
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

1.02.2018 22:24:12 busin. signing authority основание (в знач. "наличие полномочий для подписания документа у должностного лица")
1.02.2018 17:47:52 оперативная версия версия
1.02.2018 17:47:52 law.enf. line of enquiry версия (преступления: The police are following several lines of enquiry. – Следствие разрабатывает несколько версий.)
1.02.2018 16:25:41 proced.law. preliminary inquiry предварительное судебное слушание (a hearing held to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to require an accused person to stand trial for an alleged offence: Обращаю внимание на то, что preliminary inquiry – это НЕ дознание или предварительное следствие!)
1.02.2018 14:31:38 formal due to the limited time frame с связи с ограниченными сроками (Due to the limited time frame within which Respondent's responsive pleadings must be filed, Respondent respectfully requests expedited consideration of this Motion. • The Board is unable to avail itself of necessary information due to the limited time frame provided for written comments.)
1.02.2018 14:29:53 formal due to time limitations с связи с ограниченными сроками (Due to time limitations, these outcomes were not considered in detail by the working group on reporting guidelines and thus have not been included in this report.)
31.01.2018 15:12:28 gen. submit a request направить запрос
31.01.2018 13:00:08 gen. blood and ashes проклятье
31.01.2018 12:57:44 gen. stand out in a crowd выделяться в толпе
31.01.2018 12:56:52 gen. softly aloud вполголоса
31.01.2018 12:56:52 gen. softly aloud еле слышно
31.01.2018 12:54:05 context. or else а не то смотри у меня
31.01.2018 12:54:05 context. or else от греха подальше (The gentleman in question made it clear that I was to leave it be, or else.)
31.01.2018 12:54:05 context. or else а то как бы чего не вышло
31.01.2018 12:44:54 inf. scoff слопать
31.01.2018 12:44:54 slang scoff захавать
30.01.2018 11:07:37 insur. write-off полная конструктивная гибель
30.01.2018 10:50:45 gen. at a bare minimum см. at the bare minimum
30.01.2018 10:50:03 gen. at the bare minimum в худшем случае
29.01.2018 15:04:11 gen. demolition derby автодерби
29.01.2018 14:59:38 gen. demolition derby автодэрби
29.01.2018 14:59:24 gen. demolition derby автобойня (пожалуйста, не путайте с авторазборкой! (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demolition_derby))
29.01.2018 14:52:23 gen. at the bare minimum как минимум (We need to hit $20000 in sales at the bare minimum. • You need to floss every other day at the bare minimum. • A vehicle that has been written off will usually still contain salvageable used parts, or at a bare minimum will still have value as scrap metal.)
29.01.2018 14:39:22 auto. scrapheap авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:39:14 auto. dismantler авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:39:06 auto. breaker's yard авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:38:57 auto. salvage yard авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:38:51 auto. wreck yard авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:34:01 auto. automotive recycler facility авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:31:22 auto. inf. car breaker разборка
29.01.2018 14:30:10 auto. inf. scrap yard разборка (UK and Ireland)
29.01.2018 14:29:20 auto. wrecking yard авторазборка (Australia, NZ and Canada)
29.01.2018 14:29:20 auto. inf. junkyard разборка (US)
29.01.2018 14:26:30 auto. auto wrecker авторазборка
29.01.2018 14:21:43 insur. total loss полная конструктивная гибель (In insurance, a total loss or write-off is a judgment, by the insurer, that the lost value or repair cost of a damaged property exceeds the value of its policy, resulting in what it concludes is a "total loss" or "constructive total loss".)
29.01.2018 11:58:19 inf. all the best! давай! (прощание по телефону и т.п.: I'll talk to you later. Yeah, all the best.)
