
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

25.07.2017 21:46:57 inf. make a great fuss носиться (over something; только в контексте: They made a great fuss over the new baby.‎)
25.07.2017 21:43:54 inf. make a big deal носиться
25.07.2017 21:09:50 mil. do you copy? как приняли?
25.07.2017 16:00:10 forens. do a grid search прочёсывать (место происшествия группой людей "по сетке" с перекрытием проходов)
25.07.2017 15:59:47 forens. grid search прочёсывание (места происшествия группой людей "по сетке" с перекрытием проходов)
25.07.2017 15:09:37 inf. try перебрать (в знач. "испробовать": перебрать множество вариантов)
25.07.2017 14:39:09 mil., avia. cruise барражировать (overhead)
25.07.2017 14:20:36 mil. dangerously close в опасной близости (см. тж. "пролететь в опасной близости от")
25.07.2017 14:19:47 mil. fly dangerously close to пролететь в опасной близости от (A pair of armed Chinese fighter jets flew dangerously close to a U.S. Navy reconnaissance plane flying in the East China Sea on Sunday.)
25.07.2017 14:13:04 inf. buzz around носиться туда-сюда
25.07.2017 14:10:46 mil., lingo buzz опасно приблизиться (Russian fighter jets "buzz" US warship in Black Sea)
25.07.2017 14:06:07 mil., lingo buzz пролететь в опасной близости от (Russian defence minister's plane "buzzed" by Nato jet • Russian fighter jets "buzz" US warship in Black Sea)
25.07.2017 13:37:59 mil., lingo pound flat отутюжить (артиллерийским огнем, бомбардировками и т.п.: Why not simply contact the Strategic Air Command and have a few B52s fly over and pound the place flat?)
25.07.2017 11:51:03 mil. insert забросить (в тыл противника, в район боевых действий: It was a small team of five men inserted into enemy territory and gathering information on enemy movements. • Two infantry squads from the 82nd Airborne Division will be inserted into enemy territory via a pair of UH-60 helicopters.)
25.07.2017 11:50:03 mil. insert забрасывать (в тыл противника, в район боевых действий: It was a small team of five men inserted into enemy territory and gathering information on enemy movements. • Two infantry squads from the 82nd Airborne Division will be inserted into enemy territory via a pair of UH-60 helicopters.)
25.07.2017 11:44:48 gen. sweep прокатиться (a wave of protests swept the country)
25.07.2017 11:44:28 gen. sweep захлестнуть (a wave of protests swept the country)
25.07.2017 11:07:27 mil. insertion заброска (Soon three choppers were on the ground picking up the Bobcats for an air insertion into the contact area.)
25.07.2017 11:07:27 mil. insertion переброска
25.07.2017 10:58:56 inf. like you wouldn't believe страшное дело
25.07.2017 10:56:22 inf. return to normal устаканиться (We better wait until things return to normal. • Once again, things returned to normal and I got back into the office routine.)
25.07.2017 10:50:06 inf. context. return to normal успокоиться (во фразе "все успокоилось": Helicopters buzzed around for two nights, then things returned to normal.)
25.07.2017 10:29:01 gen. send up an SOS послать сигнал СОС
25.07.2017 10:27:47 gen. as chance would have it по воле случая
25.07.2017 10:27:47 gen. as chance would have it волею случая
25.07.2017 10:27:09 gen. as chance would have it и надо же было такому случиться, что
25.07.2017 10:22:28 gen. as fate would have it судьба распорядилась так, что (Shortly after they married in 1994, Garvey was remembering the girl with the pamphlets. As fate would have it, that girl was Peg.)
25.07.2017 10:22:07 gen. as fate would have it волей судьбы
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it по воле судьбы
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it по воле случая
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it волею случая
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it и надо же было такому случиться, что
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it судьбе было угодно, чтобы
25.07.2017 10:21:35 gen. as fate would have it по прихоти судьбы
25.07.2017 10:12:26 gen. be enamored влюбляться (Every day he saw a young woman handing out anti-war pamphlets, Garvey was at once enamored.)
25.07.2017 10:02:19 inf. spray fire поливать огнём (on: Huey choppers were called in, their gunners spraying fire on the other side of the bridge into the dark jungle.)
