
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

25.09.2021 17:57:27 mil. designated marksman ротный снайпер
25.09.2021 16:55:37 gen. changed другим человеком (In prison, he turned to the Bible and came out changed in 2004.)
25.09.2021 16:34:05 gen. someone's true identity как на самом деле звали (кого-либо)
25.09.2021 16:29:58 gen. changed другой (о человеке в знач. "изменившийся": I had an encounter with God and came out changed.)
23.09.2021 16:33:11 law.enf. intelligence оперативно-значимые сведения (статус информации, полученной органами госбезопасности (обычно негласно), но не могущей быть использованной без санкции суда; в противоположность declassified information – т.н. "легализованной" информации)
23.09.2021 16:33:11 law.enf. intell. intelligence information оперативно-значимые сведения
23.09.2021 14:08:21 gen. on my way now уже иду
23.09.2021 14:08:21 gen. on my way now сейчас!
23.09.2021 1:45:53 news siphon вывести (деньги откуда-либо: To many, perhaps now the majority, he is what plaintiffs claim him to be: a fraudster who siphoned as much as $15 billion in assets out of Kazakhstan between 2005 and 2009. euromoney.com)
23.09.2021 1:29:05 context. trail увязаться за (For our final day, we took a bus from Jindrichuv Hradec to Nova Bystrice, about 15 miles from our finish line. A black dog trailed us out of Nova Bystrice until we reached the village of Klaster, which is little more than its namesake, a plus-sized white cloister in the middle of a huge meadow.)
23.09.2021 1:15:08 gen. run to the outdoors вывести наружу (If you want to run the car inside a closed garage, you must run the exhaust through a hose to the outdoors.)
23.09.2021 0:33:58 gen. wait in vain не дождаться (You wait in vain for them to say, just as you waited in vain for Ronald Reagan and George Bush to answer these questions.)
22.09.2021 15:15:29 gen. homespun aphorism народная мудрость
22.09.2021 15:10:43 gen. invert before opening перед употреблением перевернуть (тару; не "взболтать" – в нек. случаях рядом написано "do not shake": We recommend inverting – tipping upside down, all bottles before opening. This ensures that all naturally occuring sediment which can settle to the bottom of the bottle during transportation and storage is mixed throughout to deliver an optimal tasting product.)
22.09.2021 14:32:40 gen. in question нужный (в знач. "интересующий вас")
22.09.2021 11:58:20 gen. tear down разрушить до основания (здание: A powerful blast tore down the building of a madrassa in Bihar's Banka on Tuesday.)
22.09.2021 11:52:00 gen. tear down повалить (памятник: In some communities local governments have voted to remove statues of Lenin. Elsewhere vigilante groups and ultra-nationalists have torn down statues independent of authorities' will. • Following the death of George Floyd, protesters attempted to tear down the monument at its location in Linn Park.)
21.09.2021 17:22:42 gen. have gas пучить (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: My tummy hurts so bad – I have gas.)
21.09.2021 11:17:15 gen. for days on end днями (в знач. "на протяжении многих дней": I think about all the strangeness of his being here, sleeping in homespun sheets, wearing the same clothes for days on end, eating bread and cheese, and not complaining about any of it.)
21.09.2021 11:09:14 fig. sturdy кондовый
21.09.2021 10:29:31 gen. foot нога (у птиц: I leapt over the remains of a sentry fire, bumped into a gray- bearded soldier wearing a homespun shirt, and startled a man carrying two live hens by the feet.)
21.09.2021 10:03:22 idiom. old saw народная мудрость (My dad has a few old saws he never hesitates to share with my kids whenever we come to visit.)
21.09.2021 1:22:58 gen. but there's a catch но есть одно "но"
21.09.2021 1:22:11 gen. catch одно "но" (So, hooray for Joe McShane and Fordham for courageously reconfirming the best of the progressive and humanist Jesuit tradition! Right? Yeah, there's a catch. There's always a catch.)
