
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

25.10.2021 23:09:01 bible.term. fetch a compass идти обходом (So the king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom: and they fetched a compass of seven days' journey: and there was no water for the host, and for the cattle that followed them. – И пошел царь Израильский, и царь Иудейский, и царь Едомский, и шли они обходом семь дней, и не было воды для войска и для скота, который шел за ними. (2 Kings 3:9))
25.10.2021 23:02:24 gen. make a circuit делать круг
25.10.2021 23:02:24 gen. make a circuit делать крюк
25.10.2021 22:00:52 fig. lie in wait выжидать (The opposition was quietly lying in wait for the incumbent to make his first big mistake. • Agents for the anti-money sector have lain in wait for months to see if the corporation would fall for their new sting operation.)
25.10.2021 21:57:57 gen. lay in wait притаиться
25.10.2021 21:43:08 fig. lie in wait притаиться (When I'm walking alone at night, I'm always worried that attackers are just lying in wait in the shadows.)
25.10.2021 19:05:58 gen. what's left of остатки (We think what's left of Utah Team is being held on the fourth floor, in the northwest corner apartment.)
25.10.2021 18:57:32 context. hunker down взяться за ум (That test is worth half your grade, so you'd better hunker down and start studying.)
25.10.2021 18:11:52 gen. be a good boy вести себя хорошо (Promise you'll try and be a good boy. • Being a good boy is not always easy, especially if you are having trouble being good at both home and school.)
25.10.2021 18:11:52 gen. be a good girl вести себя хорошо
25.10.2021 16:56:31 gen. dying wish предсмертное желание (Waitress loses 125lbs to fulfil her grandfather's dying wish)
25.10.2021 16:36:10 gen. bad luck omen плохая примета
25.10.2021 16:35:59 gen. good luck omen хорошая примета
25.10.2021 16:08:37 gen. empty пустая бутылка (It doesn't matter if your drink of choice is wine or vodka – to avoid bad luck, you should always put the empties on the floor. themoscowtimes.com)
25.10.2021 16:07:37 gen. bad omen плохая примета (Returning for forgotten things is considered a bad omen in Russia and it is better to leave it behind. realrussia.co.uk)
25.10.2021 15:48:34 gen. seal an unlucky fate навлечь несчастье (You might wonder what that's all about but in Russia, you shouldn't be surprised that anything you do might be a sign of good luck, bad luck, more money, less money or maybe even not getting married for 7 years. Simply choosing what part of the table to sit at could seal an unlucky fate for you. itmo.ru)
25.10.2021 0:00:47 gen. plaque памятная табличка
24.10.2021 23:29:09 gen. request to not be named пожелать остаться анонимным (A crew member who also worked in the productions but requested to not be named for fear of retaliation corroborated Goll's accounts, saying that when Halls did hold safety meetings, they were short and he was dismissive, saying the guns used would be the same as the production always uses, and questioning why they'd have to hold the meetings in the first place. cnn.com)
24.10.2021 22:49:41 news take on an investigation возбудить дело (Just over 18 months ago I learnt that the federal police had taken on an investigation into what they considered to be an "unauthorised disclosure" of information to me.)
24.10.2021 22:34:34 news take on an investigation начать расследование (Once OPG has taken on an investigation, the investigator will begin the process of gathering evidence to establish if abuse, neglect or exploitation is happening. • The New York State Attorney Generals' Office has taken on the investigation, as is protocol for any fatal shooting involving a police officer in the state. Investigators are reviewing surveillance video and officer-worn body camera video. Police say that video could be made publicly available as soon as next week. news10.com)
24.10.2021 22:32:06 gen. as is protocol как того требуют правила (как это предписано правилами и т. п.)
