
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

12.01.2018 14:52:15 inf. scrambled phone спецсвязь (Within three minutes of the call all deputy directors were notified, and within six minutes the directo was personally briefed over a scrambled phone by Mitchell. • The PM spoke on a scrambled line and gave Grigor the Ok to arrange the meeting.)
12.01.2018 14:44:08 inf. scrambled phone link спецсвязь (о линии связи)
12.01.2018 13:59:23 gen. while пока ещё (т.е. пока ещё есть возможность)
12.01.2018 11:43:37 gen. unattended сам (т.е. без сопровождающих; в контесте)
12.01.2018 11:28:13 mil. tan-colored песочно-коричневого цвета
12.01.2018 11:28:13 mil. tan-colored пустынной расцветки
12.01.2018 11:28:13 mil. tan-colored песочного цвета
11.01.2018 17:50:42 inf. three-plug extension cord тройник
11.01.2018 17:50:42 inf. three-way power tap тройник
11.01.2018 13:37:50 gen. removal of rust from metal parts устранение ржавчины металлических элементов
10.01.2018 17:02:43 russ.lang. bronegruppa бронегруппа (The bronegruppa of the participating motorized rifle battalion and airborne company would move out from Jalalabad to Ghaziabad in support. • The few innovations that were realized [in Chechnya] – bounding over-watch, the bronegruppa, and enveloping detachments–remained conventional and were compromised by other shortcomings. • The Soviets currently employ bronegruppa in the defense. They constitute battalion and company bronegruppa from tanks and BMPs (minus their infantry)..)
10.01.2018 16:17:40 sarcast. uncom. yeah, I'll get right on that ага, только шнурки на валенках поглажу
10.01.2018 16:17:18 sarcast. yeah, I'll get right on that прямо разбежался
10.01.2018 16:17:04 I'll get right on that I'll get right on it
10.01.2018 16:17:04 I'll get right on that yeah, I'll get right on that
10.01.2018 16:14:14 sarcast. yeah, I'll get right on that уже бегу (с сарказмом)
10.01.2018 16:01:22 gen. I'll get right on that сейчас! (в значении "сейчас займусь/сделаю")
10.01.2018 14:55:21 gen. number one первое (I think the board has taken very important steps in terms of a thorough, independent investigation that's been made public, that's number one. Number two, the board has taken very strong action in terms of executive accountability. • We want our Casino's in Havana back, okay? That's number one. Number two, no interference in the shrimp business.)
10.01.2018 14:55:02 gen. number two второе (I think the board has taken very important steps in terms of a thorough, independent investigation that's been made public, that's number one. Number two, the board has taken very strong action in terms of executive accountability. • We want our Casino's in Havana back, okay? That's number one. Number two, no interference in the shrimp business.)
10.01.2018 14:30:59 gen. have the point быть правым (в контексте)
10.01.2018 12:20:54 gen. as late as ещё (по состоянию на: As late as yesterday night, John was still working on his research paper which would be due today morning.)
10.01.2018 12:18:43 law minutes of evidence стенограмма (допроса свидетеля/эксперта в зале суда)
10.01.2018 12:18:04 law minutes of evidence протокол судебного заседания (на котором ведется допрос свидетелей/экспертов)
10.01.2018 12:09:36 gen. what do you think? а сам-то как думаешь?
10.01.2018 11:28:19 idiom. I heard some scuttlebutt about сорока на хвосте принесла
5.01.2018 2:14:39 mil. outside the contiguous United States за пределами континентальной части США (термин "континетальная" или "материковая" является технически неверным (поскольку Аляска находится на материке); существует также вариант "смежные штаты")
5.01.2018 2:01:17 gen. summarizing реферирование
5.01.2018 2:01:06 gen. gisting реферирование (больших объёмов текста)
4.01.2018 19:53:35 inf. say the word! командуй! (I'll follow your lead: OK, say the word.)
