
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

25.07.2018 9:43:03 contempt. person with ingrained Soviet mentality совок
24.07.2018 14:30:42 law under the same terms as any other eligible на общих основаниях (...shall be considered for mandatory parole under the same terms as any other eligible prisoner.)
24.07.2018 14:01:03 law be complied with выполняться (The following requirement must be complied with from the date of service of this Notice to 30. September 2016:)
24.07.2018 13:59:33 law comply with thr requirement выполнять требование (This requirement must be complied with prior to opening up of your food business.)
24.07.2018 13:49:59 law through в порядке (...must serve the sentence imposed by the courts unless the governor grants them release through executive clemency.)
24.07.2018 13:46:54 law group home интернат
24.07.2018 13:46:15 law group home интернатное учреждение
24.07.2018 13:07:35 law in the circumstances set out in в порядке (договора либо его отдельных положений: In the event of termination of this Agreement other than in the circumstances set out in clause 15...)
24.07.2018 13:04:34 law by way of в порядке (The only form of release was to be by way of parole.)
24.07.2018 11:59:07 gen. children deprived of parental care дети, лишённые родительской опеки
24.07.2018 11:58:40 gen. release of serving a penalty освободить от отбывания наказания
24.07.2018 11:45:19 gen. place on a good behaviour bond освободить под залог хорошего поведения
24.07.2018 0:50:27 law sentence of imprisonment наказание, связанное с лишением свободы
24.07.2018 0:17:58 law shall not be repayable возврату не подлежит
24.07.2018 0:16:29 law shall not be refundable возмещению не подлежит
24.07.2018 0:00:46 law cease to be continuous прекратиться (напр., о длящемся преступлении)
23.07.2018 19:34:57 gen. someone got word кому-либо сказали
23.07.2018 19:34:57 gen. someone got word кому-либо сообщили
23.07.2018 19:34:57 gen. someone got word кому-либо доложили
23.07.2018 16:58:18 gen. guardianship and custodianship agencies органы опеки и попечительства
23.07.2018 16:14:36 gen. have no rival не иметь аналогов (Reverso Context: This programme has no rival in the CIS countries and has been highly praised by experts.)
23.07.2018 14:34:47 law remit направить материалы дела на новое рассмотрение в нижестоящий суд (remit the case/matter to a lower court for further consideration)
23.07.2018 14:33:57 law remit the matter to a lower court for further consideration направить материалы дела на новое рассмотрение в нижестоящий суд (NB: в США употребляется термин remand)
23.07.2018 14:28:03 law remand направить материалы дела на новое рассмотрение в нижестоящий суд (термин remand в данном значении употребляется только в США) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remand_(court_procedure))
23.07.2018 14:24:05 law remit the case for further investigation вернуть на доследование
23.07.2018 13:25:43 law accept не возражать (Also, a pardon has to be accepted by the person who is pardoned, while a sentence may be commuted without the consent of the convict.)
23.07.2018 10:52:10 gen. require submission требовать предоставления (от кого-либо – by someone: Authority to require submission of additional information)
20.07.2018 14:03:36 law victim потерпевший ("Victim" means an individual who has suffered direct or threatened physical, emotional, or pecuniary harm as a result of the commission of the crime.)
20.07.2018 13:27:55 law in so far as something relates to something в части (касающейся чего-либо) Например: The books of account of the Publisher, in so far as they relate to any matter arising out of this Agreement, shall be open to inspection by the Proprietor. – ...в части, касающейся настоящего договора...)
20.07.2018 13:27:55 law in so far as something relates to something в части, касающейся
20.07.2018 13:21:52 gen. to the extent something is not inconsistent with в части, не противоречащей (Other provisions set forth in this part shall also apply to the extent they are not inconsistent with this section.)
20.07.2018 13:12:44 law to the extent в части (Other provisions set forth in this part shall also apply to the extent they are not inconsistent with this section. – ...в части, не противоречащей настоящей статье.)
20.07.2018 13:09:09 gen. show clemency on смиловаться (I am a poor person, please show some clemency on me.)
20.07.2018 12:02:49 gen. office of the children's commissioner служба по делам детей
20.07.2018 11:42:43 fig. roadblock препона (Ms. Palacios, 28, hit another roadblock in an Atlanta courtroom on Wednesday, when a Superior Court judge agreed with Mr. Kemp that she was ineligible to appear on the November ballot as the Democratic candidate in the 29th District.)
