
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

14.06.2017 15:26:59 gen. at a friend's price по дружбе
14.06.2017 15:23:32 gen. as a friend по дружбе (Please do this for me, as a friend. • However, as your friend, maybe I should tell you.)
14.06.2017 15:23:32 gen. because a friend asked me по дружбе
14.06.2017 14:53:22 mil. heigh-ho хей-хо (a cadence-count used for synchronized walking, marching, pulling, lifting, etc.)
14.06.2017 14:31:16 idiom. different pair of shoes уже другой вопрос (I've noticed differences in vocabulary and grammar, but that's a different pair of shoes.)
14.06.2017 14:15:50 uncom. warrior военачальник
14.06.2017 11:10:55 gen. grow to вырасти до (By the end of July, Airman's cavalry unit had grown to a battalion of over five hundred men and women.)
14.06.2017 11:10:55 gen. grow in size to вырасти до
14.06.2017 11:10:55 gen. develop into вырасти до
14.06.2017 10:51:54 gen. brand назвать (особ. с оттенком "заклеймить": Chinese leaders have branded Mr. Fang a traitor and counterrevolutionary. • Mr Trump branded President Assad a "dictator" who had "launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians". • Julian Assange's legal team have branded the US extradition case against him "an outrageous and full-frontal assault on journalistic rights", as a court ordered him to face a full extradition hearing next year.)
14.06.2017 10:37:05 gen. sink to the level опуститься до уровня (of, to someone's level)
14.06.2017 8:57:55 soviet. reeducation-through-labour camp трудовой лагерь (A Chinese man who served two years in a "re-education through labour" camp is entitled to compensation after a local panel ruled he was unlawfully sent there)
14.06.2017 8:53:42 gen. discipline перевоспитать (to teach someone to obey authority)
13.06.2017 16:54:34 cleric. hist. play devil's advocate играть роль адвоката дьявола
13.06.2017 16:47:00 gen. turn over to authorities выдать
13.06.2017 16:45:50 euph. turn someone over to authorities сообщить куда следует (He was working here illegally and was terrified that his boss would turn him over to authorities.)
13.06.2017 16:21:18 gen. peacefully без применения оружия
13.06.2017 16:21:18 gen. peacefully без применения насилия
13.06.2017 16:18:11 gen. de-escalate убедить сложить оружие (Brennon was able to peacefully de-escalate the armed man and turn him over to authorities.)
13.06.2017 16:04:42 police put out a search for объявить в розыск (In response to the car theft reported, the police put out a search for the suspect and the vehicle. • Police put out a search for the 38-year-old woman on Monday, using two cell phone photos taken during the incident. • Police put out a search for the Crown Victoria witnesses say the men left in.)
13.06.2017 16:04:42 police place someone on a wanted list объявить в розыск
13.06.2017 16:04:42 police declare someone as wanted объявить в розыск
13.06.2017 16:01:23 inf. go AWOL потеряться (в т.ч. о вещах))
13.06.2017 16:01:21 inf. go AWOL пропа́сть (в т.ч. о вещах))
12.06.2017 16:41:26 inf. get an earful наслушаться (от кого-либо: I got a very unpleasant earful from a truck driver who thought I was in his way.)
12.06.2017 16:41:26 inf. hear an earful наслушаться
12.06.2017 16:34:12 inf. have enough of it наслушаться
12.06.2017 16:34:12 inf. pick up наслушаться
12.06.2017 15:36:59 mil. rifleman автоматчик
12.06.2017 14:59:21 russ.lang. glavny starshina of the ship главный корабельный старшина (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavny_starshina_of_the_ship)
12.06.2017 14:57:34 russ.lang. starshina старшина (старшина́; a senior non-commissioned rank or appointment in Russian and post-Soviet militaries) В общих случаях условно-эквивалентно званиям разряда OR-8 в вооруженных силах НАТО)
12.06.2017 11:20:56 inf. go to first name terms перейти на "ты" (Let's drop the formalities and go to first name terms.)
12.06.2017 11:10:31 gen. hope to see you soon до встречи (если неизвестно, когда состоится встреча))
12.06.2017 10:47:22 gen. one-off contribution разовый взнос
12.06.2017 10:38:57 gen. Black Sea littoral Причерноморье
11.06.2017 18:02:02 gen. bring into question расходиться (со словами или поступками; только в контексте: Tell your children you love them often... but most importantly, don't say and do a lot of things to bring that into question.)
11.06.2017 1:13:20 rude context. who died and made you boss? чего раскомандовался? ("You people are trespassing," Captain Freedmond said. "Fuck you," Little Tony said. "Who died and made you boss? Asshole.")
11.06.2017 1:13:20 rude context. who died and made you boss? кто ты такой, чтобы тут командовать? ("You people are trespassing," Captain Freedmond said. "Fuck you," Little Tony said. "Who died and made you boss? Asshole.")
