
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

3.11.2016 6:55:28 gen. sideways в сторону (He was kicked sideways by the force of the blast.)
3.11.2016 6:54:53 gen. kick отбросить (He was kicked sideways by the force of the blast.)
3.11.2016 6:51:19 gen. hit someone in the head бить по голове (I got hit in the head many times.)
2.11.2016 22:18:55 gen. brownout падение напряжения в сети (a brownout is a drop in voltage in an electrical power supply))
2.11.2016 21:59:13 gen. last in a row крайний (занимаюший крайнее положение))
2.11.2016 21:55:11 gen. nearly под (в значении "почти": He was nearly 6 feet tall. – Он был ростом под 6 футов.)
2.11.2016 21:37:55 gen. across from через дорогу (в знач. "по другую сторону улицы": There is a bookstore across from my house. • Their offices are right across from us.)
2.11.2016 18:21:17 gen. restore power дать электричество (после аварии на линии, например: The ORPC staff responded to the outage and restored power at 1:59 pm.)
2.11.2016 18:06:55 gen. give податься (в значении "уступить под напором") He pushed harder until the door finally gave.)
2.11.2016 17:58:03 Makarov. give проседать (A soldier noticed how earth "gave" as he walked over the shallow trenches.)
2.11.2016 17:56:13 prop.&figur. give out пришёл конец (When my fan does eventually give out some day, I just hope they are still making the same model.)
2.11.2016 17:50:11 gen. give out остановиться (о сердце или механизме: Severely weakened, Chester's heart gave out forever the next day. • When the new Bloomer school building was constructed in 1924, it included an electric clock, but the clock gave out and was removed.)
2.11.2016 17:45:24 inf. give out сломаться (on someone; тж. без дополнения: I had that printer for 10 years, and it finally gave out last week. • One day it finally gave out and I had to take it to be fixed at a local "shade-tree" mechanic.)
2.11.2016 17:41:26 gen. give out выйти из строя (Seventeen years of service before it finally gave out and quit. Not bad at all.)
2.11.2016 17:36:37 gen. give out не выдержать (His heart was so big it finally gave out. / After 20 years of pushing my body to it's limits, it finally gave out.)
2.11.2016 17:36:37 gen. give out отказать (His body somehow lasted until he was 34 before it finally gave out under the weight of years of brutal drug abuse.)
2.11.2016 17:28:05 gen. give way податься (в значении "уступить под напором": Then I yanked hard on the handle one more time before the door finally gave way. – ...дверь наконец подалась.)
2.11.2016 16:04:59 gen. zap ударить током (to strike someone with electricity) He zapped me with the stun gun.)
2.11.2016 15:30:13 gen. electrocute пытать током
2.11.2016 14:19:44 mil. knee smash удар коленом
2.11.2016 12:39:04 gen. rinse one's mouth полоскать рот
2.11.2016 11:43:57 inf. dirty so-and-so редиска (вместо ругательств)
2.11.2016 11:26:37 inf. one очень (от one hell of: He was one bad motherfucker. • Me, I'm thinking that this Daniella is one good looking dame.)
2.11.2016 7:51:38 gen. seat of the regional government административный центр (в контексте))
2.11.2016 6:08:49 gen. papered over заклеенный (бумагой)
2.11.2016 5:51:46 inf. the gloves came off они развязали нам руки (Earlier that year, President Bush declared that the Geneva conventions do not protect Taliban and al-Qaida suspects in US custody. "After 9/11," as the CIA's then counterterror chief Cofer Black infamously put it, "the gloves came off.")
2.11.2016 5:47:14 gen. bend someone's head back запрокинуть голову (кому-либо) His Communist captors, he said, "would bend my head back, put a towel over my face and pour water over the towel. I could not breathe.")
2.11.2016 4:46:30 gen. lean облокотить (Colin and Quinn jerked Horst up off the floor, leaned him against a wall, and stepped aside. // She lifted him and leaned him against a wall. Then she put her back to him and pulled his arms over her shoulders.)
2.11.2016 4:40:50 gen. headfirst лбом (I keep running headfirst into a wall and hoping the wall gives.)
2.11.2016 4:40:35 gen. headfirst головой (I keep running headfirst into a wall and hoping the wall gives.)
