
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

12.04.2017 12:01:22 gen. second прикомандировать
12.04.2017 10:56:15 cartogr. dividing the area into grid squares разбивка на квадраты
12.04.2017 9:26:13 taboo be fucked пиздец (кому-либо, в знач. "конец", "хана", "крышка": If they don't come to rescue us, we're fucked. • If he's elected president, we're fucked. • I'd be fucked if I was a girl and had to put makeup on everyday, I can't even draw a fucking stick man properly.)
11.04.2017 16:05:11 idiom. come out of the woodwork активизироваться (Influenced by low-interest rates, many potential home-purchasers have come out of the woodwork.)
11.04.2017 15:56:38 idiom. crawl out of the woodwork повылазить на свет божий (to appear after being hidden or not active for a long time, especially in order to do something unpleasant: Racists and extreme nationalists are crawling out of the woodwork to protest at the sudden increase in the number of immigrants.)
11.04.2017 15:54:05 idiom. crawl out of the woodwork повыползать
11.04.2017 15:49:19 idiom. come out of the woodwork вылазить
11.04.2017 15:49:18 idiom. come out of the woodwork всплывать (After you've been in a relationship for a while all sorts of little secrets start to come out of the woodwork.)
11.04.2017 15:08:29 police dispatch a response team выслать наряд
11.04.2017 15:08:29 police dispatch a squad car выслать наряд
11.04.2017 14:21:37 gen. can hardly hear плохо слышно (I'm sorry, this is bad line, I can hardly hear you, and it's breaking up.)
11.04.2017 14:20:46 gen. have difficulty hearing плохо слышно (Could you speak up a little, please? I'm having difficulty hearing you.)
11.04.2017 14:19:27 gen. one is faint плохо слышно (Sorry, you're very faint, could you speak up a bit?)
11.04.2017 11:29:17 gen. mewling of a kitten мяуканье
11.04.2017 11:21:56 taboo work one's ass off ебашить (в знач. "вкалывать как проклятый")
11.04.2017 11:21:56 taboo work one's ass to the bone ебашить (в знач. "вкалывать как проклятый")
11.04.2017 11:15:56 taboo work one's ass off въёбывать
11.04.2017 10:24:01 mil., avia. raid нанести удар (об авиации: Turkish warplanes raided bases of Kurdish separatist guerrillas in Iraqi territory today)
11.04.2017 10:24:01 mil., lingo do the softening up отработать (об артиллерии – провести артподготовку)
10.04.2017 15:09:49 inf. back out of a promise дать заднюю
10.04.2017 14:42:56 uncom. renegger трепло (If it is someone who regularly makes promises and doesn't live up to them they are a renegger)
10.04.2017 14:27:37 rude flake трепло
10.04.2017 11:53:26 taboo fuckery пиздёж (bullshit)
10.04.2017 11:47:44 gen. sanitized оприличненный (Fanny Adams is a sanitized version of "fuck all".)
10.04.2017 11:46:42 gen. sanitized более мягкий (Fanny Adams is a sanitized version of "fuck all".)
10.04.2017 11:19:37 inf. soup переплёт (передряга: If one group gets into a spot of bother the other group can get them out of the soup. (Derek Lantin))
10.04.2017 9:36:09 contempt. Jewish scum жид (Eng&Rus derogatory terms)
10.04.2017 9:36:09 contempt. filthy Jew жид (Eng&Rus derogatory terms)
10.04.2017 1:04:49 inf. thanks for nothing что делал, что не делал (expression of displeasure towards a person who has not provided what was wanted)
10.04.2017 0:21:27 mil. on my clear по моему сигналу (Immediate dust off on my clear, then stay on station.)
10.04.2017 0:21:14 mil. on my clear по моей команде (Immediate dust off on my clear, then stay on station.)
10.04.2017 0:18:30 context. wait for my go-ahead по моей команде (в контексте))
9.04.2017 23:51:33 mean.1 for no serious reason at all просто так (You are simply trying to find reasons to get me banned for no serious reason at all!)