29.01.2018 11:52:01 auto. inf. park up встать (остановить/припарковать машину, занять место в колонне и т.п.: He parked up behind the police cars. • The Lexus parked up behind the black Range Rover. • All the vans parked up behind the gate and all the drivers came in for lunch. • You will be driven into the town along the route that the Spearhead Brigade of the 7th Armoured Division took on that fateful morning, shown where the lead tanks parked up to secure Pt 213 and where the remainder of the armoured column pulled up along the road stretching back through the town.)
29.01.2018 11:49:43 inf. park up поставить машину (в знач. "припарковаться": We parked up near the customs office and got our paperwork done ready for the morning. • We parked up near the the yacht club and went for ice creams.)
29.01.2018 11:16:01 auto. allow to pass from behind пропустить (вперед другую машину: ...as the bus began to pull to the side of the road to allow another military convoy to pass from behind)
29.01.2018 11:04:17 mil., lingo take down вынести (в знач. "убить, перестрелять": When we have them blocked in, we take down the escort and make off with the prisoner.)
29.01.2018 11:04:17 mil., lingo take down завалить
29.01.2018 10:56:59 inf. hold on повиси на линии
29.01.2018 10:56:59 inf. don't hang up повиси на линии
29.01.2018 10:55:55 inf. hold on не клади трубку
29.01.2018 10:55:55 inf. hang on не клади трубку
29.01.2018 10:55:55 inf. don't hang up не клади трубку
27.01.2018 22:12:06 gen. car salesman перекуп (pl. car salespeople)
27.01.2018 21:56:14 gen. way of getting средство передвижения (somewhere; e.g., a way of getting from point A to point B)
27.01.2018 19:39:27 insur. self-help fund касса взаимопомощи
27.01.2018 19:25:45 gen. add up наложиться
26.01.2018 15:58:01 gen. vow пообещать себе (There were so many blackberries that I vowed I would come back in the afternoon.)
26.01.2018 11:29:17 spoken spotykach спотыкач (sweet liqueur)
25.01.2018 16:43:08 gen. not have it не потерпеть (I don't use vulgarity, and I won't have it around me! • I warn you one last time: I won't have it!)
25.01.2018 14:16:14 inf. claw драть (мебель когтями: Why do cats claw furniture?)
25.01.2018 14:12:43 gen. claw подрать (когтями – о животном: If the cat clawed the furniture, what would you do? • The old lady is telling her cat that he's been a bad boy, and he's clawed the furniture for the last time, and she won't have it.)
25.01.2018 14:11:34 gen. claw подрать когтями (If the cat clawed the furniture, what would you do? • The old lady is telling her cat that he's been a bad boy, and he's clawed the furniture for the last time, and she won't have it.)
25.01.2018 14:08:58 inf. claw драть когтями (Our cat clawed the furniture, favoring the couch over scratching posts and boxes, and also climbed the hutch at night knocking things off and damaging the wood.)
25.01.2018 14:01:33 inf. disappr. I've had it всё (в знач. "все, с меня довольно (твоих фокусов, поведения и т.п.)": All right, I've had it! You two are banned from Nintendo)
25.01.2018 13:59:10 inf. I've had it довольно (в знач. "ну все, с меня довольно")
25.01.2018 13:59:10 inf. I've had it с меня довольно
25.01.2018 11:56:21 welf. disadvantaged социально незащищённый
24.01.2018 17:14:25 inf. pile посадиться (into – в транспорт)
24.01.2018 17:11:15 gen. pile понабиваться (into)
23.01.2018 15:57:47 psychol. companionate love любовь-обязательство (см. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Трёхкомпонентная_теория_любви; goo.gl/yHR2J8: Р. Стернберг в своей концепции рассматривает три базовых компонента любви (страсть, интимность и преданность), на основании которых определяются возможные индивидуальные стили любовных отношений: любовь-страсть, любовь-дружба и любовь-обязательство.)
