
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

22.03.2017 14:29:42 law indemnify and save harmless см. indemnify and hold harmless
22.03.2017 14:20:15 neol. grammar nazi педант-аккуратист (в вопросах грамматики и орфографии)
21.03.2017 16:48:20 gen. be on about иметь в виду (mean, intend)
21.03.2017 15:19:33 inf. know a thing or two немного понимать (в чём-либо – about something, в знач. "разбираться") н-р, "Я сам кузовщик, но немного понимаю в двигателях")
21.03.2017 13:04:06 navig. east longitude восточной долготы (at 0 degrees, 41 minutes, 15 seconds north latitude and 23 degrees, 26 minutes east longitude)
21.03.2017 13:03:36 navig. north latitude северной широты (at 0 degrees, 41 minutes, 15 seconds north latitude and 23 degrees, 26 minutes east longitude)
21.03.2017 11:25:37 inf. not be able to put two words together заговариваться (All credit goes to Liv Bliss)
21.03.2017 11:25:21 inf. start talking gibberish заговариваться (All credit goes to Liv Bliss)
21.03.2017 11:23:43 inf. one's tongue gets tied заговариваться (the words just aren't coming out right) All credit goes to Liv Bliss)
21.03.2017 11:23:43 inf. start tripping over one's own tongue заговариваться (All credit goes to Liv Bliss)
21.03.2017 1:30:15 gen. customer number лицевой счёт (в счетах и прочих документах)
21.03.2017 1:30:09 gen. client number лицевой счёт (в счетах и прочих документах)
21.03.2017 1:29:58 gen. customer reference лицевой счёт (в счетах и прочих документах)
20.03.2017 23:10:03 inf. сut it out заканчивай уже (with) Cut it out with the apologies, you hear? (с) LB)
20.03.2017 15:35:50 inf. if this proves true если это так (=если это подтвердится)
20.03.2017 12:32:26 inf. get one's tongue around the words ворочать языком (But although he could hardly get his tongue round the words, he went on insisting that...)
20.03.2017 12:13:37 inf. get a birdy достань воробушка
20.03.2017 11:36:36 inf. if it's not one thing it's another не одно, так другое (used when bad things keep happening to you: I've lost my commuter pass, scratched my knee when my bike fell over, and failed an important test, all in a day. If it's not one thing it's another.)
20.03.2017 11:32:18 inf. trip over words запинаться
20.03.2017 11:28:16 gen. get tongue-tied путаться в словах (unable or disinclined to speak freely, as from shyness: I'm normally very fluent, but if I'm tired, I lose my connection to words and I get tongue tied... I'll either forget how to say a word...)
20.03.2017 11:26:42 inf. seconded поддерживаю (Пример: A: I can't log in to the site. B: Try cleaning your cookies. C: Seconded. That worked for me.)
20.03.2017 11:22:37 gen. stumble over words запинаться
20.03.2017 10:47:49 gen. romanization транслитерация (только в случае передачи нелатинской письменности средствами латинского алфавита: In linguistics, romanization or latinization (or romanisation, latinisation: see spelling differences) is the representation of a written word or spoken speech with the Roman (Latin) script, or a system for doing so, where the original word or language uses a different writing system (or none))
20.03.2017 10:36:20 gen. be at a loss for words не найтись что сказать
20.03.2017 10:35:38 gen. get tongue-tied запинаться
20.03.2017 10:32:09 gen. get tongue-tied не мочь выдавить из себя что-то внятное
20.03.2017 10:29:24 gen. tongue-tied см. тж. get tongue-tied
20.03.2017 10:19:35 gen. be tongue-tied не найтись что сказать
20.03.2017 10:19:35 gen. get tongue-tied быть не в состоянии выдавить из себя что-то внятное (be at a loss for words) напр., от волнения и т.п.: I get tongue tied and can't think of the words to say. Because of this problem I've been failing every single job interview.)
20.03.2017 2:18:06 law exclusive license разрешение на использование исключительных прав
20.03.2017 2:15:18 law licensor правообладатель (в некоторых случаях)
20.03.2017 2:14:40 law licensee правоприобретатель (в некоторых случаях))
20.03.2017 1:57:21 law it is understood при этом (however)
20.03.2017 1:53:23 law, copyr. revert переходить назад (к прежнему владельцу (о правах))
20.03.2017 1:04:47 polygr. back cover тыльная сторона обложки
20.03.2017 1:02:31 gen. front cover лицевая сторона обложки
19.03.2017 18:41:40 busin. non-refundable возврату не подлежит (о сумме) Такой вариант зачастую требует изменения структуры предложения, например: The Resident agrees to pay to the Owner a non-refundable fee of $500 – ...уплачивает сумму в размере 500$. Указанная сумма возврату не подлежит.)