9.04.2017 23:48:22 inf. for no serious reason at all почём зря (безо всякой видимой причины)
9.04.2017 23:46:27 gen. for every little thing из-за каждой мелочи (I don't want to be bugging the devs for every little thing!)
9.04.2017 23:36:49 inf. context. bug дёргать (в знач. "надоедать": I don't wanna bug you – Не хочу дергать тебя лишний раз.)
9.04.2017 23:33:55 mean.1 for no serious reason просто так
9.04.2017 22:00:29 gen. over little things по пустякам
9.04.2017 21:59:13 gen. about the little stuff по пустякам
9.04.2017 21:55:12 gen. I don't want to split hairs не хочу показаться занудой (окказиональное соответствие, исключительно в контексте: I don't want to split hairs here, but it's actually not a journal, it's a notebook.)
9.04.2017 21:51:25 gen. over nothing по пустякам (He's nuts, getting mad over nothing. • Really, miss, you're upsetting yourself over nothing.)
9.04.2017 21:43:06 gen. for nothing по пустякам (They don't like it when we bother them for nothing. • I want us to stop fighting for nothing.)
9.04.2017 20:57:13 gen. the other person собеседник ("Please speak up" is simply a request for the other person to speak louder. • Mirroring the other person’s language)
9.04.2017 20:55:33 gen. speak up говорить громче (a request for the other person to speak louder: Could you speak up a little, please? I'm having difficulty hearing you. • Sorry, you're very faint, could you speak up a bit?)
9.04.2017 20:53:51 gen. bad connection плохая связь (I'm sorry, we have a bad connection. Can you speak up a little/speak a bit louder?)
7.04.2017 21:57:25 mil., lingo clusterfuck полная задница (a situation that is totally fucked up, especially as a result of managerial incompetence)
7.04.2017 12:12:05 gen. jingle truck барбухайка (drive2.ru)
7.04.2017 11:18:13 inf. get in the soup попасть в переделку
7.04.2017 11:12:33 vulg. not a fucking thing ни хрена (You don't know a fucking thing about me, asshole! • You don't know a fucking thing about what's going on or what the situation is.)
7.04.2017 10:52:53 vulg. not fuck ни хрена (с отрицанием: Well you don't know fuck about my family. • The boys don't know fuck about what's going on.)
7.04.2017 10:34:58 nautic. flotilla leader лидер эскадренных миноносцев
7.04.2017 10:31:26 hist. torpedo boat destroyer истребитель миноносцев
7.04.2017 10:26:45 nautic. large destroyer контр-миноносец (фр. contre-torpilleur))
7.04.2017 10:03:09 mil. carry out a missile strike произвести ракетный обстрел (The US has carried out a missile strike against a Syrian air base in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town.)
7.04.2017 10:01:28 mil. carry out a missile strike нанести ракетный удар (The US has carried out a missile strike against a Syrian air base in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town.)
6.04.2017 21:26:25 fig. gobble down глотать (о книгах: But then I go for days at a time, gobbling down book after book. (© LB))
6.04.2017 21:24:45 gen. mentally drained морально истощённый (credits to Liv Bliss)
6.04.2017 16:54:04 gen. sparkle вспыхнуть
6.04.2017 14:26:08 inf. you rock, man! красавчик! (одобрительно)
6.04.2017 11:58:59 jarg. fella пацан
6.04.2017 11:58:06 gen. narrow area of expertise узкая специализация
6.04.2017 10:43:32 gen. area of expertise профиль (специализация: They will contact you should they want someone with your area of expertise in the future.- ...специалиста вашего профиля.)
6.04.2017 10:15:53 gen. now for теперь к (I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. Now for your questions: ...)
6.04.2017 10:05:55 jarg. keep cool не ссать
5.04.2017 16:36:45 ed. all students in the same year параллель
5.04.2017 16:36:44 ed. cohort параллель (в школе – все классы одного года обучения) A cohort of students usually means a group of students in the same year on the same course, but could also be extended to wider groups such as all the students studying a course regardless of year, or all students in a single year group.)
5.04.2017 16:36:40 ed. all students in the same year поток
5.04.2017 16:35:56 ed. cohort поток (A cohort of students usually means a group of students in the same year on the same course, but could also be extended to wider groups such as all the students studying a course regardless of year, or all students in a single year group.)
