
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

10.02.2017 13:00:02 gen. clear bombs from a road разминировать дорогу (a military convoy clearing bombs from a highway)
10.02.2017 12:45:54 gen. pull over to the shoulder съехать на обочину (A police officer traveling south Friday on Airport Road had to pull over to the shoulder to avoid a head-on collision with a vehicle)
10.02.2017 12:45:43 gen. side of the road обочина (the bus began to pull to the side of the road)
10.02.2017 12:42:40 gen. pull to the side of the road съехать на обочину (...as the bus began to pull to the side of the road to allow another military convoy to pass from behind)
10.02.2017 12:41:56 gen. pull off the road съехать на обочину
10.02.2017 12:41:12 gen. pull off the road съехать с дороги (we were going to pull off of the road)
10.02.2017 12:36:14 gen. in an instant в считанные секунды (But he has also stressed his sympathy for troops who have to make critical decisions in an instant.)
10.02.2017 12:30:42 gen. serious condition тяжёлое состояние (dozen of the wounded were in serious condition)
10.02.2017 12:25:14 gen. fired upon обстрелянный (Afghan police officers and protesters stood near a bus that was fired upon by American troops.)
10.02.2017 12:13:15 formal consumption of alcoholic beverages употребление спиртных напитков (Legal age for possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages is 21. • The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all public areas.)
10.02.2017 12:12:27 formal consume alcoholic beverages употреблять спиртные напитки (Legal age for possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages is 21. • The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all public areas.)
10.02.2017 12:04:09 gen. pours дегустационный набор
10.02.2017 12:02:32 gen. pour высыпать (I poured the spare bullets into the outside top pocket. (Lee Child))
10.02.2017 12:00:59 gen. pour стекаться (Afterward, hundreds of demonstrators poured into the area around a bus station where the damaged bus was taken on the western outskirts of Kandahar.)
10.02.2017 11:59:30 gen. pour стечься (Afterward, hundreds of demonstrators poured into the area around a bus station where the damaged bus was taken on the western outskirts of Kandahar.)
9.02.2017 17:16:00 idiom. lopsided with medals грудь в орденах (He had come from nowhere and blitzed upward through the Army just about faster than his tailor could sew the ribbons on his uniform. The guy had ended up lopsided with medals. (c) Lee Child)
9.02.2017 14:41:35 obs. motor down подъехать (куда-либо на машине) В оксфордском словаре помета "old-fashioned, British English": If he's at home he'll motor down in less than fifteen minutes. • I will motor down to see you in about an hour or so. • If everything else fails Christiana & I will motor down within 3 weeks.)
9.02.2017 14:41:35 nautic. motor down проплыть (на яхте, судне: We will motor down to a cove and anchor the boat. • The Parade of Sail will begin at 13.45 after which the fleet will motor down the River Foyle to Greencastle where Race Start will take place)
9.02.2017 14:39:38 gen. look the part выглядеть так, как и подобает (человеку такого рода занятий/должности: The thing about Gen. William C. Westmoreland was that he looked the part: straight back, bushy eyebrows, patrician nose, steely gaze, jutting jaw.)
9.02.2017 14:38:38 gen. look the part выглядеть соответственно занимаемому положению (The thing about Gen. William C. Westmoreland was that he looked the part: straight back, bushy eyebrows, patrician nose, steely gaze, jutting jaw.)
9.02.2017 14:21:15 inf. motor along катить (to drive around leisurely in a motorised vehicle: We motor along with the windows open, enjoyin' the breeze.)
9.02.2017 13:06:48 gen. win over support завоевать поддержку (in a city where winning over Afghan support is pivotal to the war effort.)
9.02.2017 13:05:04 mil. rake проредить огнём
9.02.2017 13:04:27 mil. rake with gunfire обстрелять (American troops raked a large passenger bus with gunfire near Kandahar on Monday morning.)
9.02.2017 12:55:58 inf. no less да ещё и (в контексте: I just bought the coolest leather jacket–and on sale, no less! • They lost the game at the very last minute, and by a goal knocked in by their own player, no less.)
9.02.2017 12:52:49 gen. every inch точь-в-точь (He looks every inch the City businessman. • There stood Gertrude, looking every inch a star.)
9.02.2017 12:21:30 gen. be a soldier during the war воевать (в фразах типа "он воевал": Нe was a soldier during the war)
9.02.2017 12:02:22 idiom. every inch от и до
9.02.2017 11:54:35 idiom. every inch до мозга костей (в положительном смысле)
9.02.2017 11:54:35 idiom. every inch на все сто
9.02.2017 11:40:23 gen. give vent to one's emotions дать выход эмоциям (This was not a man who laughed spontaneously, or who often gave vent to his emotions in public.)
9.02.2017 11:18:13 gen. that's all there is to say всё (больше нечего добавить)
9.02.2017 11:03:24 emph. no less собственной персоной (as a way of expressing surprise or admiration at the importance of something or someone: Good Heavens! It's the President himself, no less!)
