
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

22.08.2017 10:13:34 police tactical team спецподразделение (полиции)
22.08.2017 10:07:19 gen. take down ограбить (In need of money to pay Madrazo, Michael takes down a Rockford Hills Jewel Store with Franklin and a crew.)
22.08.2017 9:57:54 gen. tag along вместе с (Trevor follows them there in his truck with Ron and Wade tagging along.)
21.08.2017 15:58:21 african. bush taxi маршрутка (во многих странах Западной и Центральной Африки)
21.08.2017 15:58:21 russ.lang. marshrootka маршрутка (wikipedia.org)
21.08.2017 15:24:22 inf. or something along those lines или что-то в этом роде (She said, "You lied to me!" or something along those lines. • She sued him for defamation or something along those lines. • I want to buy an SUV or something along those lines. • Is there any sort of group chat or something along those lines for the class of 2021?)
21.08.2017 15:05:40 gen. come racing out вылететь (toward – навстречу кому-либо: The dog came racing out toward me, teeth bared. • A police car came racing out of a side street, siren blaring.)
21.08.2017 14:46:28 gen. nothing short of поистине (His recovery was nothing short of miraculous. • During my years of reporting on the war, Ukraine's military evolution has been nothing short of remarkable. • She is nothing short of amazing in her latest movie.)
21.08.2017 14:33:29 idiom. be on one's heels обороняться (in a defensive position; from boxing, where a boxer might go back on his heels when he's defending himself, as opposed to being on his toes: In the early months of the war, with Ukraine's regular army on its heels, everyday Ukrainians filled the ranks of a partisan army that stopped an offensive by combined Russian-separatist forces.)
21.08.2017 14:31:59 idiom. be on someone's heels наступать на пятки
21.08.2017 14:16:26 gen. go and join подойти (ближе к кому-либо)
21.08.2017 14:15:05 gen. walk over подойти (ближе к кому-либо: The guy who's the platoon leader tells Bill to walk over and join him.)
21.08.2017 14:14:49 gen. go over подойти (ближе к кому-либо: I go over to them and say ‘hello'.)
21.08.2017 14:14:05 inf. be right there подойти (Can you bring me the papers? Sure, I'll be right there!)
21.08.2017 14:02:53 idiom. be hot on the heels of дышать в затылок (The one-time underdog is hot on the heels of the leading candidate.)
21.08.2017 13:59:03 idiom. on one's heels вынужденный обороняться (in a defensive position; from boxing, where a boxer might go back on his heels when he's defending himself, as opposed to being on his toes: In the early months of the war, with Ukraine's regular army on its heels, everyday Ukrainians filled the ranks of a partisan army that stopped an offensive by combined Russian-separatist forces.)
21.08.2017 12:55:31 gen. come on in прошу (приглашение войти: Come on in, the door's open. • Come on in. We're just about to start dinner.)
21.08.2017 12:53:21 gen. come on заходить (с какой-то стороны: Come on in front. Come around here, come around the side.)
21.08.2017 12:52:39 inf. come and see зайти (I'll come and see you in the office)
21.08.2017 11:42:04 gen. you'll be fine всё будет хорошо (у тебя)
21.08.2017 11:42:04 gen. everything's going to be okay всё будет хорошо
21.08.2017 11:35:41 gen. all will be well всё будет хорошо (Just stick to your job and all will be well.)
21.08.2017 11:29:55 pris.sl. turn out опустить (Continued violations of this type might result in a "turn out." This discipline involves several gang members sodomizing the violator. He is then "excommunicated" from his street gang and considered an unprotected female. The gang might sell him, or one of the group might claim him as his "girlfriend.")
21.08.2017 11:19:32 slang brit. bugger штрих (a person (mainly UK/Aus/NZ term))
21.08.2017 11:18:18 inf. be sick as a pig удавиться от зависти (брит., разг.) be annoyed or disappointed because something pleasant that you would have liked has happened to someone else,: When Norman hears how much I got for the car, he'll be sick as a pig.)
21.08.2017 10:39:35 gen. take it with a grain of salt см. take with a grain of salt
21.08.2017 10:37:35 gen. run through объединять (только в контексте: The common thread that runs through all of our products is their ability to...)
