
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

14.09.2017 10:16:29 gen. swear off заречься (Blaming himself for what has transpired, Max swears off alcohol)
14.09.2017 9:57:28 gen. swear off alcohol дать зарок не пить (Blaming himself for what has transpired, Max swears off alcohol)
13.09.2017 15:33:06 inf. stock fish таранька (просторечное название любой сушёной или вяленой рыбы; не путать с таранью)
13.09.2017 15:33:03 inf. stock fish таранка (просторечное название любой сушёной или вяленой рыбы; не путать с таранью)
13.09.2017 15:32:44 inf. dried fish таранка (просторечное название любой сушёной или вяленой рыбы; не путать с таранью)
13.09.2017 15:32:17 inf. stockfish таранька (просторечное название любой сушёной или вяленой рыбы; не путать с таранью)
13.09.2017 15:32:07 inf. stockfish таранка (просторечное название любой сушёной или вяленой рыбы; не путать с таранью)
13.09.2017 13:59:20 news elaborate уточнить (в знач. "объяснить подробнее": What exactly has been implied? What are the factors that need to be taken into consideration? Qin did not elaborate.)
13.09.2017 13:58:10 gen. elaborate подробно остановиться (на чём-либо – on something)
13.09.2017 13:56:13 gen. elaborate дать развёрнутый ответ
13.09.2017 13:39:28 gen. shoulder strap пата (хлястик погона)
13.09.2017 12:04:00 gen. mobility свобода движений (The jacket and 1-piece suits feature fully floating sleeves for increased mobility)
13.09.2017 11:52:19 inf. all good? всё в порядке?
13.09.2017 11:51:20 tel. on speakerphone по громкой связи
13.09.2017 11:13:06 sec.sys. breach of perimeter проникновение на территорию (Perimeter breached. The facility has been compromised. Repeat, the Deep Six has been compromised.)
13.09.2017 11:07:23 gen. die on scene скончаться на месте (It's not clear at this time if the fatally injured Bluefield officer died on scene or was transported to the hospital. • One person died on scene, while the two others were transported to hospital. • Police say the girl died on scene after being injured in a fireworks explosion.)
13.09.2017 11:02:20 police on scene на месте (в разных значениях, но особ. в фразе "скончаться на месте": The CHP says the motorcyclist died on scene and another person was taken to the hospital.)
13.09.2017 10:55:31 uncom. bus out грузить в автозаки
13.09.2017 10:51:45 inf. blow it не угадать (I took a wild guess and blew it.)
13.09.2017 10:50:50 inf. didn't work out that way не получилось (I planned to go there in summer. – Why didn't you? – Didn't work out that way.)
13.09.2017 10:46:21 inf. didn't work out that way не вышло
13.09.2017 10:41:51 gen. put some distance between оторваться (He managed to put some distance between himself and his pursuers.)
13.09.2017 10:39:22 gen. shoot one's way out of прорваться с боем
13.09.2017 10:39:22 gen. shoot one's way out of прорываться с боем
13.09.2017 10:38:08 ital. I'm only a small fry я человек маленький (в контексте)
13.09.2017 10:37:18 inf. be a small fry ничего не решать
13.09.2017 10:32:58 inf. small fry рядовой (The designation essentially severs the institution from the global banking system, but it is only a small-fry player.)
13.09.2017 10:25:56 inf. small-fry мелкого пошиба (The designation essentially severs the institution from the global banking system, but it is only a small-fry player. • A key suspect in the Bali bomb attacks told an Indonesian court on Thursday that he was only a "small-fry terrorist".)
13.09.2017 10:16:51 inf. throw up рыгать (в знач. "блевать", "рвать")
13.09.2017 10:15:56 inf. throw up психовать
13.09.2017 10:15:56 inf. throw up устраивать истерику
13.09.2017 10:05:06 gen. ruin испортить (He takes off his shirt as it is ruined from sliding on the roof.)
