
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

4.08.2017 9:42:50 uncom. tourist attraction легенда для завлечения туристов (в контексте: Of course, there are those who believe Nessie is nothing but an urban legend or a tourist attraction.)
4.08.2017 9:30:06 gen. urban legend то же, что urban myth
4.08.2017 9:28:49 gen. urban myth то же, что urban legend
4.08.2017 0:33:34 gen. devastating blow сокрушительный удар (The Senate has dealt a devastating blow to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare after a surprise defeat to the "skinny bill.")
4.08.2017 0:32:36 gen. deal a devastating blow нанести сокрушительный удар (The Senate has dealt a devastating blow to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare after a surprise defeat to the "skinny bill.")
3.08.2017 0:58:35 ed. full-time полная академическая нагрузка (Внимание! Перевод full-time как "очный" и part-time как "заочный" является ошибочным, поскольку в данном случае имеется ввиду только количество кредитов (т.е. часов в неделю) вне зависимости от формы обучения.)
2.08.2017 15:12:17 gen. a little more ... and a bit less более из разряда ... чем (в контексте: Although so far augmented reality has been a little more 'catch the Pikachu', and a bit less "dead or alive, you're coming with me".)
2.08.2017 15:04:31 rude grubby paws грязные лапы (Keep your grubby paws to yourself!)
1.08.2017 16:50:19 inf. okay, fine ну и ладно
1.08.2017 14:52:22 inf. when was the last time когда (в знач. "было ли такое"; только в контексте: Hey, when was the last time I let you down? – Когда я тебя подводил?)
1.08.2017 13:55:38 gen. things всякое (When he didn't get home that day I started thinking all sorts of bad things. • They just don't do interviews, so people make things up.)
1.08.2017 9:12:35 gen. pcs штук (сокращ. от pieces) обычно о товаре (в счетах, накладных, ведомостях и т.д.))
1.08.2017 9:11:55 gen. pieces штук (сокращённо pcs) обычно о товаре (в счетах, накладных, ведомостях и т.д.))
31.07.2017 16:01:33 idiom. explan. not bat an eyelid не вызывать удивления (у кого-либо; вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную) Перевод выражением "и бровью не повести" не всегда уместен, например: Nobody batted an eyelid if people bought beer in the morning as it wasn't available in the evening. • When laptop computers first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelid.)
31.07.2017 15:57:09 gen. bat an eyelid см. not bat an eyelid
31.07.2017 15:41:59 news influential figures in law enforcement and security agencies силовики (rbth.com)
31.07.2017 15:34:38 Russia white-ribboners белоленточники (originally, participants in the 2011-2012 opposition rallies in Russia who wore white ribbons as their symbol; by extension, any supporters of the opposition to the Putin regime)
31.07.2017 11:55:33 low work one's ass to the bone впахивать
31.07.2017 11:54:46 low work one's ass off впахивать
31.07.2017 11:53:09 fig. work one's ass off one's пахать
31.07.2017 11:53:09 fig. work one's ass to the bone пахать
31.07.2017 11:26:06 gen. gas mileage расход бензина (в милях на галлон) Обыкновенно в сочетаниях типа "хороший/малый/большой расход": Usually you get better gas mileage on the highway rather than in town. • Is it possible to get good gas mileage in a Jeep Wrangler?)
31.07.2017 11:08:29 gen. yell at the top of one's voice надрывать глотку
31.07.2017 11:06:34 gen. scream blue murder поднять хай (He'll scream blue murder if he doesn't get his way. • When they refused to give me a refund, I screamed blue murder until the manager came out.)
31.07.2017 11:05:09 gen. scream one's head off надрывать глотку
31.07.2017 10:21:07 gen. makeshift stairs приступка (steps)
31.07.2017 9:48:04 gen. bolt-on встающий на штатные крепления (в штатное место)
31.07.2017 9:48:04 gen. bolt-on не требующий изменений конструкции
31.07.2017 9:48:04 gen. bolt-on не требующий сверления дополнительных отверстий
31.07.2017 9:37:33 gen. pedal ladder стремянка
31.07.2017 9:11:55 cinema bit-part actor статист
31.07.2017 9:03:14 gen. observer статист (человек, наблюдающий за какими-либо действтямт, но не вмешивающийся в их ход; напр., на учениях и т.д.)
29.07.2017 21:33:25 inf. have an argy-bargy препираться (At the Thai side of the border we have the usual argy-bargy about my passport. It ain't serious and the border cops seem to find it amusing.)
