
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

16.02.2017 10:37:16 gen. academy of obstetricians and gynecologists академия акушерства и гинекологии
16.02.2017 2:13:06 law survive the termination of the agreement продолжать действовать после прекращения договора (до полного исполнения или бессрочно)
16.02.2017 2:09:33 law survive any termination of the Agreement оставаться в силе после прекращения действия договора
16.02.2017 0:00:16 leg.ent.typ. comp. Ehf закрытая акционерная компания (в Исландии) Einkahlutafelag (Ehf) = private limited company)
15.02.2017 23:56:24 leg.ent.typ. SIA СИА (общество с ограниченной ответственностью в Латвии)
15.02.2017 23:55:54 leg.ent.typ. s.r.o. с.р.о. (общество с ограниченной ответственностью в Чехии)
15.02.2017 22:01:28 gen. International Assocation of Oil Transporters Международная ассоциация транспортировщиков нефти
15.02.2017 16:56:19 mil. context. post перебросить (войска, технику) Перевод очень ситуативный: Soon afterwards, the 1st Battalion was posted to Germany, being first based at Wuppertal.)
15.02.2017 16:46:35 mil. deploy размещаться (Missile batteries often deploy across an area with individual launchers several kilometres apart. • Batteries may have several dozen teams deploying separately in small sections. • Self-propelled air defence guns may deploy in pairs.)
15.02.2017 16:31:04 mil. be stationed стоять (о войсках – находиться в какой-либо местности: At the moment, General Jarad's batallion is stationed in Hammerforge. • Some 11 Iranian soldiers are stationed near the disputed well. • Nearly 40,000 Russian soldiers are stationed near the Ukraine-Russia border, according to recent Stratfor analysts. • 3 B1 Centauro tank destroyers moved up the road towards the city and began blasting away at enemy tanks stationed at the cities entrances, while Strykers came up from behind and deployed troops out into the field, and began heading into the combat zone.)
15.02.2017 16:28:45 auto. sіt стоять (The convoy sat idling at the curb. • The car is sitting out in the front car park.)
15.02.2017 16:23:42 gen. look up идти на лад (Since I got a salary increase, things are looking up. – ...дела пошли на лад.)
15.02.2017 16:15:42 gen. things are looking up дела идут на лад (Since I got a salary increase, things are looking up.)
15.02.2017 16:15:42 gen. things are looking up ситуация налаживается
15.02.2017 16:09:24 auto. be pulled up стоять (об автомобиле и пр.: Further ahead, the rest of the convoy was pulled up at the side of the road. • Just the other day I was pulled up at a red light when...)
15.02.2017 15:53:46 gen. fall in with присоединиться (to join a group of people: I reckon Jimmy Khong will fall in with us and get us out of the soup if needed. (Derek Lantin))
15.02.2017 14:46:53 jarg. double-cross кинуть (to deceive someone by working only for your own advantage in the (usually illegal) activities you have planned together: The diamond thief double-crossed his partners and gave them only worthless fake jewels. • We got a client who is a blatant liar and who will definitely try to double-cross us at the end of the job if she can. (Derek Lantin))
15.02.2017 14:43:16 jarg. waste слить (избавиться от кого-либо, сдав органам/противнику)
15.02.2017 14:42:24 jarg. double-cross слить (=сдать кого-либо: Vic was double-crossed by his friend Alan, who informed Nelson Fingers of the upcoming deal.)
15.02.2017 14:41:26 jarg. rat out слить (=сдать кого-либо)
15.02.2017 14:34:21 inf. twice поиметь
15.02.2017 14:34:21 inf. twice кинуть
15.02.2017 14:34:21 inf. twice прокатить
15.02.2017 14:32:04 gen. doublecross см. double-cross
15.02.2017 14:26:18 gen. blatant liar наглый лжец
15.02.2017 12:33:26 slang go back on поиметь
15.02.2017 12:33:26 slang go back on кинуть
15.02.2017 12:33:26 slang go back on прокатить
15.02.2017 12:21:23 gen. in the dark вслепую (в некоторых контекстах: Without more detail, we are thrashing about in the dark.)