24.10.2021 22:29:51 gen. as is protocol как того требует процедура (The New York State Attorney Generals' Office has taken on the investigation, as is protocol for any fatal shooting involving a police officer in the state. • The officer, who has not been identified, is on paid administrative leave, as is protocol after a shooting, Long Beach Unified School District officials said. latimes.com)
24.10.2021 22:18:12 gen. protocol техника безопасности (Maggie Goll, an IATSE Local 44 prop maker and licensed pyrotechnician, said in a statement to CNN that while working on Hulu's "Into the Dark" Anthology Series in February and May of 2019, Halls neglected to hold safety meetings and consistently failed to announce the presence of a firearm on set to the crew, as is protocol. cnn.com)
24.10.2021 21:44:11 gen. as is protocol как того требует техника безопасности (Maggie Goll, an IATSE Local 44 prop maker and licensed pyrotechnician, said in a statement to CNN that while working on Hulu's "Into the Dark" Anthology Series in February and May of 2019, Halls neglected to hold safety meetings and consistently failed to announce the presence of a firearm on set to the crew, as is protocol. cnn.com)
24.10.2021 2:24:38 gen. newsflash "молния"
23.10.2021 12:44:07 gen. take one's leave of попрощаться с (He took his leave of Mrs Parsons and made for the door.)
23.10.2021 12:42:38 gen. good job хорошо (что: There was a sort of calculating ferocity in the boy's eye, a quite evident desire to hit or kick Winston and a consciousness of being very nearly big enough to do so. It was a good job it was not a real pistol he was holding, Winston thought.)
23.10.2021 0:42:04 gen. fragment of wood деревяшка (A handsome, tough-looking boy of nine had popped up from behind the table and was menacing him with a toy automatic pistol, while his small sister, about two years younger, made the same gesture with a fragment of wood.)
21.10.2021 22:40:52 gen. ...-specific ориентированный на конкретный
21.10.2021 0:45:59 idiom. at half steam в полмощности (...the heating system was usually running at half steam when it was not closed down altogether from motives of economy.)
19.10.2021 14:34:14 gen. from heaven божественный (The eggs and hot cakes and coffee are from heaven.)
17.10.2021 21:04:08 moto. trellis frame рама решётчатого типа
17.10.2021 20:08:28 moto. trellis frame рама типа "птичья клетка"
17.10.2021 20:08:28 moto. trellis frame пространственная рама
17.10.2021 20:06:36 moto. half-duplex cradle дуплексная рама (чаще double cradle wikipedia.org)
12.10.2021 0:27:48 news drop an investigation прекратить следствие (Met officers made the decision to drop their investigation on Sunday, after reviewing several documents, including one relating to an ongoing US civil lawsuit concerning Giuffre, who alleges she was forced to have sex with the prince when she was 17 years old. theguardian.com)
11.10.2021 23:18:36 gen. hard button физическая кнопка (в отличие от экранной)
11.10.2021 0:10:15 gen. fatten up набрать жир (This is a good time of year to bone up on the bear facts and safety because many bears are now in a phase known as hyperphagia, Pratt said. "It's a period in the fall where bears are eating anything and everything to fatten up for hibernation.")
10.10.2021 12:27:03 gen. felonious intent преступный умысел (...that one Austen Nelson ... did willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, steal and carry away from the possession of the owner, Claude Littrell, one domestic animal, to-wit: one cow, without the consent of the owner and with the felonious intent to convert the same to the use of him, the said Austen Nelson, and with the felonious intent to deprive the owner thereof.)
10.10.2021 12:06:21 law offic. willfully своими умышленными действиями (On or about June 30, 2015, XXX did commit a felony, namely, a violation of Section 245(a) (1) of the California Penal Code, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, in that XXX did willfully and unlawfully commit an assault upon D.O. with a deadly weapon or instrument other than a firearm, to wit, car.)
10.10.2021 11:20:31 gen. notice of disciplinary enquiry дисциплинарное извещение
10.10.2021 9:50:19 gen. cut off roads перекрывать дороги (NNA also reported that local residents started cutting off roads in several areas in protest over the deterioration of their living conditions following the power outages, which also caused water shortages. cnn.com)
10.10.2021 9:22:43 news probe the circumstances surrounding изучать обстоятельства (Moscow investigators said they were probing the circumstances surrounding the death of the 37-year-old performer, a man. cnn.com)
9.10.2021 10:59:17 gen. conduct an investigation into расследовать
9.10.2021 10:59:17 gen. conduct an investigation into устанавливать обстоятельства (Police are conducting an investigation into a house fire in Sydney's west early this morning.)