20.07.2018 11:42:43 fig. roadblock преграда
20.07.2018 11:05:19 med. douche вагинальный душ
19.07.2018 16:26:40 law subject to с учётом требований
19.07.2018 16:26:03 law subject to с соблюдением требований
19.07.2018 14:42:25 law, court represent the state поддерживать публичное обвинение (in a criminal trial)
19.07.2018 14:34:36 law, court represent the government поддерживать публичное обвинение (in a criminal trial)
19.07.2018 14:21:47 police undercover agent негласный сотрудник (т.е. штатный негласный сотрудник оперативного подразделения)
19.07.2018 14:20:24 law.enf. undercover негласный (сотрудник; об оперативнике, внедренном в преступную среду)
19.07.2018 14:16:10 police inf. undercover police officer сотрудник, внедрённый в преступную среду
19.07.2018 14:16:10 police undercover agent субъект внедрения
19.07.2018 14:16:10 police inf. undercover police officer внедрённый оперативник
19.07.2018 14:16:10 police inf. undercover police officer негласный сотрудник
19.07.2018 13:57:34 law.enf. undercover operation оперативное внедрение (оперативно-розыскное мероприятие, заключающееся в конспиративном внедрении штатного оперативного сотрудника в преступную среду)
19.07.2018 13:49:55 law.enf. undercover officer см. undercover agent
19.07.2018 11:44:22 law.enf. undercover внедрённый (о сотруднике правоохранительных органов, внедренном в преступную организацию)
19.07.2018 11:35:43 obs. constabulary констебулярия
18.07.2018 12:41:43 publish. installment часть (статьи, книги, рассказа и т.п., публикуемая в отдельном номере какого-либо издания: In our first installment of this two-part article we stated that... • The character Arrow-Tip does not appear until the second chapter, which was published as a separate installment in the Eagle.)
18.07.2018 12:38:13 gen. be published выйти (The character Arrow-Tip does not appear until the second chapter, which was published as a separate installment in the Eagle.)
18.07.2018 12:38:13 gen. release выйти (в свет – о музыкальных альбомах, играх и т. п.: The game could very well be the highly rumored Pokemon Stars given it won't release for more than a year.)
18.07.2018 12:09:18 publish. as a separate installment отдельно (т.е. в отдельном номере какого-либо издания: The character Arrow-Tip does not appear until the second chapter, which was published as a separate installment in the Eagle.)
18.07.2018 12:04:01 gen. installment выпуск
18.07.2018 11:35:28 gen. interception of communications снятие информации с технических каналов связи (вид негласных следственных действий по закону об ОРД РФ)
18.07.2018 11:29:48 law.enf. interception of communications см. lawful interception of communications
18.07.2018 9:43:28 gen. fruits результаты (Surprisingly, the legislation that governs the interception of communications provides that the fruits of such interception, even where lawfully carried out, shall not be admissible as evidence in legal proceedings.)
17.07.2018 19:04:36 idiom. let's be friends в тесноте, да не в обиде (фраза в забитом лифте и т.п.)
17.07.2018 16:34:04 gen. highly classified засекреченный (Bullrun was a highly classified U.S. National Security Agency program to preserve its ability to eavesdrop on encrypted communication)
17.07.2018 16:30:46 law.enf. intelligence-gathering оперативно-розыскной
17.07.2018 12:50:44 police I made this statement knowing that I may be prosecuted for perjury if the statement is known by me to be false and is intended by me to mislead об ответственности за дачу ложных показаний предупреждён
17.07.2018 9:51:40 police interrogating officer дознаватель
17.07.2018 9:51:22 police interviewer дознаватель (в отношении свидетеля или потерпевшего)
17.07.2018 9:45:18 police file a case возбудить дело (Police have filed a case against the Army personnel, an official said. • Police filed a case of unnatural death due to suicide on February 15. • Police have filed a case of negligence against state-owned Central Coalfields.)
