
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

15.03.2017 12:40:17 gen. deem to be a threat расценивать как угрозу (The Russian bombers were not deemed to be a threat, [MoD spokesman] added.)
15.03.2017 12:29:18 media. library photo фото из архива (на подписи к фотографии)
15.03.2017 11:45:27 gen. fly to pieces разлететься (тж. into) на куски)
15.03.2017 10:52:21 gen. scatter развеять (чей-либо прах: Her ashes were scattered at the top of a waterfall.)
15.03.2017 10:03:37 gen. be thrown in all directions разлететься (во все стороны)
15.03.2017 10:03:10 gen. go to pieces разлететься (на куски)
15.03.2017 10:03:10 gen. get scattered разлететься (around, all over и т.п.)
15.03.2017 10:03:10 gen. disperse разлететься
15.03.2017 10:03:10 gen. scatter разлететься
14.03.2017 17:56:54 fig. travel разнестись (The word about Loder had traveled quickly.)
14.03.2017 17:56:54 fig. travel распространиться
14.03.2017 17:45:21 inf. hit the ground with a thud шлёпнуться
14.03.2017 17:23:48 rude it takes two to tango сука не поманит, кобель не побежит
14.03.2017 17:09:02 mil., lingo zero dark thirty темнота (a very late, or very early, time of the day) ср.: на часах ночь)
14.03.2017 17:04:56 mil. tango down цель обезврежена (tango for T, T for target) "a target has been injured or killed" or "a terrorist has been injured or killed")
14.03.2017 16:31:26 gen. toned-down более мягкий (Another example is fudge, which is nothing more than a toned-down version of the f-word.)
14.03.2017 16:31:04 gen. toned-down смягчённый (Another example is fudge, which is nothing more than a toned-down version of the f-word.)
14.03.2017 15:53:10 taboo bust the fuck out of отпиздить
14.03.2017 15:53:10 taboo bust the fuck out of дать пизды
14.03.2017 15:06:08 inf. get kicked out of вылететь (из школы, армии, игры и т.п.: I got kicked out of the union a few years ago. • Allen West got kicked out of the Army for war crimes. • I got kicked out of the game.)
14.03.2017 15:04:05 inf. get thrown out of вылететь (из школы, армии, игры и т.п.: 10 most common ways troops get thrown out of the military. • I almost got thrown out of the school because they said I broke the rules. • I got thrown out of the game in the first mission.)
14.03.2017 12:14:28 gen. bits and pieces хлопоты (small jobs of different types: Then there are all the other bits and pieces involved in a wedding: invitations, photos, and car rental.)
14.03.2017 12:14:28 fig. bits and pieces хозяйство (small things or personal stuff)
14.03.2017 12:14:28 uncom. bits and pieces всякое разное (только в контексте)
14.03.2017 11:22:40 gen. come off отваливаться (One of the wagon wheels came off.)
13.03.2017 16:36:21 gen. with duct tape over one's mouth с заклеенным ртом (также on one's mouth: The young man with duct tape over his mouth.)
13.03.2017 16:33:54 gen. put sticky tape over one's mouth заклеить рот скотчем (также on one's mouth: They tied me up and threw me in the van and put sticky tape over my mouth. • The killers first put sticky tape on his mouth so that he cannot scream, the police said.)
13.03.2017 16:28:04 gen. put sticky tape on one's mouth заклеить рот скотчем
13.03.2017 16:20:51 uncom. with gunshot wounds простреленный
13.03.2017 12:34:58 inf. from the other side с той стороны
13.03.2017 10:52:20 нет связи плохая связь
13.03.2017 10:52:20 связь прерывается плохая связь
13.03.2017 10:52:20 связь оборвалась плохая связь
13.03.2017 10:51:51 gen. bad line плохая связь (о телефоне) Слабый сигнал сети, помехи и т.п.: I'm sorry this is bad line, I can hardly hear you, and it's breaking up.)
13.03.2017 10:51:19 gen. poor connection плохая связь (If you are on the phone, it is useful to blame a "poor connection". Otherwise they might think it is something in the way they speak.)