19.03.2017 18:34:39 publish. cover art оформление обложки
19.03.2017 18:15:34 gen. subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement в соответствии с настоящим договором
19.03.2017 18:15:15 law subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement в соответствии с условиями настоящего договора ("terms and conditions" – парные синонимы, которые переводятся либо как "условия, либо как "положения" (договора).)
19.03.2017 17:15:51 gen. be woven through проходить красной нитью (Woven through all aspects of their performance is the imperative to adhere to the highest standards of integrity.)
19.03.2017 17:13:29 intell. security processing проверка для допуска к секретным документам
19.03.2017 16:03:50 imitat. squish чвак ("Nno one's couch ever completely dries out. For years and years, every time they sit down there's always that little "Squish...? "Dan, Linda, come on in you guys, have a seat" – "Squish!" "Squish!" (c) George Carlin)
19.03.2017 16:03:50 imitat. squish хлюп ("Nno one's couch ever completely dries out. For years and years, every time they sit down there's always that little "Squish...? "Dan, Linda, come on in you guys, have a seat" – "Squish!" "Squish!" (c) George Carlin)
19.03.2017 11:21:35 fig. justice Фемида (Justice may be blind, but she has very sophisticated listening devices.)
18.03.2017 23:42:52 amer. kangaroo craps орлянка
18.03.2017 23:41:53 austral. swy орлянка (игра) то же, что и two-up, kangaroo craps | "...them and Aristotle are playin' swy for one tiny bottle of Bal-a-Versailles...")
17.03.2017 16:14:10 mil. emplace окопаться (об орудийном расчёте, бронетехнике)
17.03.2017 16:10:38 police seal off оградить (место преступления))
17.03.2017 16:10:30 police secure оградить (место преступления))
17.03.2017 16:10:14 police cordon off оградить (место преступления))
17.03.2017 16:08:14 mil. hold at bay удерживать на расстоянии (противника: Gilliland volunteered to remain to cover the withdrawal and hold the enemy at bay.)
17.03.2017 16:07:49 mil. hold at bay сдерживать (противника: The beleaguered company suffered fifty casualties during the night in holding the Chinese at bay.)
17.03.2017 15:59:40 police secure the crime scene оградить место преступления (Officers secured the crime scene with police tape.)
17.03.2017 15:58:22 police cordon off the crime scene оградить место преступления (After the victim was taken away by authorities, the police had to cordon off the crime scene with police tape until the forensics team arrived at 10pm.)
17.03.2017 15:57:19 police seal off the crime scene оградить место преступления (with police tape, etc.: A police officer seals off the crime scene with police tape.)
17.03.2017 13:56:43 inf. immunisations прививки (напр., в школе)
17.03.2017 13:55:25 gen. book in записать (на приём и т.п., особенно заранее: You can consider booking your child in for a dentist appointment and a doctor's check-up (some kids require immunisations for school).)
17.03.2017 12:49:08 mil. shell обстрелять (артиллерийским или минометным огнем: Rebel forces in the city ... continued to resist, causing ISIL forces to shell their positions with artillery.)
17.03.2017 10:21:34 gen. insert name имярек (в тексте)
17.03.2017 10:21:06 inf. austrian pisspot пьяница (Here's to (insert name), he's true blue | He's a pisspot through and through | He's a bastard so they say | Tried to go to heaven but he went the other way | Drink it down!)
17.03.2017 10:17:26 slang pisspot чертова куча (The shipowners are pissed off and will need a pisspot of money thrown at them to go away.)
17.03.2017 10:17:03 vulg. pisspot до фига (In fact, I have made a veritable pisspot of money.)
17.03.2017 10:17:03 slang pisspot до хрена (In fact, I have made a veritable pisspot of money.)
17.03.2017 10:14:06 literal. rude pisspot утка (судно для мочеиспускания))
16.03.2017 17:29:29 gen. or, never mind a впрочем (Or, never mind, I'll just call her.)
16.03.2017 17:23:13 amer. on second thought a впрочем
16.03.2017 16:00:45 gen. get on with продолжить (Facts hurt us–but it didn't break us. We all have work to do–and we're getting on with it. • Now that the technical difficulties have been taken care of, let's get on with the show!)
16.03.2017 16:00:45 gen. get on with садиться за (proceed with; begin or continue, especially after an interruption: Turn off the TV and get on with your homework)
16.03.2017 14:13:52 gen. on good terms по-дружески (We shook hands and parted on good terms.)
16.03.2017 14:13:25 inf. on good terms по-хорошему (в знач. "в хороших отношениях" -напр., рассстаться: We parted on good terms. • There is such a thing as ending a relationship on good terms.)