2.11.2016 4:06:49 gen. return to consciousness прийти в сознание (He returned to consciousness once more and asked for prayer. // When he returned to consciousness the sun was high and the forest was filled with the sounds of singing birds.)
2.11.2016 3:42:22 anat. first digit большой палец (Не путать с "first finger" (указательным пальцем) – the first digit is the thumb | За примечание спасибо пользователю moevot)
2.11.2016 3:20:19 gen. multiple несколько (Sometimes I had multiple appointments scheduled in both Seneca and Greenville on the same day.)
2.11.2016 3:19:52 gen. multiple много (в значении "несколько", "больше двух") The Hotel & Staff have good potential. However I had multiple issues during my stay.)
2.11.2016 0:44:48 gen. downhill runs спуски (The track is made up entirely of bends, steep uphill climbs and fast downhill runs.)
2.11.2016 0:43:58 gen. uphill climbs подъёмы (The track is made up entirely of bends, steep uphill climbs and fast downhill runs.)
2.11.2016 0:41:29 gen. unmistakable специфический (в некоторых контекстах)
2.11.2016 0:01:20 gen. know one's way around ориентироваться на местности
1.11.2016 23:20:06 gen. balaclava маска (Why do police swat teams wear black balaclavas during raids?)
1.11.2016 23:13:44 gen. occupationally в служебных целях (вариант не для всех контекстов) A balaclava may be used for concealment in the course of illegal activities and occupationally by SWAT and special forces personnel.)
1.11.2016 23:08:32 gen. occupationally по роду занятий (вариант не для всех контекстов))
1.11.2016 22:21:45 gen. land попасть (в контексте) One night, a bomb landed in his garden)
1.11.2016 18:47:29 gen. rumble гул
1.11.2016 18:25:59 gen. swathe of land участок местности (между населенными пунктами, например)
1.11.2016 18:24:02 gen. swathe of land полоса земли
1.11.2016 18:17:11 gen. in serious condition в тяжёлом состоянии (Yet another break-in has turned violent, leaving a man in hospital in serious condition.)
1.11.2016 18:17:11 gen. in critical condition в тяжёлом состоянии
1.11.2016 17:20:55 gen. security perimeter оцепление (In the interim, we'll need to set up a security perimeter around your house. / Security perimeters have been set up in a four-mile radius of the generators.)
1.11.2016 17:14:19 gen. roadblocks оцепление (в контексте))
1.11.2016 17:09:20 gen. perimeter оцепление (в контексте) They're doing it right, setting up a perimeter and waiting for backup. / We arrested him trying to get through our perimeter. / We find her, he'll help us escape the perimeter.)
1.11.2016 17:09:10 gen. lock down оцепление (в контексте) Expect the lock down to be lifted by tomorrow.)
1.11.2016 17:07:00 gen. lift the cordon снять оцепление
1.11.2016 17:06:42 gen. be lifting the cordon снимать оцепление
1.11.2016 17:00:41 gen. depressed в подавленном состоянии
1.11.2016 16:32:02 gen. spoil tip террикон (a pile built of accumulated spoil – the overburden or other waste rock removed during coal and ore mining)
1.11.2016 16:27:56 gen. land упасть (на землю, в знач. "приземлиться": I landed on my elbow. • The chick fell out of her nest and landed in my backyard. • One night, a bomb landed in his garden. • Debris from the plane landed in a yard in Broomfield, outside Denver, on February 20, 2021.)
1.11.2016 16:10:30 gen. the next morning наутро
1.11.2016 15:54:10 gen. silhouette фигура (He saw a dark silhouette in the alley. | сравни: I saw two figures in the distance.)
1.11.2016 15:35:56 gen. smash one's way to пробить дорогу
1.11.2016 15:19:42 gen. roadbed дорожная насыпь
1.11.2016 15:18:58 gen. roadbed насыпь (дороги)
1.11.2016 14:23:12 inf. field track полевая дорога (грунтовка) We cross the road and ride on further along a field track which soon reaches the official bike path. / Keep ahead on what is now a field track and soon reduces to path.)