11.06.2017 0:59:21 rude context. who died and кто ты, он и т.д. такой, чтобы (Who died and made him the spokesman for country? • Who died and gave you the right to decide that? • Who died and left you in charge of deciding who is stupid and who is not? • Who died and gave you the right to decide that? • “Who died and gave you the right to judge people?” He was sick of her righteous self-pity, her know-it-all indignation.)
11.06.2017 0:41:44 gen. any minute now вот-вот
11.06.2017 0:40:15 gen. on the edge of вот-вот (Virtual reality is on the edge of going mainstream)
11.06.2017 0:27:29 gen. bit actor см. bit-part actor
9.06.2017 14:49:53 TV interrupt the broadcast прервать трансляцию
9.06.2017 14:42:06 gen. call in a bomb threat сообщить о заминировании (Police say Vernice Brown called in a bomb threat to a building in Long Island City in May. • The guy who called in the courthouse bomb threat.)
9.06.2017 14:12:56 gen. about that much примерно столько
9.06.2017 12:06:02 slang have one's ass in a sling попасть (нарваться на неприятности)
9.06.2017 11:50:12 inf. settle one's nerves отойти (в знач. "успокоиться": After the accident, he went for a walk to try to settle his nerves.)
9.06.2017 11:46:09 inf. steady one's nerves успокоиться (stop onerself from feeling nervous: She took a deep breath to steady her nerves.)
9.06.2017 11:27:50 inf. act out психовать (устраивать истерику; to express one's feelings through disruptive actions: I know you're angry, but you can't act out and break dishes like that.)
9.06.2017 11:26:46 inf. act out устраивать истерику (to express one's feelings through disruptive actions: I know you're angry, but you can't act out and break dishes like that.)
9.06.2017 10:39:16 inf. if anyone если кто-то и
9.06.2017 10:35:55 inf. if anyone owes anybody если кто-то кому-то и должен (If anyone owes anybody anything, I owe you. • If anyone owes anybody an apology around here, it's you.)
9.06.2017 9:56:05 inf. be on a roll кому-либо улыбнулась удача
9.06.2017 9:54:05 idiom. be on a roll поймать кураж (впасть в состояние удачливой эйфории во время какого либо действия) I'm not leaving the casino now! I'm on a roll!)
9.06.2017 9:47:31 inf. have a hard time stopping не остановить (в фразах типа "его не остановить"; требует смены залога: My mother loved to gossip, and she had a hard time stopping once she was on a roll.)
9.06.2017 1:41:49 inf. be on a roll пошла удача
9.06.2017 1:38:30 inf. be on a roll крупно везти
9.06.2017 1:24:36 idiom. I'm on a roll у меня пошла игра (I'm not leaving the casino now! I'm on a roll!)
9.06.2017 1:18:11 ironic. context. be on a roll оседлать своего любимого конька (My mother loved to gossip, and she had a hard time stopping once she was on a roll. • Not only can he tell you where this is going, and how you'll get there, but there's simply no stopping him once he's on a roll.)
9.06.2017 1:18:11 slang be on a roll фартить (= be on a winning streak; вариант требует замены конструкции: I'm not leaving the casino now! I'm on a roll!)
9.06.2017 1:04:30 idiom. be on a roll поймать удачу за хвост (Three championship titles in a row? Wow, that team is really on a roll. • Things are going great for Larry. He's on a roll now.)
8.06.2017 23:53:32 law in consideration of the payments hereinafter mentioned за плату, размер которой установлен настоящим договором
8.06.2017 23:37:31 law in consideration of the payments на возмездной основе (вариант для направления "рус ⇒ англ"; подходит не во всех случаях: ...in consideration of the payments hereinafter set forth/mentioned... • ...in consideration of the payments to be made by the Client to the Contractor....)
8.06.2017 15:50:26 police dead on arrival погибший (в знач. "скончавшийся до прибытия бригады скорой помощи или наряда полиции"; часто употребляется в виде аббревиатуры DOA: The DOA was a middle aged woman, with curly brown hair.)
8.06.2017 15:22:23 police см. тж. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner судмедэкспертиза
7.06.2017 16:25:40 inf. get on one's high horse корчить из себя на пойми кого
7.06.2017 16:24:28 inf. get on one's high horse корчить из себя непонятно кого (to act as if you are better or more intelligent than other people: When they started talking about music, David got on his high horse and said that classical music was only fit for museums and archives. • Larry is on his high horse again, bossing people around.)
7.06.2017 16:17:34 slang boss around строить (подчиненных, домашних))
7.06.2017 15:24:50 disappr. jackassery дебилизм
7.06.2017 15:24:50 fig. jackassery цирк
7.06.2017 12:57:35 вставить свои пять копеек копейки
7.06.2017 11:48:19 mil. personnel casualties потери личного состава (Heavy personnel casualties were suffered by the enemy, the exact number unknown. • Not surprisingly, the latter two ships suffered heavy personnel casualties: eighty-nine in Southampton and seventy-eight in Chester.)
7.06.2017 11:29:29 mil. garrison town город, в котором располагается военный гарнизон
7.06.2017 11:13:18 inf. if one continues at this pace такими темпами (If they continue at this pace, there's absolutely no telling where they might wind up.)