23.01.2018 14:02:06 inf. in the worst kind of way во что бы то ни стало (в контексте)
23.01.2018 14:02:05 inf. in the worst kind of way позарез (только в контексте)
23.01.2018 14:02:05 inf. in the worst kind of way любой ценой (только в контексте)
22.01.2018 16:32:14 gen. get it done давай (в некоторых контекстах)
22.01.2018 15:41:26 inf. fix организовать (1. В значении "сделать", "состряпать" (синоним: сообразить): Can you fix us a meal? 2. В значении "договориться", "устроить": Sonny is going to fix it so that the guys on the Lao side of the border crossing ain't going to ask any questions and they are just going to wave our jeeps through the check-points.)
22.01.2018 14:17:16 gen. born and raised коренной (житель: "So, you're from New York, right?" "Yes, born and raised.")
22.01.2018 14:07:27 mil. transient call sign переходящий позывной
22.01.2018 14:07:27 mil. shared call sign переходящий позывной
20.01.2018 17:12:42 gen. insurance endorsement дополнительные условия страхования
20.01.2018 13:53:26 gen. dormer window люкарна
20.01.2018 13:42:33 gen. dormer люкарна
16.01.2018 17:15:23 gen. will you give it a rest? сколько можно? (Oh for Christ's sake, will you give it a rest!?)
16.01.2018 16:12:27 inf. love you целую, обнимаю
16.01.2018 14:44:07 gen. grant authority наделить полномочиями (James Mattis addresses Trump's decision to grant him authority over troop count in Afghanistan)
16.01.2018 13:54:20 gen. Lord forbid упаси Господь (If, Lord forbid, you had an accident, or fell ill, what would you do?)
16.01.2018 13:53:13 gen. Lord forbid не приведи Господь (If, Lord forbid, you had an accident, or fell ill, what would you do?)
16.01.2018 13:51:19 gen. God forbid не приведи Господь (If, God forbid, something goes wrong, I don't know what I would do.)
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. not be able to make it somewhere on time не успеть (or by some time)
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. never get there in time не успеть
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. not be able to make to finish something in time не успеть
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. miss не успеть
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. arrive too late не успеть
15.01.2018 17:04:41 gen. not have a chance to не успеть
15.01.2018 16:36:00 inf. go figure вот и думай
15.01.2018 16:32:23 inf. go figure чёрт знает что (только в контексте)
15.01.2018 16:15:46 gen. juice up зарядить (мобильный телефон и т.п.)
15.01.2018 16:15:05 gen. juice up заряжать (мобильный телефон и т.п.: These old Nokia phones make a lot of sense, seeing as you need to plug them in once in 4 days to juice up.)
15.01.2018 16:01:05 gen. juice up подзарядить (мобильный телефон и т.п.: These old Nokia phones make a lot of sense, seeing as you need to plug them in once in 4 days to juice up.)
15.01.2018 14:33:43 gen. assign personnel выделить людей (Failure to assign enough personnel to the operation. • We don't have resources enough to assign personnel to guard Ms. Regan.)
13.01.2018 21:14:39 gen. crown jewel вершина (crown jewel of German automobile engineering)
13.01.2018 21:14:39 gen. crown jewel жемчужина (BMW is the crown jewel of German automobile engineering)
12.01.2018 16:22:10 gen. I'll get right on that выполняю (в контексте) тж. I'll get onto it straight away и т.п.)
12.01.2018 15:14:17 inf. context. show up высвечиваться (отобразиться на экране – напр., о номере телефона: Strange, the number you're calling from shows up as local.)
12.01.2018 15:09:20 explan. readout информация на экране (переводится по контексту: The digital readout said precisely 3.00 p. m. • Howard placed ten grams on the scale. The readout said it weighed eleven grams. • The phone's readout said the call came from Claudia.)
12.01.2018 14:59:03 gen. secure government line спецсвязь (They were talking over a secure government line, the second phone on Foreman's desk. It had a red-colored handset.)
12.01.2018 14:55:49 gen. dedicated secure link спецсвязь (He was about to pick up the handset that was a dedicated secure link to Seventh Fleet, but it rang before he could reach it.)

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