16.03.2017 14:00:20 gen. on good terms в хороших отношениях (to be/remain on good terms with smb)
16.03.2017 12:59:53 gen. mishandle повести себя неправильно (в какой-то ситуации, с чем-либо и т.д.)
16.03.2017 12:58:14 gen. mishandle испортить (With irresponsible talk of EU and Nato membership, the West has badly mishandled relations with Ukraine – and with Moscow.)
16.03.2017 12:49:21 inf. badly mishandle похерить
16.03.2017 12:48:03 gen. let decay запустить (забросить))
16.03.2017 12:47:57 gen. let decline запустить (забросить))
16.03.2017 12:47:42 gen. fail to take care of запустить (забросить))
16.03.2017 12:47:24 gen. leave untreated запустить (болезнь))
16.03.2017 12:14:15 russ.lang. dedovschina дедовщина (literally "grandfatherism") The informal system of fresh conscripts being brutalised by more senior soldiers in the militaries of certain former Soviet Republics. A quote from Rodric Braihwaite: There had always been a great deal of bullying in the Soviet army, but a more established ritual of bullying, dedovshchina , the ‘grandfather system', emerged in the late 1960s. Under this system, a soldier in his last six months was known as a ‘grandfather' (ded ). New recruits were made to clean the barracks, look after the grandfathers' kit, get them cigarettes from the shop and food from the canteen. They were ritually humiliated, and beaten sometimes to the point of serious injury. Most endured, and consoled themselves with the thought that they too would be grandfathers one day. Some broke under the strain: they deserted, mutilated themselves, or committed suicide.)
16.03.2017 12:08:37 idiom. as flies to honey как мух на мёд (тянуть, притягивать: He had a knack for making friends and people seemed to gravitate to him as flies to honey.)
16.03.2017 12:08:31 idiom. as bees to honey как мух на мёд (тянуть, притягивать: It is true, he was not a particularly good looking man, yet he had a charismatic way about him that I knew would draw women as bees to honey.)
16.03.2017 12:00:19 idiom. as bees to honey как мухи на мёд
16.03.2017 11:46:27 russ.lang. Afgantsy афганцы (такое слово употребляет в своей книге Родрик Брейтуэйт: We Afgantsy talk among ourselves about things which those who were not in Afghanistan may not understand, or will understand in the wrong way. • The symptoms they found among the Afgantsy were much the same as the Americans had identified after Vietnam.)
16.03.2017 11:33:54 idiom. be a honeypot притягивать (Superb Roman remains, Georgian architecture and countless museums justify Bath's position as a tourist honeypot..)
16.03.2017 11:33:15 idiom. like flies to honey как мухи на мёд (слетаться: As word got about of the rare beauty serving at the Red Falcon, men from miles around flocked to it like flies to honey. • He tries to keep a low profile, but the girls are like flies to honey whenever he's around.)
16.03.2017 11:33:15 idiom. like bees to honey как мухи на мёд (слетаться: Shelly's vintage flower pin necklaces in my window attract customers into the store like bees to honey.)
16.03.2017 10:35:27 gen. question for вопрос к (someone)
16.03.2017 10:06:06 gen. at the time при (=в то время, когда: at the time the circuit is energized – при запитанной цепи)
16.03.2017 10:06:06 gen. at the time когда
15.03.2017 15:43:46 gen. dotted with усеянный (Even a half mile down the road, leaving the scene of the slaughter behind, the plain was still dotted with corpses.)
15.03.2017 15:40:46 gen. destroy evidence уничтожать улики
15.03.2017 15:28:32 mil. incoming artillery артобстрел (fire: The mud, the rats, the constant incoming artillery, sixty days without respite.)
15.03.2017 14:58:26 gen. if it isn't не иначе (If it isn't Sir Horace himself.)
15.03.2017 14:35:45 gen. enlist the help привлечь (of; себе в помощь: Our employee who responded to the site started the evacuation, but he enlisted the help of the third-party contractor that was on the site)
15.03.2017 14:24:21 gen. respond to the site выехать на место (происшествия: Reed was among the emergency workers who responded to the site. • An Afghan special forces unit responded to the site of the attack and engaged in a shootout that lasted for 10 hours.)
15.03.2017 12:54:23 gen. at the border на границе (государственной: At the border we were asked to park the jeep at one side of the road. • We were at the border, waiting to cross.)
15.03.2017 12:46:34 gen. on the border на границе (на стыке: Niagara Falls is a set of massive waterfalls located ... on the border between the United States and Canada .)
15.03.2017 12:41:19 gen. be deemed to be a threat представлять угрозу (The Russian bombers were not deemed to be a threat, [MoD spokesman] added.)
15.03.2017 12:41:19 gen. put at risk представлять угрозу

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