17.09.2021 23:54:05 law.enf. intell. intelligence report информационно-аналитический отчёт (т. е. отчёт, подготовленный подразделением информационно-аналитического обеспечения)
17.09.2021 15:49:37 faux ami calque. Примечание для перевода с русского: санаторий (В общих случаях слово sanatorium является ложным другом переводчика, поскольку означает "лечебница" (для душевнобольных, а в историческом контексте – для больных чахоткой). Тем не менее, в лингвострановедческом контексте такой перевод вполне имеет право на жизнь при условии, что он сопровождается пояснением, что именно имеется в виду (при этом полностью ложными друзьями переводчика являются "rest home" и "nursing home" для "дома отдыха"). Пример из Википедии: In 'How the Universe got its Spots' (pp. 63–70), physicist Janna Levin describes a scientific meeting in a sanatorium near Moscow at the end of 1999. wikipedia.org)
17.09.2021 9:52:25 intell. estimative language терминология оценки вероятности
17.09.2021 1:26:17 gen. vary отличаться от случая к случаю
16.09.2021 23:56:45 law.enf. intelligence activity информационно-аналитическая поддержка оперативно-служебной деятельности
16.09.2021 23:16:15 law.enf. intelligence division департамент информационно-аналитического обеспечения (полиции или органа госбезопасности; подразделение, занимающееся сбором и анализом intelligence – "оперативно-значимой информации")
16.09.2021 23:16:15 law.enf. intelligence division оперативно-аналитический отдел  (полиции или органа госбезопасности; подразделение, занимающееся сбором и анализом intelligence – "оперативно-значимой информации")
16.09.2021 22:49:48 gen. development of relationships налаживание отношений
16.09.2021 22:47:10 context. disclose открыто заявить
16.09.2021 22:21:45 context. internally без огласки
16.09.2021 22:21:45 context. internally без привлечения специалистов извне
16.09.2021 22:21:45 context. internally без привлечения сторонних организаций
16.09.2021 22:01:47 context. sentiment симпатии (The findings of the survey are in tune with strong pro-Russian sentiment that has traditionally existed in Armenia.)
16.09.2021 21:53:57 gen. third-party response company частная охранная фирма (По данным американской страховой компании Castle Rock Global Insurance, почти 80% похищений в мире не регистрируется. Родственники предпочитают обращаться в частные охранные фирмы или разрешать ситуацию своими силами. – ...are likely to handle thiese incidents with assistance from third-party incident response companies.)
16.09.2021 21:50:06 context. response company охранная фирма
16.09.2021 21:29:51 context. third-party частный (в знач. "альтернативный государственному": If your notification list includes the municipal police services or third party response companies, any costs that may be levied by these parties as a result of a notification shall, in all cases, be your responsibility. – ...или частные охранные фирмы)
16.09.2021 20:16:37 busin. joint-stock company хозяйственное общество с разделённым на доли участия капиталом
16.09.2021 20:15:10 busin. USA joint-stock company хозяйственное общество с разделённым на доли участия капиталом и неограниченной ответственностью участников (т. е. коммерческая организация, основанная на складочном капитале, в которой участники отвечают по её обязательствам всем своим имуществом)
16.09.2021 19:52:43 busin. UK joint-stock company хозяйственное общество с разделённым на доли участия капиталом и ограниченной ответственностью участников (т.е. коммерческая организация с разделённым на доли учредителей (участников) капиталом, участники которого несут риск убытков, связанных с его деятельностью, в пределах стоимости принадлежащих им долей участия)
16.09.2021 13:27:06 gen. supply chain logistics снабжение (как сфера деятельности)
16.09.2021 13:11:18 hack. intrusion vector вектор проникновения (Уязвимости публичных приложений входят в состав фреймворка MITRE ATT&CK (ID T1190), а также перечислены в топ-10 уязвимостей OWASP и являются наиболее популярными векторами проникновения в Linux-системы.)