21.08.2017 9:31:51 mil., lingo bang-bang осколочно-фугасный
21.08.2017 9:11:33 mil., lingo casualty трёхсотый (если речь о раненом: I radioed company headquarters and said, "There is one casualty and it's me – I've been shot")
18.08.2017 15:35:04 gen. jog пробежаться
18.08.2017 15:33:26 inf. take a quick look пробежаться (at)
18.08.2017 15:08:27 context. underlings простые смертные (в знач. "подчиненные": This is for underlings. The folks up top don't ever seem to get in trouble for their words or actions. (пример взят у Игоря Мига))
18.08.2017 14:24:50 amer. what's the story? рассказывай (в чем дело)
18.08.2017 14:18:03 avunc. granddad папаша (фамильярное обращение к старику: He must have been eighty. "Well, yes indeed." He grinned. ... "Well, yes what, Granddad?")
18.08.2017 13:37:51 gen. homie см. homeboy
18.08.2017 13:22:13 auto. spare tire запаска (разг.) запасное колесо)
18.08.2017 12:05:56 inf. be around зайти (к кому-либо в гости: Alright, I'll be around when I get a chance.)
18.08.2017 12:05:56 inf. be around заскочить (Alright, I'll be around when I get a chance)
18.08.2017 12:05:00 IT credit card skimmer скимминговое устройство (для кражи данных с платёжной или кредитной карты)
18.08.2017 11:58:08 ASCII. skimmer см. credit card skimmer
18.08.2017 11:56:19 auto. dealer автосалон (слово "car/automobile" можно опустить, если это ясно из контекста: I bought it from a local Jeep dealer.)
18.08.2017 11:55:42 amer. car dealership автосалон (Car dealerships are a dime a dozen here, so take the time and effort to check out a few different units before deciding. wikipedia.org)
18.08.2017 11:49:32 auto. amer. get gas заправиться (бензином: I stopped to get gas on my way into work.)
18.08.2017 11:45:35 auto. amer. get gas заправляться (бензином: Myers was getting gas when Walter McMillian saw him at the gas station.)
18.08.2017 11:44:46 law.enf. formal at gunpoint угрожая оружием (Myers was getting gas when Walter McMillian saw him at the gas station and forced him at gunpoint to get in Walter's truck and drive to Monroeville.)
18.08.2017 11:36:14 gen. narrowly avoid a collision едва разминуться (с другой машиной)
18.08.2017 10:52:16 black.sl. homie братишка
18.08.2017 10:47:24 black.sl. nahmean см. you know what I mean?
18.08.2017 9:55:37 auto. adverse camber опасные повороты (название предупреждающих дорожных знаков 1.12.1 и 1.12.2) Участок дороги с опасными поворотами (см. bit.ly/2uNuI7S))
17.08.2017 23:28:16 gen. lever-action gun винтовка рычажного действия (ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Винтовка_рычажного_действия)
17.08.2017 23:26:16 gen. lever-action gun карабин со скобой Генри
17.08.2017 18:01:00 inf. sell подкупить (something for someone) при покупке / выборе; исключительно в контексте) This room sold the place for me because it gets the morning sun)
17.08.2017 16:52:04 gen. Public Commercial Law коммерческое право (т.е. регулирующее правоотношения между субъектами публичного права || Сравни: хозяйственное право – Private Commercial Law, т.е. регулирующее правоотношения между субъектами частного cправа)
17.08.2017 16:43:55 gen. code of private commercial laws хозяйственное законодательство
17.08.2017 16:38:18 gen. Public Commercial Law торговое право (т.е. регулирующее правоотношения между субъектами публичного права || Сравни: хозяйственное право – Private Commercial Law, т.е. регулирующее правоотношения между субъектами частного cправа)
17.08.2017 15:06:12 slang boo зафукать
17.08.2017 14:38:00 gen. lose to frostbite отморозить (конечность до такой степени, что её пришлось ампутировать: He lost all his toes to frostbite but dragged 3 guys off the mountain. • Refugees lose fingers to frostbite as they walk to Canada from the U.S.)
17.08.2017 14:32:34 gen. have something frostbitten отморозить (себе что-либо: I got away with having my left toes frostbitten.)
17.08.2017 14:21:28 inf. freeze off отморозить (себе что-либо: 'I was born naked, and I'll die naked!' 'What about winter?' 'What?' 'I mean, won't you freeze your nuts off?')
16.08.2017 14:26:44 gen. breaking срочно в номер
16.08.2017 14:08:36 mil. rapid reaction быстрого реагирования (Rapid reaction forces are designed to intervene quickly as a spearhead to gain and hold ground in quickly unfolding combat)
16.08.2017 14:07:07 mil. rapid-deployment быстрого реагирования (The United States Army Rangers are an elite rapid-deployment military formation of the United States Army.)
16.08.2017 14:02:26 gen. trace one's lineage to брать своё начало
16.08.2017 14:01:46 gen. be traced back to восходить к (This convention can be traced back to Medieval European usage.)