29.07.2017 21:32:57 inf. argy bargy препирания (At the Thai side of the border we have the usual argy-bargy about my passport. It ain't serious and the border cops seem to find it amusing.)
29.07.2017 21:27:41 inf. spot on time тютелька в тютельку (The driver arrived spot on time to collect us. • My delivery arrived spot on time this morning, many thanks. • We arrived spot on time for our reservation)
29.07.2017 21:22:44 inf. spot on тютелька в тютельку (в контексте))
29.07.2017 21:19:09 inf. way past хорошо за
29.07.2017 21:17:16 inf. stash away заначивать
29.07.2017 21:13:49 inf. skulduggery незаконные делишки (She's up to all sorts of skulduggery.)
29.07.2017 21:13:49 inf. skulduggery грязные делишки
29.07.2017 21:09:51 media. financial skulduggery финансовые махинации
29.07.2017 21:06:07 gen. skullduggery то же, что skulduggery
29.07.2017 21:01:40 slang play coy прикинуться шлангом
29.07.2017 21:01:28 slang play coy прикидываться шлангом
29.07.2017 20:55:32 context. strategy session планёрка (I'll have a strategy session with the team and see what we can figure out.)
29.07.2017 20:47:51 gen. nifty footwork то же, что fancy footwork
28.07.2017 23:42:55 gen. paramilitaries военизированные структуры
28.07.2017 23:42:40 gen. paramilitary forces военизированные структуры
28.07.2017 22:45:40 gen. hopeful thinking домыслы
28.07.2017 22:45:40 gen. hopeful thinking желаемое (в отличие от действительного: Such is the rumor. But what's true and what's hopeful thinking?)
28.07.2017 22:45:40 gen. wishful thinking желаемое (в отличие от действительного: Writing a memoir is an exercise in separating fact from opinion, evaluations from judgment, and truth from wishful thinking.)
28.07.2017 15:19:11 gen. money changer валютчик (one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country))
28.07.2017 15:15:47 gen. exchanger валютчик (one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country: In other words, you go to an exchanger with your dollars (or whatever traditional currency you hold) and exchange them for digital currency)
28.07.2017 14:56:44 gen. exchanger меняла (one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country: n other words, you go to an exchanger with your dollars (or whatever traditional currency you hold) and exchange them for digital currency)
28.07.2017 14:38:45 arch. on the left ошую
28.07.2017 14:38:45 arch. at the left hand ошую
28.07.2017 10:57:36 gen. stop light светофор (амер.))
28.07.2017 10:55:04 gen. set of traffic lights светофор (Turn right at set of traffic lights by the Cedars Pub)
28.07.2017 10:51:08 gen. sounds good to me идёт
28.07.2017 10:51:08 gen. fine by me идёт (в т.ч. как самостоятельная фраза)
28.07.2017 10:51:08 gen. fine by me согласен (в т.ч. как самостоятельная фраза)
28.07.2017 10:45:16 gen. stoplight светофор (амер.: Take a right at the next stoplight onto Liberty Street, then turn right at Whitaker Street (the next stoplight))
28.07.2017 9:56:11 fig. be punch-drunk ничего не соображать (от усталости) how you feel after driving or working long periods of time)
27.07.2017 23:17:19 gen. lower one's voice понизить голос (Sukhodrev assured Brezhnev that in interpreting, he had deliberately lowered his voice so that only the president could hear him.)
27.07.2017 23:13:22 gen. come into one's hands попасть в руки (к кому-либо: We decided that given the unusual way the record of the conversation had come into our hands and its private and seemingly social nature, we would not pass it on to anyone else.)
27.07.2017 23:12:17 gen. come into one's hands попасть (к кому-либо: We decided that given the unusual way the record of the conversation had come into our hands and its private and seemingly social nature, we would not pass it on to anyone else.)
27.07.2017 23:07:11 gen. file out покинуть помещение (организованно, друг за другом: I carefully took my time organizing the papers at my small table as I watched the Soviet delegation file out.)
27.07.2017 23:06:49 gen. file out покидать помещение (организованно, друг за другом: I carefully took my time organizing the papers at my small table as I watched the Soviet delegation file out.)
27.07.2017 23:04:14 gen. wave off отослать жестом (кого-либо: Brezhnev studied the paper carefully [and] waved Sukhodrev off.)