25.07.2017 10:00:38 inf. come as low as the tops of the trees утюжить
25.07.2017 9:59:53 mil. nearly scrape the tops of the trees утюжить
25.07.2017 9:19:14 gen. enter the Army пойти в армию (Garvey entered the Army in November, 1965. The afternoon he walked into the draft office some weeks earlier he was a student at Pennsylvania Military College.)
25.07.2017 9:14:31 gen. buzz cut см. buzzcut
24.07.2017 16:37:16 comp.games. steamroll вынести (used in games, especially multiplayer) To completely annihilate the other team without effort. (UrbanDictionary))
24.07.2017 16:24:27 gen. soon-to-retire предпенсионного возраста
24.07.2017 16:00:06 inf. from dawn to dusk с утра до ночи
24.07.2017 15:27:54 inf. put the word out кинуть клич
24.07.2017 15:17:36 inf. put the word out поспрашивать по знакомым (I put the word out and nothing came back yet. • They asked me to put the word out in case anyone may be interested since they are such nice dogs. • I'll put the word out about the wedding band to as many people as I can.)
24.07.2017 14:58:44 inf. pester задалбывать
24.07.2017 14:58:23 inf. nag задалбывать
24.07.2017 14:53:20 slang get it in the neck отгребать
24.07.2017 14:47:03 proverb no matter who wins in the fights among the nobility, the servants always get it in the neck. паны дерутся, а у холопов чубы трещат
24.07.2017 14:43:59 inf. poor old thing старушенция
24.07.2017 14:32:56 inf. get it in the neck доставаться (в фразах типа "кому-либо крепко достается"; требует изменения структуры предложения: The poor old thing always gets it in the neck.)
24.07.2017 14:32:56 slang get it in the neck огребать (получать выговор)
24.07.2017 14:32:56 slang get it in the neck огрести (получить выговор)
24.07.2017 14:27:53 inf. be a pain in the ass задалбывать
24.07.2017 13:41:44 inf. low get on someone's nerves задалбывать (Sometimes watching TV really gets on my nerves because of all the commercials.)
24.07.2017 11:46:06 ling. Belarusian белорусский язык
24.07.2017 11:46:06 gen. Belarusian беларус ("Понимают ли беларусы по-украински?" youtube.com)
24.07.2017 11:46:06 gen. Belarusian беларуска
24.07.2017 11:46:06 ling. Belarusian language белорусский язык (Именно на латинке сложился современный белорусский язык — ибо все, что было написано в XIX в. писалось именно на латинке. • На станциях минского метрополитена по утрам начали транслировать аудиообращения на белорусском, сообщили в программе «Столичные подробности» на СТВ. The Village Беларусь поговорил с медийными белорусами, которые за последний год совершенно бесплатно перешли (или в процессе) на белорусский язык в повседневной жизни. wikipedia.org, the-village.me, the-village.me)
24.07.2017 11:46:06 ling. Belarusian беларуский язык
24.07.2017 10:57:04 idiom. where the shoe pinches см. know where the shoe pinches
24.07.2017 10:19:27 euph. where the sun don't shine одно место (т.е. задница: Shove your advice where the sun don't shine – Засунь свои советы себе в одно место. • The man had a few extra crates of umbrellas, so I told him to stick them where the sun don't shine.)
23.07.2017 13:45:57 mil. snap to attention встать по стойке "смирно"
21.07.2017 19:34:46 ed. academic excellence особые достижения (в изучении предмета; особ. в тексте аттестатов и дипломов -: High honors awarded for excellence in Math – За особые достижения в изучении математики награжден похвальной грамотой)
21.07.2017 19:33:18 ed. excellence особые достижения (в изучении предмета; особ. в тексте аттестатов и дипломов -: High honors awarded for excellence in Math)
21.07.2017 19:23:13 ed. excellence см. тж. academic excellence
21.07.2017 15:38:54 gen. this changes everything это меняет дело (в корне)
21.07.2017 14:55:24 gen. be in for ждать (в фразах типа "кого-либо ждет что-либо"; вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: It is to be hoped that there are at least back-channel consultations in progress. Otherwise we could be in for a clash we will all long regret.• Then she smiles softly and sorta presses herself against me. I'm feeling like a million bucks and I reckon I'm in for a swell evening.)