4.01.2018 19:53:13 gen. redacted купюра
4.01.2018 19:46:45 gen. I'll get right on that будет сделано
4.01.2018 19:46:20 gen. I'll get right on that сейчас же займусь (No, not yet, sir, but I'll get right on that.)
4.01.2018 19:45:11 idiom. scuttlebutt сарафанное радио
4.01.2018 19:44:39 inf. don't sweat it забудь
4.01.2018 19:44:39 inf. don't sweat it проехали
4.01.2018 19:42:10 gen. it just so happens that как раз (It just so happens that my best friend is a highly qualified pediatric therapist. • It just so happens that you are wrong. • This inconsistency was frustrating because it messed with my sense of expectation, along with so many other design choices in the game. And it just so happens that expectations are the most important part of the user experience.)
4.01.2018 19:39:27 lit. fine print нонпарель (нонпарелью – in fine print)
4.01.2018 19:38:33 inf. spam засыпать (with something – чем-либо (несовершенный вид): Sales spams me with requests.)
4.01.2018 19:36:27 inf. signe up знать, на что идёшь
4.01.2018 19:36:15 inf. sign up знать, на что идёшь (for something: I signed up for this. – Я знал, на что иду/сам вызвался.)
4.01.2018 19:35:01 inf. please-please-please with a cherry on top! ну пожалуйста!
4.01.2018 19:28:13 gen. just a short hop рукой подать (This is just a short hop from where I used to live. • The nearest Walmart is just a short hop. • To the south are Trinidad and Tobago from where it is just a short hop to Venezuela. /)
4.01.2018 19:28:13 gen. short hop рукой подать
4.01.2018 19:25:53 gen. first thought that crosses my mind первое, что приходит на ум (that's the first thought that crosses my mind)
4.01.2018 19:25:09 gen. first thought that crosses my mind первое, что приходит в голову (that's the first thought that crosses my mind)
4.01.2018 19:24:10 rude full of shit тот, чьим словам грош цена (always saying things that are stupid or not true; unreliable because one makes unfounded or nonsensical statements: Oh, Stephanie is full of crap – she threatens to move out all the time. •)
4.01.2018 19:21:14 vulg. be full of shit пиздеть (помета "табу" относится только к русск. слову: "Dude, what if I told you she doesn't hate you?" "I'd say you're full of shit.")
4.01.2018 19:20:56 inf. I just got off the phone with я только что говорил с ... (по телефону: I just got off the phone with Mom and Dad.)
4.01.2018 19:16:43 rude ass-kissing prick жополиз
4.01.2018 19:12:11 gen. keep up the good work! так держать!
4.01.2018 19:10:33 gen. staff meeting собрание
4.01.2018 19:10:05 gen. staff meeting совещание (на предприятии)
4.01.2018 19:09:06 formal relay довести что-либо до чьего-либо сведения (to someone: Please relay the following to the security crew at the next staff meeting: ... • A company needs to clearly define who is to be in control and relay this to all staff.)
4.01.2018 18:59:12 inf. breather свободная минутка (Swing by my office when you have a breather. • Finally, you have a breather!)
4.01.2018 18:55:59 slang Jesus Christ on a stick! чтоб меня!
4.01.2018 18:27:55 idiom. before one's very eyes прямо на глазах (We are learning to cultivate an indifference in ourselves to the injustice that is clearly happening before our very eyes: it simply doesn’t affect us, and maybe it won’t at all, if we just don’t play with fire.  theguardian.com)
4.01.2018 18:27:04 idiom. harbour no illusions не тешить себя иллюзиями (that))
4.01.2018 18:26:51 idiom. harbour no illusions не питать иллюзий
4.01.2018 18:26:27 idiom. harbor no illusions не тешить себя иллюзиями
4.01.2018 18:26:27 idiom. harbor no illusions не питать иллюзий (that))
4.01.2018 18:25:06 gen. to the rescue в помощь
4.01.2018 18:25:06 gen. to the rescue на помощь
2.01.2018 15:41:38 gen. natural gas undertaking субъект рынка природного газа (Directive 2003/55/EC: natural gas undertaking means any natural or legal person carrying out at least one of the following functions: production, transmission, distribution, supply, purchase or storage of natural gas, including LNG, which is responsible for the commercial, technical and/or maintenance tasks related to those functions, but shall not include final customers.)