15.02.2017 11:38:41 gen. thrash about in the dark метаться в темноте
15.02.2017 11:09:31 gen. wander about in the dark блуждать впотьмах
15.02.2017 11:02:19 inf. thrash about in the dark тыкаться впотьмах (Me, I think those guys are sorta thrashing about in the dark. I think they don't know much more than we do, maybe less. (Derek Lantin))
15.02.2017 10:39:13 gen. keep tabs см. keep tabs on
15.02.2017 10:37:40 inf. in a bin way во все уши (Daniella is listening in a big way. She's concentrating so hard that she is forgetting to show me her cleavage. (Derek Lantin))
15.02.2017 10:32:43 gen. sell down the river обмануть (betray someone's trust in order to get an advantage for yourself: A lot of people feel they have been sold down the river by a government who have failed to keep their pre-election promises.)
15.02.2017 10:26:29 slang sell down the river кинуть (Fucking Dimitri, made me kill Faustin then he sell me down the river!)
14.02.2017 15:32:10 slang sell down the river поиметь
14.02.2017 15:32:10 slang sell down the river прокатить
14.02.2017 15:17:13 gen. slit one's throat перерезать горло (We got a partner called Sonny Thong who would happily slit our throats before breakfast an' not even think about it.)
14.02.2017 15:16:35 gen. slit one's throat перехватить глотку (We got a partner called Sonny Thong who would happily slit our throats before breakfast an' not even think about it.)
14.02.2017 14:58:03 inf. twice обмануть (также to two-time someone) He will definitely try to twice us at the end of the job if he can.)
14.02.2017 13:38:52 gen. not even think about it глазом не моргнув (We got a partner called Sonny Thong who would happily slit our throats before breakfast an’ not even think about it.)
14.02.2017 12:09:12 gen. restore to operational condition восстановить (что-либо поврежденное или неработающее)
14.02.2017 11:42:04 radio SHF СМВ (сантиметровые волны)
14.02.2017 11:41:22 radio UHF ДМВ (дециметровые волны)
14.02.2017 11:38:21 avia. airport traffic control tower аэродромно-диспетчерская вышка
14.02.2017 11:34:40 radioloc. radio spectrum диапазон частот (радиочастот)
14.02.2017 11:31:34 avia. instrument landing system курсоглиссадная система посадки
14.02.2017 11:29:46 avia. flight crew operating manual полётная инструкция экипажу (воздушного судна)
14.02.2017 11:28:41 avia. aircraft flight manual руководство по лётной эксплуатации (воздушного судна)
14.02.2017 11:25:06 avia. instrument landing system localizer курсовой радиомаяк (LOC/LLZ)
14.02.2017 11:08:10 gen. networking coffee перерыв на кофе (для неформального общения участников мероприятия))
14.02.2017 10:58:29 inf. safely спокойно (If the interruption to the flow of the sentence is but slight, the writer may safely omit the commas.)
14.02.2017 10:51:27 hist. film at eleven видеоряд смотрите в ночном выпуске (буквально 11 ночи по тихоокеанскому времени). Выражение относится к тем временам, когда обработка видеоряда занимала много времени и не поспевала к вечернему выпуску новостей (упрощённо говоря, "видео будет позже"))
14.02.2017 10:20:46 radioloc. communication, navigation and surveillance связь, навигация и наблюдение
14.02.2017 10:11:19 radioloc. standalone monopulse secondary surveillance radar автономный моноимпульсный вторичный обзорный радиолокатор (MSSR)
14.02.2017 9:51:01 radioloc. en-route radar facility трассовый радиолокационный комплекс (The FGAR will be installed at Southern Region's Newport, Mississippi (MS) ARSR-3 En Route Radar Facility.)
14.02.2017 0:56:54 gen. be social общаться (The ties between the Obama White House and the hip-hop community are genuine. The Obamas are social with Beyoncé and Jay-Z.)
14.02.2017 0:47:55 gen. first couple президентская чета (The farewell party was the last in a series of concerts the first couple had hosted at the White House.)
14.02.2017 0:44:41 gen. at the expense см. тж. at the expense of
14.02.2017 0:43:50 gen. at the expense of в адрес (о шутке: He had been light on his feet in these last few weeks, cracking jokes at the expense of Republican opponents and laughing off hecklers. • I confess to a few chuckles at the expense of those middle-age guys and gals who didn't pay enough attention to the fine print in their military discharge papers and are now being called back into uniform.)
14.02.2017 0:40:44 gen. laugh off отшучиваться (He had been light on his feet in these last few weeks, cracking jokes at the expense of Republican opponents and laughing off hecklers.)
14.02.2017 0:36:59 gen. with solid advantages с заметным преимуществом (Polls in the crucial states of Virginia and Pennsylvania showed Clinton with solid advantages.)
