
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

27.06.2021 9:04:30 gen. alkaline отдающий щёлочью (I drink the water and it's alkaline, like soapy water. I drink it anyway.)
27.06.2021 8:41:27 gen. drunken party попойка (Three different times a stranger stopped me and asked how I felt. Thinking they were referring to my drunken condition I replied that I didn't even have a hangover, which caused one of them to start to laugh, but then catch himself.)
25.06.2021 11:16:13 играть с огнем искушать судьбу
25.06.2021 11:05:32 moto. roll off the throttle плавно закрыть газ
25.06.2021 11:00:22 moto. inf. go to one's throttle открываться (открывать газ)
25.06.2021 11:00:22 moto. inf. go to the throttle открываться (открывать газ)
25.06.2021 10:42:59 болеть о болеть
25.06.2021 10:15:53 болеть за болеть
25.06.2021 10:05:53 span. context. aficionado гурман (High-end coffee aficionados might raise an eyebrow at that advice, but for us mere mortals it will work just fine.)
23.06.2021 21:32:25 auto. drive отогнать ('You go home,' I tell Rory, 'I'll drive the truck back to the depot.' • So if you're moving to another state, you'll have to drive the truck back to its original location–not a great deal in terms of convenience or cost.)
23.06.2021 21:31:48 auto. take отогнать (After you've delivered all of your cargo you need to take the truck back to the depot.)
23.06.2021 20:39:04 посидеть с посидеть
23.06.2021 18:57:06 gen. stencil лекало
23.06.2021 18:51:25 gen. bug juice остатки насекомых (на стекле автомобиля и т. п.)
23.06.2021 18:48:28 tech. thread locker фиксатор резьбы
23.06.2021 18:46:09 gen. of sorts любой более-менее приличный
23.06.2021 18:44:16 gen. of sorts что-то вроде (He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. • He repeatedly stabs the block of ice with a tocha – a screwdriver of sorts – to break it in half.)
23.06.2021 18:33:49 gen. box hedge зелёная изгородь
23.06.2021 18:30:53 gen. of sorts какой-нибудь
23.06.2021 18:22:20 of a sort of sorts
23.06.2021 18:19:37 gen. of sorts некое подобие (He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. • Made a screwdriver of sorts for the locking screw on my planes. Piece of hardwood, a bit of copper pipe and a chunk cut out of a sliding bolt thing.)
23.06.2021 18:19:13 of sorts of a sort
23.06.2021 13:13:08 пансионат для пожилых людей пансионат
23.06.2021 13:13:08 пансион пансионат
23.06.2021 12:50:10 пансионат пансион
23.06.2021 12:45:51 inf. there's no comms нет связи (с кем-либо: No comms with them yet but hoping to hear Matthew is in good spirits. • I tell him no comms with them all for seven days just means phones are out, it's not a sign of bad news necessarily. • "I had tried to Jay for three or four days after it happened, but we had no comms with them," Michael said. com.au)
23.06.2021 12:44:37 mil., lingo not be able to get someone on the comms не мочь связаться с ("Still can't get them on the comms?" Mandy asked. "I'll try again. Bravo one, come in. Bravo one this is TOC, I need a status report. Any Bravo call sign, come in," Davis called. fanfiction.net)
23.06.2021 12:24:39 powder hound powder monkey
23.06.2021 12:12:38 сапёр минёр
23.06.2021 11:51:52 angl. game fish объект промысла
23.06.2021 11:51:52 angl. quarry объект промысла
23.06.2021 11:50:58 hunt. game animal объект промысла (о животных)
23.06.2021 11:50:08 hunt. quarry объект промысла
23.06.2021 11:50:08 hunt. game bird объект промысла (о птицах)
23.06.2021 11:45:27 серая куропатка куропатка
23.06.2021 11:25:22 gen. bedside book чтение на ночь (чтение в знач. "книга": Walter and Florence has been my bedside book for about a week, I wanted to stretch it out and savour each story, and I enjoyed all of them except ‘Reader, I married Him', hence four stars.)
23.06.2021 10:37:06 maxilliped gnathopod
23.06.2021 10:36:58 gnathopod maxilliped
23.06.2021 10:34:16 biol. gnathopod ногочелюсть (у бокоплавов)
23.06.2021 10:34:16 biol. gnathopod челюстная ножка (у бокоплавов)
22.06.2021 23:59:10 gen. awake to проснуться от (Arthur awoke to the sound of argument and went to the bridge.)
22.06.2021 19:12:56 moto. elephant turn разворот на месте (эндуро, стант)
22.06.2021 19:12:56 moto. elephant turn разворот вокруг ноги (эндуро, стант)
22.06.2021 18:50:19 get wind get the wind up
22.06.2021 18:43:34 gen. drug deal сделка по продаже наркотиков (The police got wind of the illegal drug deal.)
22.06.2021 14:20:13 gen. tell which is which отличить одно от другого (He attacked everything in life with a mixture of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence and it was often difficult to tell which was which.)
