
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

3.08.2018 13:50:40 gen. cable spaghetti беспорядочное переплетение проводов
3.08.2018 13:50:39 gen. Mangan марганец
3.08.2018 13:50:36 agric. batch посев (контекстуальный вариант перевода с английского)
3.08.2018 13:50:36 gen. business tool средство обеспечения деятельности
3.08.2018 13:50:23 gen. Weights and Measures метрология
3.08.2018 13:50:10 gen. in the aftermath of the crisis послекризисный (вариант перевода для фраз типа "в послекризичных условиях")
3.08.2018 13:49:49 gen. not applicable не подлежит
3.08.2018 13:49:20 gen. ratchet strap ремень стяжной
3.08.2018 13:49:12 gen. nonstore retailers розничная торговля с лотков и на рынках (как вид деятельности – код 52.62.0)
3.08.2018 13:48:28 inf. context. in the first place и сам ('Get out.' The sergeant did so with an alacrity that suggested he hadn't much wanted to be there in the first place.)
3.08.2018 13:47:46 gen. BACS Межбанковская система автоматизированных безналичных расчётов
3.08.2018 13:47:37 gen. starting date дата начала (Датой начала оказания Услуг технической поддержки является первый день первого отчётного периода – The starting date of the Technical Support shall be the first day of the first reporting period)
3.08.2018 13:47:05 gen. get out свободен (Abruptly, he [the commandant] lurched round to face the sergeant, who was hovering just insde the door with two of the militia. "Get out.")
3.08.2018 13:42:36 gen. under one' breath под нос (He seemed to be muttering something under his breath.)
3.08.2018 13:36:05 gen. be few and far between попадаться редко
3.08.2018 13:36:05 context. be few and far between долго не встречаться (A jerry can wouldn't go amiss too – sometimes petrol stations are incredibly few and far between. – Есть места, где можно ехать полдня и не встретить ни одной заправки.)
3.08.2018 13:35:59 gen. contest подвергнуть сомнению
3.08.2018 13:35:56 gen. administrative regulations on something Правила (в некоторых случаях при переводе названий русских государственных актов)
3.08.2018 13:35:10 fig.of.sp. gust free сорваться (с губ: Another sigh gusted free of Yaku's lips.)
3.08.2018 13:34:34 contempt. mongols азиаты
3.08.2018 13:34:34 contempt. mongols варвары (иногда, в т.ч. презрительное название русских американцами)
3.08.2018 13:34:13 gen. medical technologist фельдшер-лаборант
3.08.2018 13:34:06 psychol. non-negotiable требования, в отношении которых переговоры не ведутся
3.08.2018 13:33:56 avia. CDCCL ограничения управления критическими элементами конструкции
3.08.2018 13:33:33 chem. pH paper индикаторная рН-бумага
3.08.2018 13:33:12 gen. in principle теоретически (Although one would need to comment on different instances of use individually, in principle I see no problem in using the phrase in all the situations you describe. ©)
3.08.2018 13:30:14 gen. file grievances пожаловаться (against – на: Is there a place that posters can file their grievances against bad moderators?)
3.08.2018 13:30:00 fig.of.sp. gust free выскользнуть (из пальцев; только в контексте: Abruptly, his upright forearm collapsed across the desk ... and the hardcopy gusted free of his fingers.)
3.08.2018 13:25:27 gen. open-mouthed разинув рот (Schneider was ... amusing a crowd of ragged children with conjuring tricks. Children watched open-mouthed.)
3.08.2018 13:25:27 gen. open-mouthed с разинутым ртом
3.08.2018 13:17:56 inf. get out of here марш отсюда! (Schneider clapped his hands loudly. "That's it, guys. Get out of here. Come on, show's over.")
3.08.2018 13:15:15 context. that's it так! (так, хватит! стоп!: That's it! No more horseplay in the house. • Schneider clapped his hands loudly. "That's it, guys. Get out of here. Come on, show's over.")
3.08.2018 12:54:53 mil. basic training курс молодого бойца (wikipedia.org)
3.08.2018 11:54:28 automat. overhaul модернизировать (After a Kremlin campaign to overhaul the military, including improvements in training and equipment and, notably, large increases in pay, the results could be seen in the field.)
3.08.2018 11:43:54 media. economic relations экономические отношения (William Hague, the foreign secretary, has issued a warning to Russia not to try to undermine Ukraine's economic relations with the rest of the world after the ousting of the country's president, Viktor Yanukovych.)
3.08.2018 11:39:11 mil. special designation специальное назначение (НЕ в значении "войска специального/особого назначения". Для этого случая см. special operations)
3.08.2018 11:23:19 busin. by law по закону (By law, police departments have three days to comply, but if they choose to withhold an officer's name, they could argue that circumstances warrant an exception. Then the petitioning groups would have to file lawsuits.)
3.08.2018 11:18:23 abbr. bank. ACC Великобритания
3.08.2018 11:16:41 sl., drug. smack героин (Derrick needed a good dose of smack to cope with most of the situations that life threw at him. You gotta admit that.)
