
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

24.06.2017 12:18:37 gen. by any stretch of the imagination см. by no stretch of the imagination (если в другом месте в предложении уже есть отрицание, "by no" трансформируется в "(not) by any")
24.06.2017 12:12:56 gen. by any stretch of the imagination даже с большой натяжкой (в контексте: The Samsung Galaxy S8 isn't the cheapest phone on the market by any stretch of the imagination; in fact, it's one of the most expensive.)
23.06.2017 21:26:56 gen. dizzying price головокружительная цена (The Galaxy S8 is firmly a phone that fits seamlessly into day-to-day life (as long as you can get over the dizzying price).)
23.06.2017 21:23:49 uncom. firmly убеждённый (требует изменения части речи: In international affairs, May is firmly a traditional multilateralist.)
23.06.2017 21:20:08 uncom. in the search to в погоне за (только в контексте: The Galaxy S8 isn't perfect – in the search to squeeze the screen in so completely, other factors were overlooked)
23.06.2017 14:01:46 idiom. in the wee hours затемно (in the nighttime hours following midnight, when most people are asleep))
23.06.2017 13:52:28 gen. risk life and limb рисковать собой
23.06.2017 13:26:39 gen. have an in иметь связи
23.06.2017 12:00:02 gen. have an in см. have an in with
23.06.2017 11:58:08 inf. get an in with заручиться поддержкой (кого-то, кто может помочь решить тот или иной вопрос: The only way they'll allow us to film the play is if we get an in with the director.)
23.06.2017 11:39:46 inf. have an in with иметь знакомого (в какой-то организации, который может помочь решить тот или иной вопрос; in the sense of "an introduction to someone of power, fame, or authority": We should have no problem, since Dad has an in with the inspector. • I really want to go to that concert but it is already fully booked. Fortunately, I have an in with one of the theatre's publicity team and I believe that he will be able to get tickets for me.)
23.06.2017 11:09:39 media. see off нейтрализовать
22.06.2017 16:06:58 gen. см. whoosh со свистом
22.06.2017 16:06:09 gen. with a whooshing sound со свистом
22.06.2017 15:25:31 mil., artil. forward observer наводчик (в знач. "разведчик-корректировщик артиллерийского огня"))
22.06.2017 15:25:31 корректировщик огня наводчик
22.06.2017 15:24:07 avia. forward air controller наводчик (в знач. "авианаводчик, офицер боевого управления" (корректировщик ударов штурмовой авицаии))
22.06.2017 12:00:08 mil. troops engaged in active combat боевые части
22.06.2017 11:58:57 mil. engage in active combat участвовать в боевых действиях
22.06.2017 11:11:43 gen. line of command см. тж. chain of command
21.06.2017 16:45:36 uncom. composure присутствие духа
21.06.2017 14:50:30 mil. situation in the theater of operations оперативная обстановка
21.06.2017 13:26:42 fig. ironic. end up оседать (At the end of the day, public money ends up in the pockets of the big housebuilding companies. • One thing I've realized working part time with pay checks is that half your money ends up somewhere else and not in your pocket.)
21.06.2017 13:25:46 fig. ironic. end up осесть (напр., в чеьих-либо карманах – о деньгах)
21.06.2017 12:01:59 gen. adversary противник (As a result of a skirmish, the adversary had to retreat.)
21.06.2017 11:39:49 gen. adversary party противник (в т.ч. в знач. "неприятель")
21.06.2017 10:58:50 gen. with ... in tow в компании (в сопровождении кого-либо: She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow. • He came to dinner with a friend in tow.)
21.06.2017 10:58:50 idiom. in tow за компанию
21.06.2017 9:18:35 gen. like you wouldn't believe ты даже не представляешь, насколько (Hope this helps. – Yes, it helps like you wouldn't believe, thank you. ©)
20.06.2017 13:24:37 inf. damned if one does and damned if one doesn't один черт (в фразах типа "что так, что этак – один черт плохо") No matter what you do, it will cause trouble,: Helen: If I invite Shirley to the party, I'm sure she'll get drunk and make an unpleasant scene. But if I don't invite her, she'll never forgive me. Jane: Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh?)
20.06.2017 13:14:21 inf. damned if one does and damned if one doesn't плохо, с какой стороны не взгляни (no matter what you do, it will cause trouble: Helen: If I invite Shirley to the party, I'm sure she'll get drunk and make an unpleasant scene. But if I don't invite her, she'll never forgive me. Jane: Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh?)
20.06.2017 13:14:21 inf. damned if one does and damned if one doesn't и так плохо, и так плохо
20.06.2017 10:09:45 auto. enter production поступить в производство (Designed by Ford of Britain as the successor to the larger Ford Transcontinental cabover, the Cargo entered production in 1981.)