16.07.2018 14:17:15 police for на предмет
16.07.2018 14:16:17 police frisk обыскать (...the officer is authorized by NYS Criminal Procedure law to stop, question and possibly frisk that person for a weapon)
16.07.2018 14:11:41 law be dealt with according to law для избрания меры пресечения
16.07.2018 14:09:47 law be dealt with according to law для избрания меры пресечения (в контексте: If a person is arrested: You must cause any person apparently having possession, custody or control of any article, thing or material described in this warrant, when arrested, to be brought before a bail justice or the Court within a reasonable time of being arrested to be dealt with according to law)
16.07.2018 13:17:55 law temporary access to article, thing or material временный доступ к вещам и документам (place where search will be conducted for article, thing or material)
16.07.2018 12:48:31 law probable cause обоснованное подозрение (...имеется обоснованное подозрение о совершении уголовного преступления, которое может быть основанием для применения такой меры обеспечения уголовного производства)
16.07.2018 12:07:48 police property seizure record акт выемки
16.07.2018 11:57:43 law be in possession of у такого-то при себе обнаружено (Suspect XXX was in possession of a current YYY staff identification card.)
16.07.2018 11:55:18 law be in possession of иметь при себе (Suspect XXX was in possession of a current YYY staff identification card.)
16.07.2018 10:53:39 law the punishment for which is imprisonment влечёт за собой наказание в виде лишения свободы (A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offense, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of 4 years – see Section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.)
16.07.2018 10:40:51 law the punishment for which is imprisonment карается лишением свободы (A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offense, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of 4 years – see Section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.)
16.07.2018 10:38:28 law intentionally making a false statement дача заведомо ложных показаний (A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offense, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of 4 years – see Section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.)
16.07.2018 10:34:35 law I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false statement is guilty of an offense об ответственности за дачу ложных показаний предупреждён (I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offense under Section [...] of the [...] and I believe that the statements in this declaration are true in every particular.)
13.07.2018 0:52:01 ed. qualify for free tuition поступить на бюджет
13.07.2018 0:45:40 ed. qualify for a government scholarship поступить на бюджет (вариант рабочий и, очевидно, подходит не для всех случаев)
11.07.2018 16:57:24 gen. from the air с воздуха (When you see it from the air, the border between DR and Haiti... • It's been captured on film from the air by an amateur pilot. • Britain from the Air: an exhibition of aerial photographs.)
10.07.2018 20:30:21 law act and deed документ, выданный на основании свободного волеизъявления лица и создающий для него действительные правовые последствия (prawnie wiążące oświadczenie woli)
10.07.2018 16:59:24 fig. talk over ad nauseam испахать вдоль и попёрек
10.07.2018 16:58:49 inf. ad nauseam вдоль и попёрек (напр., иъездить тему вдоль и поперек: This topic has been discussed ad nauseam.)
10.07.2018 16:58:11 fig. talk over ad nauseam обсосать (тему, предмет и т.п.)
10.07.2018 16:56:01 fig. discuss ad nauseam изъездить
10.07.2018 16:54:03 fig. talk over ad nauseam изъездить (Excuse me if this thread has been talked over ad nauseam.)
10.07.2018 13:10:12 inf. what's got into you? какая муха тебя укусила? (what's got into you all of a sudden?)
10.07.2018 13:03:59 gen. fight back отстоять (что-либо в борьбе)
10.07.2018 11:25:47 austral. inf. no worries пожалуйста (в ответ на благодарность)
10.07.2018 11:25:47 austral. inf. no worries ничего страшного (в ответ на извинения)
10.07.2018 11:23:45 gen. I hate to ask you this but простите за нескромный вопрос
10.07.2018 11:23:24 gen. I hate to ask стесняюсь спросить (подоходит не во всех случаях))
10.07.2018 11:20:14 gen. I hate to ask you this but мне неловко об этом просить, но (I hate to ask you this, but could you fill in for me on Wedesday? • I hate to ask you this, but could you babysit for us on Friday? (Елизавета Хейнонен))
10.07.2018 10:53:07 gen. and that'd be it и всё (в знач. "и на этом все": He said all I had to do was pay the rent he gave me on time and that'd be it. • He could just ignore her and that'd be it.)
10.07.2018 10:37:19 inf. suit yourself пожалуйста
10.07.2018 10:33:04 gen. for Christ's sake! чёрт возьми!
10.07.2018 10:33:04 gen. for Christ's sake! чтоб тебя
10.07.2018 10:32:16 emph. for Christ's sake чёрт возьми (You kidnapped a Russian diplomat, for God's sake!)

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