9.10.2021 10:58:31 gen. conduct an inquiry into проводить проверку (Muskegon police are conducting an inquiry into the items Mathis said he saw in Anderson's home.)
9.10.2021 10:55:46 gen. conduct an inquiry into расследовать (I'm conducting an inquiry into the murder of a young woman. • The Warren Commission conducting an inquiry into the murder of President Kennedy implied grave doubts whether...)
9.10.2021 10:49:17 gen. carry out an inquiry into расследовать
9.10.2021 10:49:02 gen. carry out an inquiry into проводить проверку (It has emerged the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is carrying out an inquiry into the Kent Police investigation. • You will know that the Nolan committee is carrying out an inquiry into conduct in public life and that many hon. Members are giving evidence to that committee.)
5.10.2021 23:21:46 gen. half-moon crescent месяц
5.10.2021 23:20:44 gen. half moon месяц
5.10.2021 23:18:59 gen. half-moon имеющий форму месяца
5.10.2021 23:18:59 gen. half-moon полукруглый
5.10.2021 19:29:16 svc.ind. account number номер лицевого счёта (обыкн. записывается как "Лицевой счет №")
5.10.2021 17:56:07 moto. prof.jarg. elephant turn пятак (обычно в составе выражения "крутатуть пятак", "крутить пятаки")
5.10.2021 17:54:48 moto. prof.jarg. do an elephant turn крутануть пятак (сделать разворот вокруг ноги на мотоцикле; эндуро и стант)
4.10.2021 17:25:56 gen. one can use на пользу (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: "But then you'll have to climb the stairs twice." "Never mind. I can use the exercise")
3.10.2021 13:09:24 gen. treat someone like держать кого-либо за (дурака и т. п.)
1.10.2021 21:21:00 gen. come to grips схлестнуться (в битве: The armies finally came to grips at Stalingrad.)
1.10.2021 20:53:30 idiom. come to grips with свыкнуться с (чем-либо)
1.10.2021 20:52:55 gen. come to grips with it привыкнуть (в знач. "свыкнуться с чем-либо")
1.10.2021 15:18:23 news context. on the ground среди местного населения (in the place where something is happening and among the people who are in the situation, especially a war: On the ground, there are hopes that the fighting will soon stop.)
1.10.2021 15:03:58 fig.of.sp. in the amorous department на любовном фронте (Overall, the things will change for the better in the amorous department.)
1.10.2021 15:02:16 fig. in the ... department на каком-либо фронте (Fox is on a roll in the love department. • Overall, the things will change for the better in the amorous department.)
1.10.2021 15:01:11 fig.of.sp. in the amorous department в амурных делах (Overall, the things will change for the better in the amorous department.)
1.10.2021 14:24:56 inf. get on one's soapbox завести шарманку (о чём-либо)
1.10.2021 14:23:47 gen. soapbox вещать с импровизированной трибуны
1.10.2021 14:22:24 idiom. get on one's soapbox оседлать своего любимого конька (Once Grandpa got on his soapbox about the local election, I found an excuse to slip out of the room.)
1.10.2021 14:17:31 idiom. soapbox любимый конёк (как часть выражения "оседлать своего любимого конька" и производных от него: Once Grandpa got on his soapbox about the local election, I found an excuse to slip out of the room. • He's been on his soapbox all day about the new football coach.)
1.10.2021 12:27:33 mus.instr. organ губная гармоника (кратко от mouth organ: She ran to the door and there beheld the ragged street urchin calmly playing his organ.)
30.09.2021 9:36:44 gen. and yourself и тебе ("Have a good day, mate." "And yourself.")
29.09.2021 23:51:09 gen. be in dispute являться предметом разногласий (Owners of the service have the right to access ‘personal data', though the extent of personal data is in dispute.)
