inf. shopping stroller кравчучка
3.10.2016 14:57:05 news at gunpoint под дулами автоматов (The annexation of Crimea through a so-called referendum held at gunpoint is illegal and illegitimate.)
3.10.2016 14:45:58 mil. mount a patrol выслать патруль (When two of his men went missing, he mounted a patrol to locate the men, but found only their jeep.)
3.10.2016 14:44:15 gen. genericized ставший нарицательным (e.g., genericized trademarks like Jeep or Xerox)
3.10.2016 14:35:43 auto. inf. SUV джип (если имеется ввиду кроссовер) Технически неверно, но в обиходе употребляется (особенно людьми, не знающими разницы между рамным/полноприводным внедорожником и кроссовером)
3.10.2016 14:28:05 context. breakaway находящийся под контролем сепаратистов (Most attention has been paid to the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, where Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists have been in conflict since 2014. • Another issue of concern to us is the illegitimate presence of a Russian military base in Gudauta, in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. • the breakaway Moldovan province of Transnistria • Transnistria is a Russian backed, breakaway state sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine. • Leaders of Russian-backed breakaway regions of Luhansk and Donetsk claimed to be under attack from Ukraine and ordered the mass evacuation of civilians.)
3.10.2016 14:13:34 inf. soar подскакивать (в знач. "резко повышаться")
3.10.2016 14:12:56 inf. soar подскочить (в знач. "резко повыситься")
3.10.2016 14:10:47 news soar расти (напр., о напряжённости: The timing of Thursday's agreement on missile defence means that tensions are soaring on Russia's southern and western borders.)
3.10.2016 13:50:48 gen. in reference to намекая на ("Georgia has been attacked. Russian forces need to leave Georgia at once," said Rice. The withdrawal "must take place, and take place now ... This is no longer 1968," she added in reference to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia 40 years ago next week.)
3.10.2016 13:33:05 mil. set off выдвинуться (As the talks were taking place, 10 armoured personnel carriers laden with Russian troops set off from Gori, penetrating to within 20 miles of Tbilisi.)
3.10.2016 13:23:02 gen. edge of town край города (тж. town's edge) The men and tanks moving out to set up road blocks at the edge of town soon disappeared into the fog.)
3.10.2016 13:21:58 gen. edge of village край села (тж village edge) Quiet building plot on the edge of village.)
3.10.2016 13:21:58 gen. outskirts of village край села
3.10.2016 13:19:23 gen. outskirts of town край города
2.10.2016 23:46:16 inf. low get on someone's case задалбывать (persistently nag or urge someone to do something)
2.10.2016 23:46:16 inf. low get on someone's case додалбываться к (persistently nag or urge someone to do something)
30.09.2016 23:50:26 pomp. venture to suggest смею предположить
30.09.2016 23:49:37 pomp. venture to say возьму на себя смелость предположить
30.09.2016 23:48:35 pomp. venture to suggest возьму на себя смелость предположить
30.09.2016 23:48:35 pomp. venture to suggest осмелюсь предположить
30.09.2016 23:46:43 pomp. I venture to say с позволения
30.09.2016 23:46:07 pomp. I venture to say осмелюсь сказать
30.09.2016 23:26:43 emph. just think of it на минуточку (в знач. "только вдумайтесь", "попрошу заметить")
30.09.2016 23:23:29 gen. if you please если нетрудно (ответ на предложение о помощи)
30.09.2016 23:20:53 pomp. whenever I please когда пожелаю
30.09.2016 20:52:15 pomp. all hail да здравствует (All hail the King! • All hail Great Britain and The Commonwealth! • Yet I well remember / The favors of these men. Were they not mine? / Did they not sometime cry "All hail" to me? – Но я припоминаю эти лица: / Как будто люди эти мне служили, / Кричали мне: "Да здравствует король!" (Richard II, Act IV, scene i))
30.09.2016 20:48:25 pomp. all hail да здравствуют (All hail translators and translations!)
30.09.2016 20:42:49 arch. literal. all hail здравствуй
30.09.2016 15:40:31 inf. be headed выдвинуться
30.09.2016 15:40:13 inf. head off выдвинуться
30.09.2016 15:39:45 inf. be out of here выдвинуться
30.09.2016 15:36:11 gen. not to take anything away from не умаляя заслуг (Not to take anything away from Kovalev but Pascal was ruined by Memo Non Stop Boxing.)