13.09.2017 10:05:06 gen. ruin привести в негодность
13.09.2017 10:02:47 gen. hand the reigns доверить управление
13.09.2017 10:01:08 gen. hand the reigns дать полную свободу действий (It's a first-person stealth-action game that put enough faith in player ingenuity to hand them the reigns and let them forge their own path.)
13.09.2017 9:37:15 gen. all talk and little action много слов, мало дела
13.09.2017 9:35:17 gen. personal security team личная охрана
13.09.2017 9:18:19 idiom. I rest my case мне больше нечего добавить (в т.ч. с сарказмом: In the past decade, the city has received 99.97 percent of the tax increases. The school department has gotten less than 1 percent. I rest my case. • Told that the White House denied being the source of the leak, Pelosi responded, "I rest my case." • А: "You're far too quick to descend to insulting people who disagree with you." B: "Don't be ridiculous! That's the sort of thing only a complete idiot would say." А: "I rest my case...")
12.09.2017 16:52:29 mil. sew-on нашивной (There could be no mixing of sew-on and pin-on badges)
12.09.2017 16:48:19 mil. Schofield ВСР (имеется в виду ВСР-93)
12.09.2017 16:47:27 mil., lingo Schofield вертикалка
12.09.2017 16:38:56 mil. battledress полевая форма
12.09.2017 16:01:55 inf. what-do-you-call-it как его там (Hand me one of those little what-do-you-call-thems)
12.09.2017 15:36:37 inf. what-you-may-call-her эта, как её (We went to what-you-may-call-her's house)
12.09.2017 15:33:48 inf. sorry, what? что-что?
12.09.2017 15:32:43 inf. whaddayacallit как его там (о предмете: A: He would get a, whaddayacallit, that green slimy thing from California, with a stone in it. – B: An avocado?)
12.09.2017 15:20:40 inf. whaddayacallit это самое (практически вмесо любого слова, которое не получается вспомнить)
12.09.2017 14:36:11 mil. United States Army Europe Сухопутные войска США в Европе
12.09.2017 11:15:34 gen. come crawling back приползти назад
12.09.2017 10:57:42 gen. mickve см. mikveh
12.09.2017 10:14:38 gen. lobby entrance проходная
12.09.2017 10:00:15 gen. front gate entrance проходная
12.09.2017 9:59:02 gen. front security desk проходная
12.09.2017 9:58:00 gen. front security gate проходная (в речи часто просто front security))
11.09.2017 16:15:14 uncom. good evening доброй ночи! (приветствие глубокой ночью до полуночи)
11.09.2017 16:14:54 uncom. good morning доброй ночи! (приветствие глубокой ночью после полуночи)
11.09.2017 15:44:12 gen. be not conducive не способствовать (to something: The easiest way to catch individuals engaging in illegal activities is to be among them, and a police uniform is, obviously, not conducive to this.)
11.09.2017 15:16:14 mil. that is a negative отбой (команда: Repeat, that is a negative, return to base immediately.)
11.09.2017 15:14:23 radio negatory нет (=negative (military, CB slang))
11.09.2017 14:40:08 uncom. as you were вольно! (в некоторых случаях, в знач. "продолжайте; возвращайтесь к своему занятию"; НЕ путать со строевой командой "вольно" – "at ease": Soldiers eating in a mess hall will be called to stand and snap to the position of attention when their commanding officer or other senior officer enters the room. After a brief pause, the officer will give the "As You Were" command and the soldiers will sit and resume eating.)
11.09.2017 14:27:07 idiom. with abandon неистово
11.09.2017 14:26:16 idiom. with abandon забыв обо всём остальном
11.09.2017 14:15:06 idiom. with abandon безрассудно (with a devil-may-care/carefree attitude, carelessly)
11.09.2017 14:13:42 gen. with a devil-may-care attitude наплевательски
11.09.2017 14:13:28 inf. devil-may-care attitude пофигизм
11.09.2017 13:58:44 inf. context. I'll be hearing from you до связи (в конце разговора)
11.09.2017 13:53:01 gen. abandon прекратить (All responding units, abandon search, return to patrols. • But Russia also wants Nato to abandon military activity in Eastern Europe, which would mean pulling out its combat units from Poland and the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and not deploying missiles in countries such as Poland and Romania. bbc.com)
11.09.2017 11:26:22 gen. directly непосредственно (The police do prefer that the victim reports the incident directly)
11.09.2017 11:09:04 police statement показания потерпевшего (для полиции)
11.09.2017 9:26:04 idiom. call it a day уйти на покой (After second heart attack, she decided it would be best to follow her doctor's advice and call it a day.)