9.02.2017 11:03:24 gen. no less сам (в знач. "собственной персоной"; as a way of expressing surprise or admiration at the importance of something or someone: Good Heavens! It's the President himself, no less! • Who should arrive at the party but the prime minister, no less! • She's having lunch with the Director, no less. – с самим директором)
9.02.2017 11:03:24 emph. no less чтобы вы понимали (as a way of expressing admiration at the importance of something: He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less.)
9.02.2017 11:03:24 emph. no less на минуточку (as a way of expressing admiration at the importance of something: He graduated this year – at the top of his class, no less!)
9.02.2017 9:52:45 ed. receive a baptism of fire пройти боевое крещение
8.02.2017 20:40:39 gen. Russlish русско-английский суржик
8.02.2017 16:12:42 gen. top it off да ещё и
8.02.2017 14:21:44 busin. Russia single member OOO ООО с единственным участником
8.02.2017 13:03:55 mil., lingo assistant machine gunner второй номер (в пулеметном расчёте)
8.02.2017 13:00:55 gen. overinflated раздутый (overinflated ego)
8.02.2017 12:47:54 inf. walk through разобрать шаг за шагом (Let’s rewind the tape and walk through how the conversation should have been handled.)
8.02.2017 12:24:41 inf. yeah, sure! не вопрос!
8.02.2017 12:08:27 inf. it's funny how как ни странно (It's funny how "What did you want?" sounds less rude than "What do you want?" (c))
8.02.2017 11:59:14 inf. euph. gosh-darn чертовски (более мягкая версия goddamned: It's so gosh-darn good.)
8.02.2017 11:45:10 inf. loud and clear ясно (phrases "five-by-five" and ""loud and clear" have come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication)
8.02.2017 11:44:41 inf. five-by-five ясно ("five-by-five" has come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication)
8.02.2017 11:40:27 mil. five-by-five см. тж. loud and clear
8.02.2017 11:39:50 mil. five-by-five принимаю чисто, сигнал отличный (в радиопереговорах wikipedia.org)
8.02.2017 11:05:42 mil. loud and clear отлично (Как слышите меня? – Слышу вас отлично!)
8.02.2017 11:05:42 mil. five-by-five на пять баллов (Как слышите меня? – Слышу вас на пять баллов.)
8.02.2017 11:05:42 mil. loud and clear см. тж. five-by-five
8.02.2017 11:01:26 radio loud and clear чисто (Do you read me? (Как принимаете?) – Reading you loud and clear. (Принимаю чисто.))
7.02.2017 16:45:43 gen. literally or figuratively в прямом и переносном смысле (Both of the expressions you mention–"get one's hands dirty" and "dirty one's hands"–can be used literally or figuratively.)
7.02.2017 16:24:19 tel. put someone on the line соединить (звонящего с абонентом: Secretary: Just a moment, I'll put him on the line. • I'll put him on the line. Could you hold on, please?)
7.02.2017 16:08:19 cook. chicken-fried chicken куриная отбивная (панировке или кляре) "Chicken fried" означает "обжаренный в панировке или кляре": . (сравни: chicken fried steak – говяжья отбивная): other meats may be used, with "chicken-fried chicken" having appeared on many menus, substituting a boneless chicken breast for the steak. Chicken fried chicken differs from the dish known as "fried chicken" because the meat is removed from the bones, and cooked in the fashion of chicken fried steak)
7.02.2017 16:06:12 cook. chicken-fried в кляре (chicken-fried – обжаренный в панировке или кляре; курица есь ни при чем (ср. chicken-fried chicken))
7.02.2017 16:06:08 cook. chicken-fried в панировке (chicken-fried – обжаренный в панировке или кляре; курица есь ни при чем (ср. chicken-fried chicken))
7.02.2017 16:03:39 cook. см. chicken-fried кляр (chicken-fried – обжаренный в панировке или кляре; курица здесь ни при чем (ср. chicken-fried chicken))
7.02.2017 15:11:25 inf. doll up приодеться (к какому-либо случаю)
7.02.2017 15:10:14 inf. doll up прихорошиться (о женщине)
7.02.2017 14:09:57 psychol. non-verbal reasoning test см. IQ-test
7.02.2017 13:50:27 mil. member of the military военнослужащий
7.02.2017 12:53:27 gen. between one's teeth в зубах (Here we meet artist Earl Bailly, who contracted polio at the age of 3 and learned to paint by holding the brush between his teeth.)
7.02.2017 12:37:24 gen. except that вот только (I'd say "Yes". Except that I wouldn't, ever. (© LB))
7.02.2017 11:51:26 inf. be done for the day отстреляться
7.02.2017 11:46:20 mil., lingo be done at the range отстреляться (After we're done at the range for the day, we'll learn to field strip, clean and reassemble our firearms.)
7.02.2017 11:37:45 gen. en masse все разом (That would be impossible if our family and friends descended on us en masse.)
7.02.2017 11:32:42 gen. show up unannounced нагрянуть (вместо "show up" можно подставить "come by/over", "arrive" и т.д.: My parents came by unannounced, I'm sorry. • What to do when guests show up unannounced?)
7.02.2017 11:04:00 gen. slap my ass and call me Sally! обалдеть!