21.07.2017 14:10:04 gen. call in позвонить на работу (I was too unwell to work yesterday so I called in sick. // Then her beeper started going. "Damn," shed said. "I've got to call in. Sorry. I'll use the phone in the car.")
21.07.2017 14:08:55 gen. call in привлечь (The government called in the army to deal with the riots.)
21.07.2017 11:54:56 gen. run something up the chain передать вверх по цепочке (of command: After you ask for your promotion, your manager will almost certainly have to run your request up the chain of command.)
21.07.2017 11:54:56 gen. forward something up the chain передать дальше (в знач. "по цепочке наверх": One of my troops would send me something, and I'd forward it up the chain. • The only thing they can do is forward it to their service provider, who can forward it up the chain.)
21.07.2017 11:32:48 mil. muster построить (личный состав, as for inspection, orders, display, etc. (спасибо Liv Bliss))
21.07.2017 11:04:59 mil. muster призвать (на военную службу; to enroll formally: he was mustered into the army)
21.07.2017 10:59:33 inf. be mustered into the army призваться
21.07.2017 10:04:45 rude shove it where the sun don't shine засунь себе в задницу (=up your ass: For all I care you can shove it where the sun don't shine.)
20.07.2017 16:54:48 intell. inf. listen in to прослушивать (Unexpected inquiry, announced by federal prosecutor, will determine if US actively listened in to calls.)
20.07.2017 16:52:10 gen. unleash a torrent of swearwords разразиться ругательствами (When the Cuban leader realised he had been tricked, he unleashed a torrent of swearwords.)
20.07.2017 16:49:38 gen. be rare, but not unheard of редко, но случаться
20.07.2017 15:33:05 mil. warplane самолёт (военный: The NATO alliance intercepted 32 Russian military aircraft nearing allied airspace above the Baltic Sea last week.)
20.07.2017 14:34:24 idiom. ride herd on стоять над душой (в значении "непрерывно контролировать"_)
20.07.2017 12:05:35 fig. stain one's hands with someone's blood запачкать руки кровью (Those who ignore that will always end up staining their hands with the blood of innocents.)
20.07.2017 12:05:35 contempt. dirty one's hands with someone's blood запачкать руки кровью (You are too noble to dirty your hands with blood. • I don't want you to dirty your hands with blood.)
20.07.2017 11:32:18 gen. all personnel report to общий сбор
20.07.2017 11:24:41 gen. wrongly accused несправедливо обвинённый
20.07.2017 11:24:41 gen. wrongly accused без вины виноватый
19.07.2017 23:00:41 inf. fiddle around поиграться (with something) Только в контексте.: I'll try and fiddle around with the engine clamp end a bit and see what I get.)
19.07.2017 15:26:10 mil. post sentries выставить часовых (Sentries were duly posted to keep all strangers off the ground.)
19.07.2017 14:50:20 mil. order to line up построить (солдат: The corporal ordered the platoon to line up in rows of six. • He ordered his men to line up single file and start marching.)
19.07.2017 14:28:31 in the run-up to предшествовать
19.07.2017 14:27:55 gen. in the run-up to незадолго до (Police were today at the Beaumont Estate hotel questioning staff about what happened in the run up to the incident.)
19.07.2017 14:11:00 mil. parade построить (to arrange soldiers in order (также line up): The colonel paraded his soldiers.)
19.07.2017 10:31:38 austral. Yowie Йови (ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Йови)
19.07.2017 10:30:54 mil. yowie см. yowie suit
19.07.2017 10:08:03 mil., lingo ghillie suit леший (маскировочный костюм лохматого типа)
19.07.2017 10:06:11 mil., lingo ghillie suit кикимора (маскировочный костюм лохматого типа)
19.07.2017 10:04:03 mil. ghillie кикимора (камуфляж)
18.07.2017 16:17:45 gen. have a hard time едва (I had a hard time finding where you live)
18.07.2017 16:08:32 gen. have a hard time еле (I had a hard time finding where you live)
18.07.2017 15:31:40 gen. I certify that this translation is accurate to the best of my knowledge перевод верен

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