7.06.2017 11:04:19 inf. you name it все что хочешь
7.06.2017 10:54:34 media. footage сюжет (видеорепортаж)
7.06.2017 10:53:55 news context. on the ground в районе проведения операции (о месте нахождения корреспондента)
7.06.2017 10:53:55 news context. on the ground непосредственно на месте происшествия (о месте нахождения корреспондента)
7.06.2017 10:35:27 gen. time is ready настал час (The Islamic Jihad militant group also called for revenge. "Martyrdom is coming. The response will not take long, because the time is ready for punishment, and the time is ready for revenge," it said in a statement.)
7.06.2017 10:35:27 gen. time is ready настало время
7.06.2017 10:35:27 gen. time is ready приспело время
7.06.2017 10:31:03 gen. into по территории (Israel has fired tens of thousands of shells into Gaza in the last year)
7.06.2017 10:24:44 gen. as a one-off payment разово (о выплатах))
7.06.2017 10:22:37 idiom. medicine for the soul лекарство для души (You can treat wounds with medicines, but art is medicine for the soul.)
7.06.2017 10:19:29 gen. think good thoughts думать о хорошем (My son calls me and tells me to leave, to come and stay with him. But I'm not going to leave my own apartment. I just put on some good music, turn up the volume, and think good thoughts.)
7.06.2017 10:17:15 gen. the sound of artillery канонада (Indeed, music is not just a balm for the soul, it is also a way of shutting out the endless sound of artillery.)
7.06.2017 10:16:29 idiom. balm for the soul бальзам для души (Indeed, music is not just a balm for the soul, it is also a way of shutting out the endless sound of artillery.)
7.06.2017 10:14:00 mil. shelling обстрел (артиллерийский или миномётный; во мн.ч. shelling или shellings: Ukrainian soldiers regrouped after coming under heavy shelling in Novoazovsk. • The shelling has got close to the centre and we've had to get everyone into the bomb shelter in the basement. • At least three civilians have been killed and another 10 wounded in overnight shelling of the main rebel stronghold in eastern Ukraine. • During World War II and the infamous blockade of Leningrad, New Holland was seriously damaged by artillery fire; the island was hit by more than seventy shellings and more than ten bombings.)
7.06.2017 10:05:13 gen. cut power отключить свет (требует изменения структуры предложения: The Sunday performance of Die Fledermaus was also in danger of cancellation, after mortar damage to the local power station cut power to the opera house an hour before)
7.06.2017 10:03:31 gen. previously до этого (The Saturday performance was cancelled due to a day of mourning for eight people killed when a trolleybus stop in Donetsk was attacked with mortars two days previously.)
7.06.2017 9:53:38 mus. titles Die Fledermaus Летучая мышь (baritone Sergei Dubnitsky, who last Sunday sang the lead in Die Fledermaus, Johann Strauss's hammy comedy of mistaken identities. • The Sunday performance of Die Fledermaus was also in danger of cancellation.)
7.06.2017 9:41:02 gen. literary great великий поэт (The ornate foyer features busts of Russian and Ukrainian literary greats Alexander Pushkin and Taras Shevchenko.)
7.06.2017 9:33:37 gen. cherish ценить (When you are surrounded by ugliness, beauty becomes something you cherish even more)
7.06.2017 9:26:06 gen. hold sway контролировать ситуацию (The leaders were vague about what would occur in the likely event that Mr. Yanukovich failed to meet their demands. The fighting between protesters and the police, which raged unabated as they spoke, underscored just how little sway they may hold at this point. (NYT))
7.06.2017 9:18:09 gen. folk публика (I love Club Rehab and all the lowlife folk who go there.)
6.06.2017 20:15:13 inf. brit. Merc "Мэрс" (British and Australian term for vehicles produced by Mercedes-Benz; not used in US due to confusion with Mercury: Back in my hood, Benz and Merc were often the lingo used for Mercedes Benz cars, while Bimmer was for BMW's.)
6.06.2017 16:54:33 gen. in months несколько месяцев подряд (But remarkably, and against all the odds, the city's opera house has remained open, despite the fact that none of the troupe have been paid in months, all four conductors have left town and the singers take a risk every time they travel to work.)
6.06.2017 16:32:06 inf. smuggle вывезти (тайно, нелегально: Report expected to say Buk missile was fired from separatist-held area in Ukraine and its launcher smuggled back to Russia.)
6.06.2017 16:31:20 mil. evacuate вывезти (раненых, убитых, гражданских: Company C fell back and formed a perimeter to allow medevac helicopters to evacuate the wounded. • Two helicopters were deployed to evacuate the bodies from the crash site.)
6.06.2017 14:57:26 gen. fighting бои (The most intense fighting has come at Donetsk airport. • More than 300 civilians had been killed in the recent fighting. • Large numbers of civilians living north of Tikrit could be at risk if the Iraqi city is liberated and fighting moves towards their towns.)

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