20.06.2017 10:09:45 auto. enter production быть запущенным в серию
20.06.2017 9:51:12 auto. sided flat truck бортовой грузовик
20.06.2017 0:17:22 inf. push one's luck рискнуть (Go ahead. Open your mouth, asshole. Push your fucking luck.)
19.06.2017 16:47:36 mil. hold the ground удерживать позиции
19.06.2017 16:47:36 mil. maintain a stronghold удерживать позиции
19.06.2017 16:47:36 mil. maintain positions удерживать позиции
19.06.2017 16:19:03 auto. stake-bed бортовой (о грузовике) c высокими с решётчатыми бортами)
19.06.2017 15:57:11 auto. sided бортовой (о грузовике – low-sided, high-sided: The M924 had a low sided box with a bottom hinged tailgate. Side racks, troop seats, and overhead bows with a canvas cover were standard. The M923 had a body with drop sides so it could be loaded from the side by forklifts.)
19.06.2017 15:57:11 auto. dropside бортовой (о грузовике) c откидными бортами)
19.06.2017 15:31:32 media. amid в ходе (A source with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent also said Monday its main warehouse in Aleppo had burned down amid recent fighting. • The twin bombings came amid recent fighting in the area between Islamic State group fighters and regime troops.)
19.06.2017 15:26:25 news context. on the ground в зоне боевых действий (о месте нахождения корреспондента, членов миротворческой миссии и т. п.: The last communication that we had from our staff member on the ground was that they were still counting the dead.)
19.06.2017 15:21:12 news bus.styl. on the ground на исполнительном уровне
19.06.2017 13:35:28 inf. chief гражданин начальник
19.06.2017 13:31:55 mil. gain a foothold укрепить позиции
19.06.2017 13:30:42 mil. gain a foothold закрепиться (Defence Ministry spokesman General Tahseen Ibrahim conceded that Isis has gained a foothold in some areas in Anbar.)
19.06.2017 13:12:25 news amid a backdrop на фоне (The counter-offensive comes amid a backdrop of losses for Isis in the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk, in the Syrian capital of Damascus, after militants invaded it on 1 April.)
19.06.2017 12:08:30 gen. instruct распорядиться (to instruct someone)
19.06.2017 12:04:02 gen. mismanaged характеризующийся некомпетентностью руководства (We see today that, after nearly 4 years of mismanaged war, the situation on the ground in Iraq is showing demonstrable signs of progress. – Спустя четыре года после начала войны, на протяжении которых военное руководство демонстрировало полную некомпетентность...)
19.06.2017 12:04:02 gen. mismanaged безалаберный
19.06.2017 12:04:02 gen. mismanaged запущенный
19.06.2017 11:46:20 mil. security situation обстановка (в зоне конфликта и т.п.: At present, the security situation on the ground remains relatively stable. • High level Afghan-US security pact talks expected amid deteriorating security situation in the country)
19.06.2017 11:41:56 media. situation on the ground оперативная обстановка (только в контексте: The operational tempo of our forces is largely determined by the situation on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.)
19.06.2017 11:38:04 media. security situation оперативные сводки
19.06.2017 10:21:47 gen. a long way off ещё надо дожить (ReversoContext: Well, next week's a long way off. – Ну, до следующей недели ещё дожить надо.)
19.06.2017 10:07:23 inf. garbage in, garbage out из говна конфетку не сделаешь
19.06.2017 9:28:47 gen. current state of operations оперативная обстановка
16.06.2017 14:16:49 gen. block перекрыть (дороги, пути к отступлению и т.п.: Government officials and families who had the means to leave Kunduz fled on Monday, before the Taliban blocked the main routes out.)
16.06.2017 14:10:19 gen. take selfies делать селфи (They paraded through town taking selfies in the centre.)
16.06.2017 14:07:41 gen. militancy expert военный эксперт ("It is a disaster for the Ghani government," Pakistani militancy expert and author Ahmed Rashid told AFP, describing Kabul as "totally disorganised".)
16.06.2017 14:06:48 gen. countrymen сограждане ("I want to reassure my countrymen that the situation in Kunduz is under control," President Ashraf Ghani said.)
16.06.2017 14:04:38 gen. urge calm призвать к спокойствию (President Ashraf Ghani urged calm, as he insisted the police and army were already reclaiming parts of the city, and were well prepared for the biggest challenge of the 14-year war against the Taliban.)
16.06.2017 14:03:57 gen. urge calm призывать к спокойствию (President Ashraf Ghani urged calm, as he insisted the police and army were already reclaiming parts of the city, and were well prepared for the biggest challenge of the 14-year war against the Taliban.)