29.09.2021 23:43:12 gen. place устанавливать местонахождение (Some years ago, through our participation in a post conviction inquiry into a murder case in which the investigators and lawyers misinterpreted mobile phone records, we became concerned about the inaccurate use of mobile phone records to place the whereabouts of a phone (and its user) as evidence in criminal trials. gov.au)
29.09.2021 23:29:49 gen. transition of power переход власти (The Article argues that Trump ... "threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government." cnn.com)
29.09.2021 22:25:54 gen. crops пищевые культуры (когда в crops включают злаки, фрукты, овощи и остальные культуры)
29.09.2021 20:09:27 mil., artil. call for fire using "snail" grid reference целеуказание "по улитке" (в отличие от принятой на западе системы с т. н. numpad/keypad grid reference; дисклеймер: английский вариант придуман мной и является исключительно рабочим) Англ. пояснение по поводу нашей "улитки": When additional accuracy is required, a grid square is divided into 9 sub-squares numbered clockwise in spiral order – from top-left corner to the center (thus resembling a snail shell) narod.ru)
29.09.2021 20:09:27 mil., artil. call for fire using "snail-pattern" grid целеуказание "по улитке" (английский вариант придуман мной и является исключительно рабочим) When additional accuracy is required, a grid square is divided into 9 sub-squares numbered clockwise in spiral order – from top-left corner to the center (thus resembling a snail shell) narod.ru)
29.09.2021 16:14:20 gen. paddleboard сап-доска
29.09.2021 15:50:47 gen. paddleboard гребная доска
29.09.2021 15:20:24 gen. point of interest место, которое стоит посетить
29.09.2021 1:30:23 brit. urchin пацанёнок
29.09.2021 0:02:21 gen. on last sighting в последний раз, когда его видели (on last sighting he was dressed in a black silk frock-coat and grey tweed trousers )
28.09.2021 10:37:12 gen. guilty pleasure слабость
27.09.2021 19:15:20 gen. affect пагубно сказываться на
27.09.2021 15:45:13 book. impeach воспрепятствовать
27.09.2021 15:45:13 book. impeach помешать (These ungracious practices of his sons did impeach his journey to the Holy Land.)
27.09.2021 12:32:24 gen. covering report сопроводительная записка
27.09.2021 3:58:49 gen. be in a sexual relationship состоять в интимной связи (with: This is his account of how Algeria–with whom he has been in a sexual relationship since he was ten–became aunt to him.)
27.09.2021 3:49:46 gen. be listed on the books числиться (as: And although Dick ran the company for Dickhead Senior, he was listed on the books as an employee who received a modest salary. • The situation with Torhorst was reminiscent of an earlier tiff between Abele and the board over his slotting of Moreen into county positions that didn't exactly reflect her duties. Her first job with the county was a policy analyst, but she was listed on the books as a manager in the county's information technology division.)
27.09.2021 0:51:08 mil. inf. second in command начальник штаба (части, роты, бригады, батальона, полка, т.е. второй человек после командира подразделения)
26.09.2021 23:27:18 gen. housing authority департамент жилищного обеспечения (министерства обороны)
26.09.2021 23:19:41 mil. communications brigade бригада управления
26.09.2021 23:19:41 mil. signals brigade бригада управления
26.09.2021 23:16:25 mil. mil., air.def. air defense missile regiment зенитно-ракетный полк
26.09.2021 23:09:30 mil. air defense artillery regiment зенитно-артиллерийский полк (зап – ADAR)
26.09.2021 22:12:29 cloth. polish. rogatywka конфедератка
26.09.2021 6:59:31 context. highly skilled профессиональный (A highly skilled thief is blackmailed into pulling a diamond heist when his daughter is kidnapped by an international terrorist.)
26.09.2021 6:45:41 gen. cash-in-transit heist ограбление инкассаторской машины (Bank robberies, cash-in-transit heists, petty crime and road accidents are all declining in the City of Johannesburg. • Collectively the three escapees faced three charges of murder, 16 counts of attempted murder and seven armed robbery charges relating to cash-in-transit heists across the province.)
26.09.2021 6:30:06 gen. backer поддержавший рублем (об участниках краудфандинга)
26.09.2021 6:23:40 brit. austral. tummy rub почесывание животика (питомцу; переводится глаголом)

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