21.06.2021 23:50:21 как бы там ни было короче
21.06.2021 23:19:00 chew the cud ruminate
21.06.2021 23:17:11 chew the cud shoot the breeze (US)
21.06.2021 23:17:01 shoot the breeze chew the cud (UK)
21.06.2021 23:05:41 idiom. context. pussyfoot ходить на мягких лапах
21.06.2021 23:05:41 idiom. context. walk on eggshells ходить на мягких лапах
21.06.2021 19:25:27 gen. I'm calling for A я звоню от А
21.06.2021 19:23:47 gen. I'm calling with a message from A я звоню от А
21.06.2021 18:34:38 follow suit action doesn't follow suit
21.06.2021 18:34:31 action doesn't follow suit follow suit
21.06.2021 18:34:16 fail to follow suit follow suit
18.06.2021 16:02:40 wreak vengeance wreak vengeance on
18.06.2021 15:44:07 gen. wreak revenge on отомстить (I think his pursuit of the ghost of rationality occurred because he wanted to wreak revenge on it, because he felt he himself was so shaped by it. He wanted to free himself from his own image. • She was determined to wreak revenge on both him and his family.)
15.06.2021 1:27:23 moto. knee brace шарнирный наколенник (в отличие от knee guard – обычного, нешарнирного наколенника)
14.06.2021 20:52:08 moto. mount the motorcycle сесть на мотоцикл
14.06.2021 20:52:08 moto. mount the bike сесть на мотоцикл
14.06.2021 20:49:10 moto. full-lock до упора (о вывороте руля мотоцикла: Then, you turn your handlebars full-lock to the right, away from you. Then just reach across with your left hand, and put it on the throttle grip.)
14.06.2021 11:29:48 congestion charge zone congestion charge
13.06.2021 17:47:40 gen. with redoubled force с удвоенной силой
12.06.2021 23:05:02 mean.2 of choice лучший из существующего
12.06.2021 22:42:04 cheap bastard cheapskate
12.06.2021 22:42:04 cheap bastard cheapass
12.06.2021 22:38:28 cheapass cheap bastard
12.06.2021 19:21:26 cook. doneness степень прожарки (стейка: rare – с кровью, medium rare – слабой прожарки, medium – средней прожарки, medium well – почти прожаренное, well done – прожаренное wikipedia.org)
12.06.2021 18:23:10 gen. smart attire деловая форма одежды (black suit, white shirt and tie)
12.06.2021 15:54:29 gen. appearance check визуальный контроль (при приёмке)
11.06.2021 22:04:57 автозаправка заправка
11.06.2021 22:04:48 автозаправочная станция автозаправка
11.06.2021 22:00:12 gen. between fill-ups от заправки до заправки (I know my car will get me between 80 and 100 kilometres between fill-ups.)
11.06.2021 21:20:47 vulg. fuck me backwards! охренеть! (а также любое другое выражение, свидетельствующее о том, что говорящий впечатлен услышанным либо увиденным)
10.06.2021 14:52:36 moto. cover держать пальцы на (рычаге тормоза или сцепления: I was taught a long time ago to always cover the front brake, having your hand ready on the brake can mean the split seconds between life and death.)
10.06.2021 3:14:42 moto. paddle walk перебирание ногами
9.06.2021 1:32:01 сухой паёк сухпай
9.06.2021 1:31:47 сухпаёк сухпай
9.06.2021 1:28:35 cheapskate miser
9.06.2021 1:26:02 cheapass cheapskate
9.06.2021 1:23:43 low context. cheap bastard нищеброд (в опред. контекстах. обыкн. с самоиронией; в знач. "человек, покупающий дешевые вещи")
9.06.2021 1:22:44 нищеброд бомж
9.06.2021 1:16:18 лапша быстрого приготовления мивина
9.06.2021 1:15:08 лапша быстрого приготовления доширак
8.06.2021 23:41:53 inf. coll. rejects отбраковка (отбракованные изделия)
8.06.2021 17:27:03 in the area in the area of
8.06.2021 17:12:27 gen. if it can be helped если есть возможность
8.06.2021 17:12:27 gen. if one can help it если есть возможность
8.06.2021 16:59:51 I need hardly tell you I need hardly ...
8.06.2021 16:58:39 I need hardly say I need hardly ...
8.06.2021 16:46:10 idiom. work oneself ragged работать до изнеможения (He also took pride in his work ethic, working himself ragged at each job that he held through his life. • He draws day and night to support them, working himself ragged and straining his eyes. • All her plans derail when she meets a handsome local who is getting the evil eye from the villagers and working himself ragged to try to improve his situation.)
8.06.2021 16:36:40 work oneself ragged work oneself ragged
8.06.2021 16:36:13 idiom. work oneself ragged загонять себя
8.06.2021 16:34:11 work one's ass to the bone work one's ass off
8.06.2021 16:33:57 work one's ass off work one's ass to the bone
8.06.2021 16:31:43 ишачить вкалывать
8.06.2021 16:31:31 работать как проклятый вкалывать
8.06.2021 16:31:31 работать как каторжный вкалывать

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