16.09.2021 13:07:51 gen. shut down one's operations прекратить деятельность (о предприятии, программе и т. п.)
16.09.2021 13:05:23 hack. data leak site сайт для публикации похищенных данных
16.09.2021 12:55:14 comp.sec. weakly secured слабозащищённый (These ransomware are known to use open or weakly secured RDP ports as intrusion vectors.)
16.09.2021 3:21:31 gen. rust-shut приржаветь (заржаветь в закрытом положении: Then the steel latch mechanisms inside the balls rust shut and you can't open them.)
15.09.2021 23:42:00 data.prot. unpatched server сервер с неисправленными уязвимостями
15.09.2021 23:28:17 gen. observed зафиксированный (о случае проявления чего-либо и т. д.)
15.09.2021 19:25:50 context. downplay предпочитать умалчивать о (He would sometimes downplay his Princeton education by saying simply that he went to school in New Jersey.)
15.09.2021 19:13:34 gen. no matter what the circumstances ни при каких обстоятельствах (The president downplayed the Litvinenko case by arguing that it was dependent on two different legal systems and that Moscow would never hand over Lugovoi because the Constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian citizens. "This will never happen, no matter what the circumstances. We all have to learn to respect our legal frameworks," he said. themoscowtimes.com)
15.09.2021 18:05:30 gen. downplay something with a joke отшутиться (Jankos was receiving the same type of response from his audience, but he ignored it, or downplayed it with a joke.)
15.09.2021 17:43:32 mean.3 downplay опровергнуть (The commercial broadcaster has tried to downplay expectations that an appointment will be made next week but is resigned to intense speculation.)
15.09.2021 17:38:35 gen. downplay преуменьшить масштабы (The government has been trying to downplay the crisis.)
15.09.2021 15:29:22 sl., teen. like типа такой (слово-паразит, предваряющее прямую речь: She's like, "I don't believe it," and I'm like, "No, it's true!" – Она такая: "Да ты гонишь!", а я типа такой: "Отвечаю!" • So he comes into the room and he's like, "Where is everybody?" – ...и типа такой: "А где все?")
15.09.2021 15:29:22 sl., teen. like такой (слово-паразит, предваряющее прямую речь: She's like, "I don't believe it," and I'm like, "No, it's true!" – Она такая: "Да ты гонишь!", а я типа такой: "Отвечаю!" • So he comes into the room and he's like, "Where is everybody?" – ...и типа такой: "А где все?")
15.09.2021 14:03:47 context. downplay уклониться от ответа по существу на вопрос о (The president downplayed the Litvinenko case by arguing that it was dependent on two different legal systems and that Moscow would never hand over Lugovoi because the Constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian citizens. "This will never happen, no matter what the circumstances. We all have to learn to respect our legal frameworks," he said. themoscowtimes.com)
14.09.2021 12:00:35 gen. contextual information справка (в знач. "справочная информация": Brief contextual information has been included for each identified variant.)
14.09.2021 11:37:04 gen. of ... craftsmanship чьей-либо работы (мастеров какой-либо страны: The guards unloaded their master respectfully, and he entered the chaikhana, where the keeper, trembling in servility, sat him down on silken pillows, brewed him the best tea, and handed him a fine drinking bowl of Chinese craftsmanship. – Стражники почтительно сгрузили своего начальника, и он вошел в чайхану, где трепещущий от раболепия чайханщик усадил его на шелковые подушки, заварил ему отдельно самого лучшего чаю и подал тонкую пиалу китайской работы.)