30.09.2016 15:31:58 gen. not to take anything away from не умаляя достоинств (в контексте) Not to take anything away from Norway (it is a nice country), but impressions based on a short vacation stay are not really comparable to living there...)
30.09.2016 15:22:12 inf. I admit: alright спору нет
30.09.2016 15:00:09 polit. run выдвинуться (for) на какую-либо должность)
30.09.2016 14:58:51 mil. advance выдвинуться (The British troops advanced from Muizenberg on the 14th towards Wynberg.)
30.09.2016 14:56:45 mil., lingo be headed выдвигаться (в контекстe: All right, we're headed in your direction.)
30.09.2016 14:56:45 mil., lingo be out of here выдвигаться (в контекстe: All right, boys, get in the car, we're outa here!)
30.09.2016 14:55:08 inf. on the double! живо!
30.09.2016 14:54:33 inf. on the double! шагом марш!
30.09.2016 14:28:15 inf. be thrilled to the gills чуть в штаны не навалить от радости (I gave the yard tard $5 to cut the grass and he was thrilled to the gills.)
30.09.2016 14:28:15 inf. to the gills до смерти (I gave the yard tard $5 to cut the grass and he was thrilled to the gills.)
30.09.2016 14:27:54 inf. get drunk to the gills напиться вдребезги (stewed, pissed (BrE) + to the brim/gunnels и т.д.)
30.09.2016 13:51:40 inf. to the gunnels до отказа
30.09.2016 13:46:09 inf. to the gills до отказа
30.09.2016 13:45:59 inf. to the brim по самое не хочу
30.09.2016 13:45:09 inf. to the brim под завязку (The van was stuffed to the brim with camping equipment. / drunk to the brim)
30.09.2016 13:44:02 inf. to the gunnels под завязку (We were loaded down to the gunnels with luggage.)
30.09.2016 13:42:18 inf. the gunnels по самое не хочу (We were loaded down to the gunnels with luggage.)
30.09.2016 13:39:11 slang to the gills в хлам (напиться) Last night I went down the pub and got pissed (BrE) to the gills!)
30.09.2016 13:36:21 inf. the gills по самое не хочу (a suitcase packed to the gills with... / pissed to the gills)
30.09.2016 13:30:13 inf. to the gills под завязку (a suitcase packed to the gills with / schedule is stuffed to the gills / pissed to the gills)
30.09.2016 11:31:16 fig. be in a heap of trouble вляпаться
30.09.2016 11:26:44 inf. deeply fucked по уши в дерьме
30.09.2016 11:26:44 inf. up to one's eyeballs in shit по уши в дерьме
30.09.2016 10:44:09 Makarov. on its own своим ходом
29.09.2016 20:01:42 gen. crack-open приоткрытый (на щелочку; о двери и т. п.; ещё меньше, чем slightly ajar)
29.09.2016 16:11:05 inf. stripped-down голый (о версии, комплектации) I wouldn't mind owning a stripped down bmw with manual transmission, I just couldn't pay anything over $30k for it. / In Bangkok, a stripped-down BMW may cost you $50,000. People still buy.)
29.09.2016 15:59:54 gen. speculation догадки (So far the DTEK60 hasn’t been officially launched by Blackberry, so any talk of UK pricing and release dates is mere speculation.)
27.09.2016 22:17:20 IT octa-core восьмиядерный (Galaxy S6 features a new octa-core processor)
27.09.2016 22:13:27 comp.sl. vanilla оригинальный (в знач. "первоначальный, базовый, без надстроек и модификаций": This extension is an absolute must-have for any developer. It provides all of git functionality missing from vanilla VS Code.)
27.09.2016 16:28:48 mil. do you copy? как слышите меня? (запрос качества связи)
27.09.2016 16:27:33 radio mil. do you copy? приём (если "приём" произносится с вопросительной интонацией – это "do you copy" и т.д.; если с утвердительной (в конце реплики) – "over")
27.09.2016 15:20:29 inf. badass нереально крутой
27.09.2016 14:07:01 slang sit tight не дёргаться (Now we just sit tight and wait for Card's extraction team.)