16.06.2017 14:02:45 mil. drive up двигаться (об автотранспорте: Convoys of troops driving up to join the battle for Kunduz have been slowed by roadside bombs and ambushes)
16.06.2017 14:00:32 mil. fall under control перейти под контроль (Kunduz was the first major town to fall under Taliban control since the hardline group was ousted from power in 2001)
16.06.2017 13:56:53 gen. см. fly in по воздуху
16.06.2017 13:55:31 gen. state of operations положение дел
16.06.2017 13:55:30 uncom. state of operations оперативная обстановка (в знач. "положение дел": Steve Warren, well known for his blunt comments to reporters on the state of operations overseas...)
16.06.2017 13:49:10 gen. deputy director for public affairs заместитель начальника по связям с общественностью (Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has tapped a retiring colonel to be the next principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs.)
16.06.2017 13:38:57 mil. tаke взять (город у противника: First major town to be taken by Taliban since 2001 marked a significant victory for the group's new leader Mullah Mansoor)
16.06.2017 13:36:28 gen. the night before last позавчера ночью (during the night before last night))
16.06.2017 13:36:24 gen. launch a counteroffensive перейти в контрнаступление
16.06.2017 13:36:24 gen. mount a counterattack перейти в контрнаступление
16.06.2017 13:10:21 PR spokesman заместитель начальника чего-то там по связям с общественностью (по взаимодействию со средствами массовой информации и т. п.)
16.06.2017 13:07:36 police spokesman руководитель департамента по связям с общественностью (в знач. "пресс-секретарь")
16.06.2017 12:57:40 media. chip away at ослаблять (The US, joined by several coalition partners, is also conducting daily air strikes to chip away at Isis's grip on large parts of Iraq.)
16.06.2017 12:57:13 media. chip away at ослабить (The US, joined by several coalition partners, is also conducting daily air strikes to chip away at Isis's grip on large parts of Iraq.)
16.06.2017 12:45:50 gen. massive counteroffensive масштабное контрнаступление (The turning point came in November 1942 when the Red Army launched a massive counter-offensive that broke through the Germans' flanks)
15.06.2017 15:34:31 inf. think nothing of it о чем речь (=не стоит благодарности)
15.06.2017 15:16:07 gen. bust a cap всадить пулю (If you don't quit I'm going to have to bust a cap in your ass.)
15.06.2017 13:58:55 gen. watershed эпохальный
15.06.2017 13:41:40 gen. move on уйти (Clarkson's co-presenters, James May and Richard Hammond, have both indicated they might also move on from the hugely profitable show.)
15.06.2017 13:31:47 gen. walk out on уйти от (от кого-либо: Well, when I was eight years old, my dad walked out on us.)
15.06.2017 13:24:13 gen. this is not going to end in anything good ничего хорошего из этого не выйдет
15.06.2017 13:23:49 gen. this is not going to end in anything good ничем хорошим это не закончится
15.06.2017 13:10:55 gen. boozing session пьянка (as "his constant boozing sessions")
15.06.2017 11:53:16 idiom. a weight has been lifted гора с плеч
15.06.2017 10:30:56 imitat. chooga-chooga-chooga чух-чух-чух (англоязычное подражание звукам, издаваемым паровозом; также и в детской речи))
15.06.2017 10:07:47 gen. motherese сюсюканье (Motherese and parentese are more precise terms than baby talk, and perhaps more amenable to computer searches, but are not the terms of choice among child development)
15.06.2017 10:07:47 gen. parentese сюсюканье
15.06.2017 10:03:09 gen. cooing сюсюканье
14.06.2017 22:21:24 comp.graph. drum roll, please барабанная дробь (Also served up by Nintendo was a brand-new Super Mario Odyssey trailer and (drum roll, please) a release date of October 27.)
14.06.2017 22:18:37 gen. bona fide полноценный (This is no sideline sequel, but rather a bona fide core title that shuns its predecessors' past.)
14.06.2017 21:56:20 inf. get the inside scoop получить информацию из первых рук (We've also sat down with Xbox Corporate Vice President Mike Ybarra to get the inside scoop on the all-new Xbox One X)
14.06.2017 21:51:29 gen. be underway проходить (в данное время: E3 2017 is arguably the biggest event in the gaming industry calendar, and it's underway right now in Los Angeles.)
14.06.2017 16:14:23 gen. for personal gain из корыстных побуждений
14.06.2017 15:46:48 gen. someone's province по чьей-либо части (I'm afraid ballistics is not my province)
14.06.2017 15:29:49 gen. for friendship's sake по дружбе

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