14.09.2021 11:34:13 gen. chaikhana keeper чайханщик (After reaching the opposite end of the city, he stopped, entrusted his donkey to the care of a chaikhana keeper, and headed to a cookhouse without delay. – Достигнув противоположной части города, он остановился, поручил своего ишака заботам чайханщика, а сам, не теряя времени, отправился в харчевню. • The guards unloaded their master respectfully, and he entered the chaikhana, where the keeper, trembling in servility, sat him down on silken pillows, brewed him the best tea, and handed him a fine drinking bowl of Chinese craftsmanship. – Стражники почтительно сгрузили своего начальника, и он вошел в чайхану, где трепещущий от раболепия чайханщик усадил его на шелковые подушки, заварил ему отдельно самого лучшего чаю и подал тонкую пиалу китайской работы.)
14.09.2021 10:23:15 gen. do justice to не дать чему-либо остаться незаконченным (Though you agree that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, the industrious and methodical part of you will do justice to your work.)
14.09.2021 9:50:19 saying. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy от работы кони дохнут (Don't come to the office this weekend. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. • Come out to the pub with us tonight! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.)
10.09.2021 21:28:48 gen. unfalsifiable несостоятельность которого невозможно доказать (However, the S2F model is not short of detractors. Vitalik Buterin, who founded bitcoin's closest rival in terms of market cap, described the S2F model as an "unfalsifiable" theory, while prominent fund manager Nico Cordeiro dismissed it as "just math-laden marketing". independent.co.uk)
8.09.2021 13:26:07 gen. all the same в любом случае (в знач. "все равно": That won't be necessary, but thank you all the same. • "I heard your team won last night–congrats!" "It's no big deal, we were against a pretty weak team. But thank you all the same!")
6.09.2021 3:42:23 mil. conduct a time hack сверить часы (в знач. "синхронизировать, остановив секундную стрелку и запустив её синхронно с другим человеком": The FO must conduct a time hack to ensure that 0859 on his watch is 0859 on the FDC's watch.)
6.09.2021 3:39:01 mil. time hack сверка часов (The FO must conduct a time hack to ensure that 0859 on his watch is 0859 on the FDC's watch.)
2.09.2021 22:35:22 fig.of.sp. back-stabbing вероломный
2.09.2021 5:55:45 gen. bootloop уйти в циклическую перезагрузку (Depending on which recovery you use, you may be prompted to install additional apps and services. We strongly advise you to opt out of installing these, as they may cause your device to bootloop, as well as attempt to access or corrupt your data.)
31.08.2021 12:06:04 gen. get parking найти место для парковки (There's a couple of coffee shops just at the top. There's one at either end – depends where you can get parking. • Southbourne is usually much quieter although getting parking can be tricky. • There is huge space for parking, though getting parking can be a bit tough on weekends.)
31.08.2021 12:00:58 inf. get parking припарковаться (в знач. "найти место для парковки": There's a couple of coffee shops just at the top. There's one at either end – depends where you can get parking. • Southbourne is usually much quieter although getting parking can be tricky.)
31.08.2021 12:00:58 inf. get parking поставить машину (в знач. "найти место для парковки": There's a couple of coffee shops just at the top. There's one at either end – depends where you can get parking. • Southbourne is usually much quieter although getting parking can be tricky. • There is huge space for parking, though getting parking can be a bit tough on weekends.)
31.08.2021 11:53:21 gen. likewise аналогичным образом дело обстоит и с (Public transportation is virtually inaccessible in this country; likewise, its hospitals are also not very user-friendly.)
31.08.2021 11:39:54 inf. likewise я тоже (мне тоже, меня тоже – по ситуации: Thanks for your kind comments. Loved working with you likewise.)
31.08.2021 10:50:37 gen. be clear of something освободиться (чем-либо: I'm in a video conference. I'll call when I am clear of it.)
26.08.2021 18:24:02 progr. full stack developer разработчик полного цикла
26.08.2021 18:24:02 comp.sl. full stack developer full-stack-разработчик
25.08.2021 21:47:52 context. coin вывести (закон: At first he found it amusing. He coined a law intended to have the humor of a Parkinson's law that "The number of rational hypotheses that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite.'')