5.04.2017 16:08:09 gen. for the lack of в отсутствие
5.04.2017 15:40:37 fig.of.sp. glimmer огонёк (надежды и т. п.: There was a faint glimmer of hope in Beregond's eyes when he entered – perhaps not all is lost? (Кирилл Еськов, переводчик Yisroel Markov))
5.04.2017 15:37:08 gen. casual-like как бы невзначай
5.04.2017 15:31:06 uncom. hail здравия желаю! (для исторических/фэнтезийных контекстов. Пример из книги Кирилла Еськова в переводе Yisroel Markov: "Hail, Captain!" "At ease, Lieutenant," Cheetah saluted curtly. • He found the chief of station, Captain Marandil, in his office. "Hail, Captain! I'm Lieutenant Mongoose, here's my badge.")
5.04.2017 14:24:30 gen. blow one's fuse психануть
5.04.2017 14:24:30 gen. blow one's cork психануть
5.04.2017 14:24:30 gen. blow one's lid психануть
5.04.2017 14:24:30 gen. blow one's top психануть
5.04.2017 14:24:30 gen. blow one's stack психануть
5.04.2017 14:23:55 gen. blow the fuses психануть
5.04.2017 14:09:46 bank. hold изъять (платёжную или кредитную карту (о банкомате))
5.04.2017 14:09:30 bank. retain изъять (платёжную или кредитную карту (о банкомате))
5.04.2017 13:37:00 gen. bacon crisps шкварки (продукт, наиболее близкий к нашим шкваркам, в оотличие от rinds/cracklings/scratchings, в которых основную часть составляет не сало, а шкура)
5.04.2017 13:34:27 cook. Cajun cracklings шкварки (продукт, более близкий к нашим шкваркам, чем rinds/cracklings/scratchings) Fried pieces of pork fat with a small amount of attached skin, flavored after frying with a mixture of peppery Cajun spices)
5.04.2017 13:19:20 food.ind. bacon crisp шкварка
5.04.2017 12:05:23 pris.sl. cornhole петушить
5.04.2017 12:05:23 pris.sl. cornhole опускать
5.04.2017 12:05:23 pris.sl. cornhole опустить
5.04.2017 10:40:19 inf. ten червонец (в основном о деньгах, но by extension может употребляться и в других контекстах))
5.04.2017 10:37:16 inf. five bobs полтинник (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bob#Noun_3 – употреблять с осторожностью))
5.04.2017 10:15:44 gen. infantile language детская речь (писька is infantile language)
5.04.2017 9:50:19 inf. fifty полтинник (в основном о деньгах, но также о возрасте и т.д.)
5.04.2017 9:44:27 gen. donkey's piss ослиная моча (обыкн. о пиве: Bah, I am Australian and even I acknowledge that Aussie beer is donkey's piss.)
5.04.2017 9:08:17 inf. no go не годится
4.04.2017 16:09:28 gen. be shell shocked обалдеть
4.04.2017 14:40:45 gen. what made you think с чего ты взял (What made you think you could get away with doing this show without my knowledge?)
4.04.2017 14:39:00 gen. who do you think you are с чего ты взял (to do something)
4.04.2017 14:15:26 mil. deploy перебросить (войска, технику: A small reserve was deployed closer to the city itself. • In 1951, after civil unrest in the region, the battalion was deployed to Egypt to protect the Suez Canal. • Russian troops were rapidly deployed across the border in a counter-attack.)
4.04.2017 14:06:53 gen. crude epithet крепкое словцо
4.04.2017 13:57:26 gen. it's nice to finally speak to you очень приятно (в телефонном разговоре, если гооврящий ранее слышал о собеседнике, который ему представляется)
4.04.2017 13:41:30 vulg. be gobsmacked охренеть (I was fucking gobsmacked. Couldn't believe what I was witnessing. • When I found out that it was legal to question minors without even notifying a parent or guardian I was fucking gobsmacked.)
4.04.2017 12:00:55 inf. be gobsmacked обалдеть

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