7.02.2017 10:50:58 inf. I can't believe it! обалдеть!
7.02.2017 8:30:06 inf. duty done дело сделано (I promise her to be back real soon and then I hang up. Duty done.)
7.02.2017 1:50:22 obs. very much a форменный
7.02.2017 1:13:23 gen. industrial athlete человек физического труда (Workers who depend on their physical strength for their career. These workers are the warehouse workers, parcel workers, shippers, handlers, lifters, pickers, sorters, fork truck drivers, nurses, doctors, and physical therapists of the world. с) Craft2)
7.02.2017 1:07:18 gen. drop by заглядывать (к кому-либо: Drop by sometime, friend.)
7.02.2017 1:06:17 inf. come over подъехать (куда-либо, к кому-либо: I'll come over in a bit if you want. • I'm gonna come over in a bit – want to talk to you about something.)
7.02.2017 0:27:58 inf. BrE pop in заскочить (к кому-либо: He popped in for two minutes. • Why don't you pop in and see us this afternoon? • All I have to do on the way home is pop into the drugstore.)
6.02.2017 17:48:06 gen. blend seamlessly органично вписываться (Opera House entrance blends seamlessly into the street. • The low-lying group of buildings blends seamlessly into the landscape. • Graffiti artist Falko One creates art that blends seamlessly into the background.)
6.02.2017 17:47:36 gen. seamlessly органично (напр., в фразе "органично вписываться": Opera House entrance blends seamlessly into the street. • The low-lying group of buildings blends seamlessly into the landscape. • Graffiti artist Falko One creates art that blends seamlessly into the background.)
6.02.2017 17:05:53 slang phat жирный (часто в намеренно искаженном написании "жырный") Word used by those with a limited vocabulary to describe something which they find quite good. | Urban Dictionary)
6.02.2017 16:56:28 slang phat жир (часто в намеренно искаженном написании "жыр") Word used by those with a limited vocabulary to describe something which they find quite good. | Urban Dictionary)
6.02.2017 15:25:15 mil. airlift перебрасывать (по воздуху)
6.02.2017 15:19:47 gen. transfer перекладывать (over))
6.02.2017 15:19:05 gen. transfer over передавать
6.02.2017 14:30:12 cook. melted chocolate горячий шоколад
6.02.2017 14:29:30 cook. drinking chocolate горячий шоколад (Hot chocolate made with melted chocolate is sometimes called drinking chocolate, characterized by less sweetness and a thicker consistency. | Wiki)
6.02.2017 14:14:57 cook. hot chocolate какао (о готовом напитке) Hot chocolate, also known as hot cocoa, drinking chocolate or just cocoa is a heated beverage consisting of shaved chocolate, melted chocolate or cocoa powder, heated milk or water, and often sugar. Hot chocolate made with melted chocolate is sometimes called drinking chocolate, characterized by less sweetness and a thicker consistency. | Wiki)
6.02.2017 13:41:53 inf. come over подскочить (в знач. "подъехать куда-либо или к кому-либо": I'll come over in a bit if you want. • I'm gonna come over in a bit – want to talk to you about something.)
6.02.2017 13:04:48 gen. private university частный вуз (The University of the Pacific is a private university in the western United States, located in Stockton, California.)
6.02.2017 12:53:26 mil., AAA by voice transmission планшетным методом (о передаче целеуказания)
6.02.2017 12:26:10 gen. leeway пространство для манёвра (In this case, you get some leeway with your pricing. • Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.)
6.02.2017 12:21:16 gen. scenario вариант (развития событий: That would have been the ideal scenario for me! • I watched him evaluating scenarios like a chess computer evaluates moves. (Lee Child))
6.02.2017 12:18:44 gen. leeway поблажка (в некоторых контекстах: Foreign students in real need should be given some leeway. • People filing for bankruptcy who were affected by Hurricane Katrina will get some leeway in meeting requirements of...)
6.02.2017 12:14:57 inf. leeway варианты (If the car needs premium gas, it will state that it is "required" or "recommended." In the latter case you have some leeway.)
6.02.2017 11:58:30 formal I avail myself of this opportunity пользуясь случаем
6.02.2017 11:54:05 product. screwdriver industries отверточная сборка (На территории индустриальных парков "ДАМУ" реализовывается концепция KNOCKED DOWN, согласно которой имеется возможность организации сборочного производства ("отверточной сборки") продукции различных предприятий. Концепция подразумевает организацию сборочного производства на территории страны, рассматриваемой в качестве целевого рынка, путем импорта на данный рынок готовой продукции в разобранном виде с последующей сборкой ввезенной продукции на территории страны-импортера.)
6.02.2017 11:50:37 product. screwdriver industries сборочное производство
6.02.2017 11:47:34 gen. contingency plan меры по предотвращению аварийных ситуаций
6.02.2017 11:38:48 dipl. avail oneself of the opportunity пользоваться случаем (в заключительной части вербальной ноты/verbal note: The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration. – ...пользуется случаем, чтобы возобновить Министерству иностранных дел уверения в своём весьма высоком уважении.)

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