25.08.2021 21:33:21 gen. restful умиротворяющий (A finely tempered nature longs to escape from his noisy cramped surroundings into the silence of the high mountains where the eye ranges freely through the still pure air and fondly traces out the restful contours apparently built for eternity.)
21.08.2021 13:26:21 gen. miss разминуться с (someone: Christ Almighty, he panics and heads for our shoulder! I hold steady to the edge of the road. At the last moment he goes back and misses us by inches. )
21.08.2021 13:17:23 gen. pass выходить на обгон (A car with a trailer coming our way is passing and having trouble getting back into his lane. I flash my headlight to make sure he sees us. He sees us but he can't get back in. The shoulder is narrow and bumpy.)
21.08.2021 13:16:20 gen. pass выполнять обгон
20.08.2021 0:53:58 gen. data discovery визуальная аналитика
19.08.2021 23:43:34 context. continuously в режиме нон-стоп
19.08.2021 19:13:06 gen. remote asset monitoring удалённый мониторинг оборудования
19.08.2021 0:07:05 inf. I'll work something out разберёмся (в знач. "я что-нибудь придумаю")
10.08.2021 11:47:18 you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone or something кто-либо/что-либо на (ком-либо/чём-либо: These days, you can't swing a cat without hitting a 'craft brewery'. • He lives in Eugene, Oregon, where you can't swing a cat without hitting a science fiction or fantasy writer.)
10.08.2021 11:41:10 idiom. you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone or something куда ни ткни, повсюду (You can't swing a cat in Russia without hitting Steven Seagal, and it's a big country.)
9.08.2021 21:16:27 so many that you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one столько, что яблоку негде упасть (There were so many lawyers waiting outside his office that you couldn't swing a cat without hitting one.)
9.08.2021 19:23:59 tools rotary hammer drill перфоратор
9.08.2021 12:54:16 gen. pass along a kind word to замолвить словечко перед (кем-либо: They think that because I'm your daughter, you might pass along a kind word to someone in a high place were they to catch your eye in a favorable way.)
9.08.2021 12:53:18 fig. in a high place наверху (They think that because I'm your daughter, you might pass along a kind word to someone in a high place were they to catch your eye in a favorable way.)
9.08.2021 12:40:15 gen. if things turn ugly в случае чего
7.08.2021 16:01:28 inf. that's the end of the nice guy не хочешь по-хорошему, будет по-плохому (из книги Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: When I think of formal scientific method an image sometimes comes to mind of an enormous juggernaut, a huge bulldozer-slow, tedious, lumbering, laborious, but invincible. It takes twice as long, five times as long, maybe a dozen times as long as informal mechanic's techniques, but you know in the end you're going to get it. There's no fault isolation problem in motorcycle maintenance that can stand up to it. When you've hit a really tough one, tried everything, racked your brain and nothing works, and you know that this time Nature has really decided to be difficult, you say, "Okay, Nature, that's the end of the nice guy," and you crank up the formal scientific method.)
4.08.2021 14:34:17 real.est. move out of выезжать из
4.08.2021 14:27:39 gen. just просто так (в знач. "безнказанно": I can't let you just walk off.)
4.08.2021 14:24:14 mean.2 for nothing просто так (в знач. "задаром": You do not get anything for nothing. As they say in English, "Nothing for nothing, and very little for six-pence".)
4.08.2021 13:07:41 nonstand. plenty совсем (Driving from Bangkok to the border crossing will be easy seeing as the roads in Thailand are good. Once we're in Laos, it's going to be plenty different.)
4.08.2021 13:05:45 inf. it sticks out a foot ясно, как белый день (So it sticks out a foot that this was the second meeting of Daniella and Charlie. • Getting in to Laos ain't a problem. We can just drive across the border at Nong Khai in Thailand, or cross on one of the river ferries. The hard bit is going to be crossing with all our gear, without making it stick out a foot that we ain't exactly on our summer holidays.)

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