1.11.2016 14:22:03 gen. passable проходимый (о дороге)
1.11.2016 14:08:04 sport. competitor спортсмен (когда он участник соревнований)
30.10.2016 20:25:41 gen. reiterate отмечать
29.10.2016 20:04:48 avia. allowance норма (seventy-five-pound baggage allowance)
28.10.2016 22:28:04 pharm. combination herbal medicinal product комбинированное лекарственное средство на основе лекарственных трав ("combination" означает наличие в составе традиционного ЛС витаминов или минералов, дополняющих действие АФИ)
28.10.2016 21:24:06 gen. letter of understanding протокол о намерениях ("меморандум о взаимопонимании" – калька, правильный вариант – протокол о намерениях)
28.10.2016 21:14:06 formal tentatively предварительно (1) с недостаточной степенью уверенности; 2) ориентировочно) e.g., The suspect has been tentatively identified as John Smith / A time-line for the first phase of the Commission's work was tentatively agreed. // Elections are tentatively scheduled for the end of 2001 or early in 2002.)
28.10.2016 21:02:47 mil., artil. zero in пристреливаться (The attacking force would be warned by a single or two shells dropping that artillery was zeroing in on them // He had been laying in the sand behind some rocks on the beach of some no-name Island, when the artillery started zeroing in on his unit)
28.10.2016 20:50:58 cook. pork cracklings шкварки (состоящие в основном из шкурки))
28.10.2016 20:45:40 gen. signal говорить (о чём-либо) A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.)
28.10.2016 15:36:52 auto. signal включить поворот (т.е. указатель поврота) to signall left/to turn left – включить левый поворот)
28.10.2016 15:27:19 cook. frankfurters сосиски (frankfurters are seasoned, smoked sausages made of beef and pork)
28.10.2016 15:24:34 gen. Turkish delight рахат-лукум
28.10.2016 15:21:47 cook. french toast гренок (во множественном числе тоже toast)
28.10.2016 15:18:40 cook. French toast гренки (во множественном числе тоже toast)
28.10.2016 15:08:52 gen. signal дать команду (Hold your fire until I signal.)
28.10.2016 15:06:23 book. signal знаменательный (The Louisiana Purchase is cited by many historians as one of the most signal events in American history)
28.10.2016 14:46:00 gen. signal to come подозвать (в значении "дать знак подойти") Napoleon could not help but smile, he signaled the soldier to come to him. / They signaled at me to come over to their table.)
28.10.2016 14:45:24 gen. signal дать знак (Napoleon could not help but smile, he signaled the soldier to come to him.)
28.10.2016 14:40:39 gen. signal знаменовать (собой) Rooks signal the arrival of spring. – Прилет грачей знаменует приход весны.)
28.10.2016 1:19:26 invect. fucker козёл (и .п.)
27.10.2016 17:48:08 gen. to me на мой взгляд
27.10.2016 15:57:47 gen. turn around развернуться
27.10.2016 15:48:57 gen. nod at кивком указать на ("That's justice," she said, nodding at the statue.)
27.10.2016 15:38:45 gen. order дать команду
27.10.2016 14:54:04 busin. qualified дипломированный (qualified mean officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job)
27.10.2016 14:52:19 busin. with a university degree дипломированный (a qualified Russian translator who has a university degree in translation)
27.10.2016 14:09:31 gen. certified translator переводчик, чья квалификация подтверждена профессиональным объединением (ассоциацией, союзом и т.п.)
27.10.2016 12:16:41 gen. caterpillar-tracked на гусеничном ходу
27.10.2016 12:06:38 auto. idle стоять с незаглушённым двигателем (Idling at a traffic light is a fuel-economy killer)
27.10.2016 12:01:20 auto. idling с незаглушённым двигателем
27.10.2016 11:54:51 auto. idle не глушить двигатель (Carbon monoxide poisoning: a man dies in a stationary vehicle whilst idling. / It's more cost effective to restart your car instead of letting it idle for 30 seconds or more, research shows.)
27.10.2016 11:29:06 gen. sand-colored песочного цвета
27.10.2016 11:03:17 mil. digital camouflage цифровой камуфляж
27.10.2016 10:57:33 mil. pixelated camouflage цифра (расцветка камуфляжа)
27.10.2016 10:57:18 mil. pixelated camouflage пиксельный камуфляж
27.10.2016 10:57:04 mil. digicam пиксельный камуфляж
27.10.2016 10:56:22 mil. digicam цифра (расцветка камуфляжа)

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