14.02.2017 0:33:27 idiom. in the waning days of на закате (in the waning days of the Yi Dynasty)
14.02.2017 0:29:03 gen. in the waning days of на исходе срока (In the waning days of President Barack Obama's administration, he and his wife, Michelle, hosted a farewell party, the full import of which no one could then grasp.)
13.02.2017 21:22:18 gen. carry on вести себя (to act or behave, especially to misbehave so as to attract attention: I really wish you wouldn't carry on like that in public!)
13.02.2017 15:41:14 mil. on station на месте
13.02.2017 15:11:12 gen. mission-driven organization организация, не ставящая целью извлечение прибыли
13.02.2017 14:53:57 auto. type approval certificate одобрение типа транспортного средства (Как всегда, с легкой руки каких-то недалеких товарищей в системе ГОСТ Р официально прижился термин "одобрение типа транспортного средства" см. goo.gl/pe4jZK))
13.02.2017 13:53:36 gen. missing утерянный (The crown and pendant are now missing.)
13.02.2017 13:50:27 gen. jeweled инкрустированный драгоценными камнями (jeweled eggs created by Peter Carl Fabergé)
13.02.2017 13:40:56 inf. it feels like такое впечатление, что (It feels like it was yesterday.)
13.02.2017 13:38:11 inf. be half expecting такое впечатление, что (требует трансформации: The place has a remote, cowboy-town feel to it. I'm half expecting to see Clint Eastwood appear out of nowhere, chuck his cigar in the mud and start blasting way the baddies. (Derek Lantin))
13.02.2017 12:17:05 gen. pass along передавать (relay some information to someone: Please feel free to pass this information along to others.)
13.02.2017 11:42:15 gen. that's not the way так не делается (эллипсис от "that's not the way things are done")
13.02.2017 11:42:15 gen. that's not the way things are done так не делается
13.02.2017 1:08:32 med. domestic medicine уход за больным на дому (осуществляемый медсестрой или добровольцами из благотворительных организаций)
12.02.2017 23:51:59 UN Millennium Development Goals цели развития, изложенные в "Декларации тысячелетия" ООН
12.02.2017 21:31:28 context. be in touch позвонить (I've got to go away for a week, but I'll be in touch as soon as I am back.)
12.02.2017 21:31:28 context. be in touch написать (I'll be in touch via email as it seems inappropriate to ask you to disclose details about your subscriptions on a public forum.)
12.02.2017 20:35:58 auto. top up дозаправиться (топливом и т.п.: I shall top up with petrol before the long trip. • Just topping up for the road.)
12.02.2017 20:29:45 formal emerging democracies молодые демократические государства
12.02.2017 20:23:25 misused qui pro quo см. quid pro quo
12.02.2017 19:52:54 gen. to make matters worse дальше-хуже
12.02.2017 19:52:28 gen. to make things worse дальше-хуже
12.02.2017 19:51:54 gen. make things worse см. тж. make matters worse
12.02.2017 19:42:27 gen. to make things worse ко всему (сокр. от "вдобавок/впридачу ко всему")
12.02.2017 19:42:27 gen. to make things worse да ещё и
12.02.2017 19:42:27 gen. to make things worse вдобавок ко всему
11.02.2017 22:17:50 gen. call centre телефонная служба поддержки
10.02.2017 20:43:02 gen. powered by основано на технологии
10.02.2017 16:29:28 gen. most of the day большую часть дня
10.02.2017 16:29:28 gen. most of the day большую часть времени
10.02.2017 16:16:55 idiom. oh well что ж (Oh well, it could be worse.)
10.02.2017 14:50:35 USA Department of State канцелярия штата (или канцелярия губернатора штата) В большинстве штатов США)
10.02.2017 14:32:54 law acts and omissions см. act or omission
10.02.2017 14:32:39 law act and omission действие либо упущение
10.02.2017 14:31:51 law acts or omissions действие либо упущение (смотри комментарий к статье "action or inaction" либо см. goo.gl/fVmRQX (поиск на странице по фразе "act or omission"))
10.02.2017 14:02:40 gen. get bounced and jounced трястись (в машине: The road is plenty bad. We're getting bounced and jounced like a couple of sacks of potatoes. (Derek Lantin))
10.02.2017 14:01:58 gen. bounce and jounce трясти (в машине: The road is plenty bad. We're getting bounced and jounced like a couple of sacks of potatoes. (Derek Lantin))

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