16.08.2017 13:53:22 gen. trace one's lineage to вести свою историю от
16.08.2017 13:52:44 gen. trace one's lineage to восходить (к чему-либо, к какому-либо времени)
16.08.2017 13:48:43 hist. sub-officer унтер-офицер
16.08.2017 13:48:01 hist. sub-officer урядник (особ. в казачьих войсках)
16.08.2017 13:40:29 hist. foot-scout пластун (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastun)
16.08.2017 13:39:40 hist. ranger пластун
16.08.2017 13:38:36 hist. foot-scout пластунский
16.08.2017 13:37:08 hist. ranger пластунский
16.08.2017 12:09:13 inet. chat переписываться (особ. в Интернете, мессенджерах и т.п.)
16.08.2017 12:04:44 gen. it's plain to see нетрудно заметить
16.08.2017 12:04:44 gen. it's plain to see вполне очевидно
16.08.2017 12:04:44 gen. it's plain to see не нужно быть семи пядей во лбу, чтобы понять
16.08.2017 11:54:40 gen. plain to see видно невооружённым глазом
16.08.2017 11:54:40 gen. plain to see совершенно очевидно (This must now surely be plain for anyone to see.)
16.08.2017 11:51:57 inf. don't need much brains to figure it out и дураку понятно ("He was a thief. He was ripping somebody off." "You sure?" I said. "It don't need much brains to figure it out," she said. (Lee Child))
16.08.2017 11:40:36 gen. be plain to see лежать на поверхности (It's plain to see that...)
16.08.2017 11:33:35 gen. don't tell you didn't know ты же прекрасно знал (что...)
16.08.2017 1:20:00 gen. contract manufacturer изготовитель на условиях подряда
15.08.2017 16:52:55 gen. under the flag под флагом (of): Many southerners in North Vietnam were dispatched to the South, fighting under the flag of the NLF. • When Australia became involved in the Vietnam War, the RAN was effectively fighting under the flag of another, uninvolved nation. • ...those same folks will still be working for your organisation, only under a different flag.)
15.08.2017 16:33:56 inf. get подъехать (get to someone, get somewhere)
15.08.2017 16:21:02 inf. computer tech компьютерщик (to have a computer tech on staff • Bring your laptop to a computer tech who'll check it out.)
15.08.2017 15:59:23 EU. programme for the endorsement of forest certification schemes программа сертификации лесных хозяйств
15.08.2017 15:36:27 gen. blood safety тж. см. hemovigilance
15.08.2017 15:35:51 med. blood safety безопасность крови, её продуктов, кровезамещающих растворов и технических средств, используемых в трансфузионно-инфузионной терапии
15.08.2017 15:31:24 idiom. in the small hours затемно
15.08.2017 15:31:24 idiom. in the small hours в предрассветный час
15.08.2017 15:31:24 idiom. in the small hours пока не рассвело
15.08.2017 14:53:07 police person of interest объект оперативного интереса
15.08.2017 14:09:46 police person of interest лицо, находящееся в оперативной разработке (в отношении которого проводятся ОРМ: Примечание. POI не является подозревамым в строгом правовом смысле (см. определения ст. 46 УПК РФ или ст. 42 УПК Украины 2012 г.), поскольку ему не обявлено о подозрении – "person of interest" is a term used by U.S. law enforcement when identifying someone involved in a criminal investigation who has not been arrested or formally accused of a crime.)
15.08.2017 13:01:56 gen. sight пристреливать (оружие, тж. sight in: The hunting season was highly anticipated as the Hanson family sighted their guns and checked their stands weeks prior to opening weekend.)
15.08.2017 13:01:31 gen. sight пристрелять (оружие, тж. sight in: The hunting season was highly anticipated as the Hanson family sighted their guns and checked their stands weeks prior to opening weekend.)
15.08.2017 12:53:10 gen. sight целиться (особ. через оптический прицел: He continued his service as a scout and a sniper by insisting that he needed only one eye to sight his weapon.)
15.08.2017 12:53:10 mil., artil. sight навести (орудие, оптический прибор))
15.08.2017 11:34:34 pharm. good manufacturing practices см. good manufacturing practice
15.08.2017 11:02:50 news context. rule out заявить, что не будет (в контексте; в знач. "исключить возможность": David Cameron rules out third term as prime minister. • Davydova ruled out seeking compensation for the time she was detained.)
15.08.2017 9:40:01 gen. militant боевик (Ukrainian forces recaptured the city of Sloviansk on July 5, driving pro-Russian militants from the city and hoisting the Ukrainian flag over the city council. (Примечание: "ополченец" по-английски будет "militiaman"))

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