11.09.2017 9:26:04 idiom. call it a day уходить на покой
11.09.2017 9:04:35 jarg. squeal заговорить (в знач. "донести": Because it's obvious already that somebody's squealed, an' squealed loudly. // We got real problems. Police are all over us. Maybe you heard. I got served papers today. Phil yesterday. We got a couple of boys in jail... I think they might squeal!)
11.09.2017 9:03:57 inf. squeal написать кляузу (Somebody squealed on him.)
11.09.2017 9:00:19 jarg. squeal стукнуть (squeal to the cops)
8.09.2017 23:51:16 foreig.aff. advance parole разрешение на обратный въезд на территорию США (имеет силу визы)
8.09.2017 23:32:34 uncom. since before по состоянию на (You may be eligible to register for a Green Card if you have resided continuously in the U.S. since before Jan. 1, 1972.)
8.09.2017 21:21:44 foreig.aff. permanent resident иностранный гражданин, имеющий постоянный вид на жительство (в США – обладатель грин-карты (permanent resident card))
8.09.2017 20:21:27 bank. withdrawals/subtractions списания (графа в банковских выписках)
8.09.2017 20:21:03 bank. deposits/additions пополнения (графа в банковских выписках)
8.09.2017 19:10:53 bank. outstanding balance текущая задолженность по счету (графа в банковских выписках)
8.09.2017 19:04:05 bank. account activity оборот средств (графа в банковских выписках)
8.09.2017 19:01:54 bank. activity summary информация о движении средств по счету (графа в банковских выписках)
8.09.2017 18:26:57 gen. but with that said тем не менее (. If you're looking for ways to earn money, your time may be better spent looking at savings accounts or more long term investments like IRAs, bonds, or mutual funds. But with that said, earning interest on your checking account balance is always a bonus.)
8.09.2017 17:44:27 gen. informed располагающий фактами
8.09.2017 15:07:54 ling. genericized trademark товарный знак, ставший именем нарицательным
8.09.2017 12:00:46 idiom. when God's dog was a puppy при царе Горохе (=in the days of yore)
8.09.2017 11:19:25 gen. you can't do that так нельзя
7.09.2017 15:57:05 gen. that's being prepared готовящийся
7.09.2017 15:25:42 rude shithole очко (в значении "туалет" и "задний проход")
7.09.2017 15:25:42 rude shithole сральник
7.09.2017 14:52:49 gen. clock засечь (заметить, вычислить: Somehow we gotta jump these guys before they clock us. • My greatest talent is clockin' police before they clock me. • The cops do patrol the area but they use Lidar and are so easy to spot I could slow to 40 mph before they clock me.)
7.09.2017 14:27:53 media. crooked cop оборотень в погонах
7.09.2017 14:25:17 media. cop gone rogue оборотень в погонах
7.09.2017 14:25:17 media. cop gone bad оборотень в погонах
7.09.2017 13:57:07 засечь вычислить (clock)
7.09.2017 13:33:11 inf. absolute просто (That hotel we stayed at in New York was an absolute shithole. – ...просто дыра)
7.09.2017 13:27:21 contempt. shithole бомжатник
7.09.2017 13:24:06 fig. vulg. shit hole дыра
7.09.2017 13:24:06 contempt. shit hole см. shithole
7.09.2017 13:20:50 idiom. do something justice передать (всю красоту или реальную картину чего-либо – о фотографиях, словах и т.п.; с отрицанием: The Grand Canyon was amazing, but words can't do it justice.)

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