1.01.2018 22:07:01 auto. run and drive на ходу (о состоянии продаваемого автомобиля)
28.12.2017 2:18:43 uncom. collaborator внештатный сотрудник
20.12.2017 1:01:25 gen. Oblast administration областной исполнительный комитет
20.12.2017 0:57:53 gen. Oblast government облисполком
20.12.2017 0:55:12 gen. mayor's office городской исполнительный комитет (Mayor is head of the executive branch of a city or town)
20.12.2017 0:52:08 gen. mayor's office исполнительный комитет (исполнительный орган городского совета)
20.12.2017 0:51:09 gen. city government исполнительный комитет
18.12.2017 22:47:06 inet. report пожаловаться
15.12.2017 12:23:44 mil. do you copy? как слышно? (запрос качества связи)
15.12.2017 11:14:00 mil. tripod станина (треножный станок под пулемет или АГС)
14.12.2017 16:48:55 gen. put in will-call отложить (товар)
14.12.2017 16:05:23 gen. drop the dead weight сбросить балласт
14.12.2017 15:06:29 gen. thread ниточка
14.12.2017 14:11:19 inf. may someone rest in peace царствие небесное (The late Mr. Aspin, may he rest in peace, was a good friend to all of us.)
14.12.2017 12:09:49 vulg. not shit ни хрена (I don't owe you shit. • You don't know shit about me. • Well, he don't know shit about what's going on here.)
13.12.2017 18:33:27 gen. out of one's hands не в чьих-либо силах
13.12.2017 18:33:26 gen. out of one's hands не в чьей-либо власти (I only wish I had known before, but now it's out of my hands," the judge told him. / I did my best, but now it's out of my hands.)
13.12.2017 18:33:26 gen. out of one's hands не от кого-либо зависит
13.12.2017 10:58:44 gen. run one's mouth too much много говорить
13.12.2017 10:58:44 gen. talk a lot много говорить
12.12.2017 16:46:13 contempt. shitbag трепло
12.12.2017 14:51:09 gen. all in good time не сразу
12.12.2017 12:21:17 gen. discontinue снять с вооружения ([Russian report] said the attack could only have been carried out using a discontinued Buk-M1 system, which it claimed the Ukrainian army operated but the Russian army did not.)
12.12.2017 12:19:54 gen. discontinue снять (с производства, вооружения и т.п.: [Russian report] said the attack could only have been carried out using a discontinued Buk-M1 system, which it claimed the Ukrainian army operated but the Russian army did not.)
12.12.2017 10:44:47 slang be on a winning streak фартить (вариант требует замены конструкции)
11.12.2017 17:31:17 gen. Count yourself lucky! в рубашке родился
11.12.2017 17:27:56 mil. smother подавить (наступление: A second attempt about 1130 on a narrower portion of the front reached the lower slopes of Hill 306 but was then smothered by fire, mainly from the north flank.)
11.12.2017 11:15:20 inf. jittery на нервах
11.12.2017 11:13:39 inf. jumpy на нервах
8.12.2017 0:38:40 econ. present присутствовали
7.12.2017 16:38:32 mil., lingo vantage point фишка (наблюдательный пункт)
7.12.2017 10:58:25 не далее как буквально
7.12.2017 10:58:25 не позднее чем буквально
7.12.2017 10:58:25 каких-то буквально
7.12.2017 10:58:25 всего-то буквально
6.12.2017 17:43:23 rude get one's ass in gear поднять жопу (to hurry up and start moving your ass instead of sittin on it) Get your ass in gear and come train.)
6.12.2017 16:57:56 inf. bear down on взяться за (The U.S.A. is bearing down on drug traffickers.)

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