27.07.2017 22:59:55 gen. prolific memory феноменальная память (Victor Sukhodrev ... had a prolific memory–we witnessed him take only a few notes when Brezhnev would talk for upwards of 20 minutes straight and then offer a perfect English rendering.)
27.07.2017 22:57:49 gen. push one's way протолкаться (up to someone or something)
27.07.2017 22:57:49 gen. work one's way пробиться (up to someone or something; в знач. "проложить себе дорогу", особ. через толпу)
27.07.2017 22:52:47 gen. reach into one's pocket полезть в карман (At one point, I noticed him reaching into his pocket for what turned out to be a pill. • Cole reached into his pocket and handed Beckett the bag with the rings.)
27.07.2017 22:40:03 gen. by way of the front door через парадный вход (At the end of the meeting, Ford and Brezhnev left together by way of the front door where they appeared to exchange pleasantries.)
27.07.2017 16:56:26 mil. disposable расходуемый (напр., о пусковой трубе противотанкового гранатомета)
27.07.2017 15:40:59 inf. it's a coin toss фиг угадаешь
27.07.2017 15:40:02 idiom. coin toss дело случая (it's a coin toss...)
27.07.2017 14:44:39 idiom. just because ... does not mean that не факт, что
27.07.2017 14:43:46 gen. it is not apparent that не факт, что
27.07.2017 14:40:37 idiom. it's a coin toss whether не факт, что (ReversoContext)
27.07.2017 14:36:03 gen. turnout явка (в знач. "количество явившихся", особ. на выборах: We had a good turnout for the meeting. • The voter turnout was low. • The highest election turnout since 1989 reflected a genuine belief that this could be a game-changing poll.)
27.07.2017 14:32:21 gen. good turnout много людей (пришло на какое-либо мероприятие: The protest had a good turnout. • The reunion party went really well. We really had a big turnout. • Thanks for helping us get the word out about our charity run Sept 18, we had a great turnout.)
27.07.2017 14:10:46 law.enf. intelligence информация (особенно добытая следственными органами или переданная им для последующего анализа: Outside Washington, the FBI established command posts in all of its field offices across the country and has encouraged state and local officials to share any intelligence they pick up about threats. • We received intelligence that the person we're chasing hired a bomb maker who lives a few hours up the highway. bloomberg.com)
27.07.2017 10:56:23 gen. speed past пронестись (past something; на большой скорости | прош. sped (US) и speeded (UK) |: A plane sped past us just above the trees. • A car speeded past, missing me by no more than a centimetre..)
27.07.2017 10:00:13 mil. recoilless gun гранатомёт (безоткатного типа, напр., РПГ-7 или СПГ-9) Although recoilless guns work on the classic recoilless principle, modern rounds sometimes add a post-firing booster that technically make it a rocket launcher.)
27.07.2017 9:58:20 gen. recoilless gun то же, что recoilless rifle
27.07.2017 9:57:01 gen. recoilless rifle то же, что recoilless gun
27.07.2017 9:56:31 mil. recoilless rifle гранатомёт (безоткатного типа, напр., РПГ-7 или СПГ-9) Although recoilless guns work on the classic recoilless principle, modern rounds sometimes add a post-firing booster that technically make it a rocket launcher.)
27.07.2017 1:54:01 gen. champion of human rights борец за права человека ("Nice to see my friends Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Kara-Murza – two great champions of human rights in Russia", John McCain twitted.)
26.07.2017 20:20:45 gen. hidden extras незапланированные расходы
26.07.2017 15:13:02 inf. for the umpteenth time в двадцать пятый раз (For the umpteenth time, don't speak with your mouth full!)
26.07.2017 14:49:09 slang be punch-drunk выпадать (how you feel after driving or working long periods of time)
26.07.2017 13:12:32 gen. infirmary санчасть (в военной части, тюрьме и т.п.)
26.07.2017 13:12:32 gen. infirmary санитарная часть
26.07.2017 13:10:40 hist. infirmary инфирмерия (лазарет при монастыре и т.п.)
26.07.2017 10:49:29 gen. hiss шипеть (о змеях: Snakes only hiss when they are afraid.)
26.07.2017 10:20:17 idiom. that's what it all boils down to вот где собака зарыта
26.07.2017 10:13:09 inf. smart самый умный (Hey, asshole, you think you're smart?)
26.07.2017 10:02:07 idiom. know where the skeletons are buried см. know where all the bodies are buried
26.07.2017 9:48:00 inf. there is the rub см. there's the rub

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