13.03.2017 10:45:40 gen. one thing уж что-что (Уж что-что, а поэт в семье нам не нужен. – One thing we don't want is a poet in the family)
13.03.2017 10:44:37 gen. whatever rings your chimes как угодно
12.03.2017 20:45:26 gen. come in handy пригодиться (And if you plan on taking loads of photos or carrying around a massive media collection, the microSD memory card slot is going to come in very handy.)
10.03.2017 16:33:24 gen. like a bastard at a family reunion см. welcome as a bastard at a family reunion (т.е. unwelcome)
10.03.2017 15:27:02 mil. dig foxholes окапываться (о солдатах, в отличие от целых подразделений: When I was going through Marine officer training, one of the things we had to do was learn how to dig foxholes. For those of you not familiar with military traditions, a foxhole is a pit that combat troops dig to give them shelter from enemy attacks.)
10.03.2017 15:21:22 gen. ride on the back of ездить на (в знач. "верхом на")
10.03.2017 15:18:48 ecol. conservation park ландшафтный парк (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_park_(Australia))
10.03.2017 13:56:17 gen. folie a deux индуцированное бредовое расстройство
10.03.2017 13:44:06 inf. waltz in зайти как ни в чём не бывало (Even if Locke has your friend, you can't just waltz in there and grab her.)
10.03.2017 13:10:41 mil. forward camp передовой лагерь
10.03.2017 13:04:53 inf. have the argy-bargy пререкаться (At the Thai side of the border we have the usual argy-bargy about how come a westerner has a Thai passport. It ain't serious and the border cops seem to find it amusing.)
10.03.2017 13:02:45 inf. press the button for the lift вызвать лифт (I press the button for the lift and it takes its time arriving.)
10.03.2017 12:59:38 inf. there ain't no rush спешить некуда
10.03.2017 12:08:10 gen. glassware тара
9.03.2017 17:14:38 gen. muscle in вмешиваться (в чужое дело или разговор против воли других))
9.03.2017 17:14:24 gen. muscle in вмешаться (в чужое дело или разговор против воли других))
9.03.2017 17:12:11 jarg. muscle in on someone's business наехать (на кого-либо)
9.03.2017 16:56:35 inf. waltz in спокойно входить
9.03.2017 16:56:02 inf. waltz in заявиться как ни в чём не бывало
9.03.2017 16:45:41 rude get the fuck away убраться (нахрен от кого-либо)
9.03.2017 16:39:44 смыться съебаться
9.03.2017 16:39:44 убраться съебаться
9.03.2017 16:35:18 inf. bail out валить (убираться откуда-либо: Porter tore off Louis's oxygen mask and shouted for him to bail out – there was no saving the plane.)
9.03.2017 16:26:22 invect. hit the fucking thing захуячить
9.03.2017 16:25:04 invect. shoot the fuck down захуячить (в знач. "сбить": Israel spotted a drone just hanging out in their airspace, spying or whatever, and shot it the fuck down.)
9.03.2017 15:57:28 inf. waltz in вмешаться (I reckon Sonny was hoping I'd do all the hard work and find the missing papers and then Sonny could sort of waltz in and steal the papers and the second half of our fee. (Derek Lantin))
9.03.2017 15:08:01 inf. grab a taxi вызвать такси
9.03.2017 15:07:43 inf. grab a taxi взять такси
9.03.2017 15:06:52 gen. not lose one's cool и бровью не повести (в контексте))
9.03.2017 15:04:10 gen. not lose one's cool не смутиться (в контексте: Then she stands around and supervises him the way that women do. Prasert don't lose his cool and just does as he's told.)
9.03.2017 15:02:32 gen. where one is место (I can't make out what they're saying from where I am. – ...со своего места)
9.03.2017 15:00:59 gen. undiluted неприкрытый (о лжи и т.п.)
9.03.2017 15:00:16 gen. undiluted откровенный (о лжи и т.п.)