27.09.2016 13:56:34 inf. context. sit tight не высовываться (You just sit tight, till I give you the signal. • We'd better sit tight for a few weeks until the police have stopped looking for us.)
27.09.2016 13:56:24 gen. sit tight сидеть тихо (Just sit tight and someone will be here soon. • Now we just sit tight and wait for Card's extraction team.)
27.09.2016 12:56:13 inf. fingerprint magnet маркий (о поверхности, "собирающей" отпечатки пальцев – prone to attracting visible fingerprints: While we love the way the Galaxy S6 looks, there's no denying that its polished frame is a fingerprint magnet.)
27.09.2016 12:47:51 gen. stay at the same level оставаться на том же уровне
27.09.2016 12:47:51 gen. remain the same оставаться на том же уровне
27.09.2016 12:06:51 gen. non-trivial нетривиальный (The technology isn't perfect. It gives a non-trivial fraction of wearers headaches.)
27.09.2016 11:14:03 gen. stay level оставаться на том же уровне (Oil prices stay level despite geopolitical turmoil. / They are not coming down in price, actually they're staying level in pricing and every thing else is going up. /)
27.09.2016 10:24:24 inf. hit shelves поступить в продажу (т.е. попасть на полки магазинов: A next generation of headsets which takes into account lessons from the current generation should take at least two years to hit shelves.)
27.09.2016 10:19:53 gen. be a hobbyist in увлекаться (John L. Miller, PhD in distributed virtual environments, Hobbyist in VR and AR)
26.09.2016 17:53:31 inf. let the good times roll развлекаться (We've had another successful year at the company, so everyone enjoy the party and let the good times roll!)
26.09.2016 17:52:35 inf. let the good times roll наслаждаться жизнью (Ready to explore San Diego & Palm Springs like never before? Grab your friends and let the good times roll! / It does absolutely no use to stress and worry about how everything will turn out in life. I find it's far better to just let the good times roll.)
26.09.2016 17:19:48 inf. bug the shit out of задолбать (someone) to really, really annoy someone)
26.09.2016 17:17:42 taboo kick the shit out of someone отпиздить
26.09.2016 17:16:43 rude lay one's eyes on попасться на глаза (someone); требует замены подлежащего) I will beat the shit out of that girl as soon as I lay my eyes on her.)
26.09.2016 17:12:05 taboo beat the shit out of отпиздить (someone)
26.09.2016 17:02:41 inf. take a break сделать перекур
24.09.2016 19:27:07 gen. with flying colors на отлично (to pass a (medical/academical/etc.) test with flying colors)
23.09.2016 20:33:12 gen. Church Slavic церковнославянский (в терминологии Library of Congress transliteration system)
23.09.2016 15:27:10 mil. mountain rifle division горнострелковая дивизия
23.09.2016 15:26:25 mil. mountain rifle горнострелковый (горнострелковый батальон – mountain rifle battalion)
23.09.2016 15:20:22 mil. mountain rifle battalion горнострелковый батальон
23.09.2016 15:13:33 mil. dominant terrain господствующая высота (Their failure to seize the dominant terrain allowed the enemy to suppress practically the entire company area with fire. / The commander learned that he must control dominant terrain and position over-watch forces before beginning the sweep.)
23.09.2016 15:03:46 mil. seize the dominant terrain занять господствующую высоту (Their failure to seize the dominant terrain allowed the enemy to suppress practically the entire company area with fire.)
23.09.2016 14:55:15 mil. return fire открыть ответный огонь (However, just as the platoon started to move to carry out its tasks, the mujahideen opened fire. My forces had to stay in place and return fire.)
23.09.2016 14:34:15 mil. pincer взять в клещи (противника: But three battalions would divide and pincer the enemy forces as they came from the gate. • The minesweeper and the sea tug now came along either side, pincered the Vega, and seemed to be ushering it toward Moruroa, perhaps attempting to push the ketch inside the 12-mile limit.)
23.09.2016 14:08:53 mil. wrecker эвакуационный тягач (напр., "колесный эвакуационный тягач – лёгкий" (КЭТ-Л))
23.09.2016 14:08:53 mil. wrecker эвакотягач
23.09.2016 10:36:22 gen. some are, some are not кто как

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