9.03.2017 14:58:21 gen. pure garbage откровенная чушь
9.03.2017 14:57:13 gen. feed someone buns through the bars носить сухари (Then you will go to jail and then I'll have to come and feed you buns through the bars.)
9.03.2017 14:56:15 gen. at the doorway в дверях (At the doorway, I turn around and look at Daniella. • She stands at the doorway and lets her eyes adjust to the relative shade inside.)
9.03.2017 14:56:04 gen. at the doorway на пороге (At the doorway, I turn around and look at Daniella. • She stands at the doorway and lets her eyes adjust to the relative shade inside.)
9.03.2017 14:37:35 inf. get very tough on не поздоровиться
9.03.2017 14:37:18 inf. get tough on короткий разговор (требует трансформации: And remember, no monkey business, or I'm going to get very tough on you.)
9.03.2017 14:34:16 gen. get all steamed up кипятиться ("Look, you cheap gorilla…," she starts, but I cut her off. "Now, now, now," I say, wagging my finger at her. "Don't you get all steamed up. That ain't gonna help none.")
9.03.2017 14:30:58 inf. hell of a lot целая куча (It ain't difficult, but there's a hell of a lot of details to worry about. • I reckon a hell of a lot has happened since I first met Daniella in Bangkok.)
9.03.2017 14:28:27 gen. hell of a lot чертова туча
9.03.2017 14:23:37 gen. all to oneself в полном распоряжении (I go down to the swimming pool. There's no one there and I got the pool all to myself.)
9.03.2017 14:22:16 inf. shemozzle суматоха
9.03.2017 14:20:59 inf. shemozzle бедлам
9.03.2017 14:19:19 slang shemozzle кипеш
9.03.2017 14:17:51 slang mess up лажануться
9.03.2017 14:14:57 slang mess up налажать ("She said that it was all over and it looks like she meant it." "Serves you right," I tell him sorta final. "You really messed that up.")
9.03.2017 13:52:51 inf. pull no tricks быть паинькой
9.03.2017 13:51:05 disappr. pull a trick учудить
9.03.2017 12:49:58 inf. or something или что-то в этом роде (One day she forgets her tracksuit in the taxi or something. • It only takes one difficult official, maybe some guy who has had a row with his wife or something, and we could be in a real mess.)
9.03.2017 12:47:17 inf. or something или кто-то вроде того (I reckon she's a cop or a federal official or something. • ... is the most expensive private estate in the whole of Bangkok and you got to be a millionaire or an ambassador or something to be able to stay there.)
9.03.2017 12:39:57 idiom. pull tricks выкидывать коленца
9.03.2017 12:36:05 gen. there is no harm in не повредит (Charlie or Sonny might try throw us a wobbly at the last minute, so there ain't no harm in being careful.)
9.03.2017 12:35:37 gen. there is no harm in being careful осторожность не повредит
9.03.2017 12:32:39 inf. throw a tantrum психануть
9.03.2017 12:29:53 gen. at the last minute в последний момент (Charlie or Sonny might try throw us a wobbly at the last minute, so there ain't no harm in being careful. • At the last minute, Alex overcomes his predatory instincts and scares the fossa away from the lemur territory forever.)
9.03.2017 12:20:52 prop.&figur. as sharp as a needle острый (об обонянии, уме и т.п.: The point of the sword was as sharp as a needle. || Her mind was as sharp as a needle.)
9.03.2017 12:13:13 gen. timing своевременность (The difference between a joke told well and a joke told badly is the timing.)
9.03.2017 12:11:19 gen. см. good timing уложиться
9.03.2017 12:08:10 gen. good timing тютелька в тютельку (в контексте)
9.03.2017 12:07:24 inf. perfect timing молодец! (похвала уложившемуся в отведенное время; исключительно в контексте)
9.03.2017 12:07:24 gen. perfect timing быстро справился! (похвала уложившемуся в отведенное время)
9.03.2017 12:07:24 gen. good timing см. тж. perfect timing
9.03.2017 12:00:31 inf. timing is good по графику (The timing is good and we get to the border post at almost spot-on two o'clock.)

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