3.08.2018 11:11:49 gen. ramifications последствия (Such a drastic move would clearly have considerable professional and personal ramifications.)
3.08.2018 10:56:27 gen. put up выставить (в знач. "установить", "выставить наружу" (напр., флаг))
3.08.2018 10:53:36 gen. strap ремешок (в т.ч. наручных часов)
3.08.2018 10:46:40 proced.law. contest обжаловать (In the latest case, Illston sided with the FBI after Google contested the constitutionality and necessity of the letters but again put her ruling on hold until the 9th Circuit rules)
3.08.2018 10:44:43 gen. civil liberties гражданские свободы (Through a series of interventions in civil liberties, Mr Putin is turning a soft autocracy into a highly repressive state)
3.08.2018 10:41:43 gen. blemish пятно (как изъян: The red blemish on the forehead of the last leader of the Soviet Union was actually a birthmark. • I had a focused and fierce drive to build a reputation of professional competence and high personal integrity with no blemish of shame on my family and heritage.)
3.08.2018 10:39:52 gen. soil земля (The United Kingdom calls on Russia to ... revoke the mandate given by the Federation Council to use military force on Ukrainian soil.)
3.08.2018 10:36:13 gen. board сесть (She boarded a ship to Calais in April with her four children. • We boarded the plane for Oslo. • Ruel boarded a pickup truck that went in an unknown direction. • Jervion Walker boarded a Greyhound bus in Greenville headed to Memphis three days ago, but has not been heard from since. • Angie was very drunk when she boarded a tram in Melbourne.)
2.08.2018 16:47:53 inf. who the hell do you think you are? ты что, офигел?
2.08.2018 15:03:55 gen. send over послать (кого-либо куда-либо с поручением: Can you send somebody over to my brother's house?)
2.08.2018 15:01:47 gen. send over прислать (кого-либо к кому-либо)
2.08.2018 15:01:47 gen. send over отправить
2.08.2018 13:29:28 gen. just for a thank you за спасибо
2.08.2018 13:14:22 idiom. fall into lap самому найти (кого-либо: Нельзя сидеть сложа руки и ждать, что хорошая работа сама найдет тебя.)
2.08.2018 13:14:22 idiom. fall into lap самому приплыть кому-либо в руки
2.08.2018 9:34:47 rude assume the position стать раком (to get down on all fours)
1.08.2018 15:19:46 inf. we got cut off связь оборвалась (в телефонном разговоре)
1.08.2018 15:19:46 inf. I lost you связь оборвалась (в телефонном разговоре)
31.07.2018 15:48:29 publish. wire-bound book книга с брошюровкой на металлическую пружину
31.07.2018 15:40:33 gen. spring back closed захлопываться
31.07.2018 14:26:07 law subject to the terms hereof за исключением случаев, когда положениями настоящего договора предусмотрено иное
31.07.2018 10:13:05 uncom. have control самостоятельно принимать решения по вопросам, касающимся
31.07.2018 10:05:14 law aspects of вопросы, связанные с (The Publishers shall meaningfully consult with the Author's Agent on all other aspects of publication of the Translation. – ...по всем вопросам, связанным с изданием)
31.07.2018 9:34:39 gen. covermount журнал + диск в комплекте
31.07.2018 9:23:22 gen. cover mount см. covermount
31.07.2018 9:11:27 law, copyr. exploitation форма эксплуатации произведения
31.07.2018 7:35:45 gen. uses цели (for specified uses – для использования в указанных целях)
31.07.2018 7:24:48 gen. in connection with в рамках
31.07.2018 0:13:52 law attenuate умалять
30.07.2018 22:34:07 law save as expressly set out in кроме случаев, когда договором или положением договора прямо предусмотрено иначе
30.07.2018 22:28:58 law without reference to без привязки к
30.07.2018 22:24:13 law save in respect of кроме случаев, когда речь идёт о
30.07.2018 22:18:59 law, copyr. fanciful term вымышленный термин
30.07.2018 22:18:27 law, copyr. coined term то же, что fanciful term
30.07.2018 15:55:43 gen. number out of service номер не обслуживается (You will either get, "This phone number is disconnected" or "The number you are trying to reach is out of service." • Can't connect to the GV number, get the "number out of service" message.)
30.07.2018 15:18:23 slang get bat faced напиться в хлам
30.07.2018 15:15:45 gen. truck up отвезти (на грузовике, в т.ч. людей: Tomorrow morning we'll truck you up to the jump off.)
30.07.2018 14:11:45 gen. have it backwards путать (что-либо местами, порядок, последовательность: F2 enters BIOS and F9 enters the recovery screen (or I have it backwards))
30.07.2018 14:11:04 inf. or I have it backwards или наоборот (F2 enters BIOS and F9 enters the recovery screen (or I have it backwards))
30.07.2018 14:06:26 gen. office помещение (офисное: That organization maintained a handful of offices in the lower floors of the Nichols Block until last year.)
30.07.2018 14:05:28 inf. a handful of пара-тройка (I've only maintained a handful of friendships from those years.)
30.07.2018 14:05:03 inf. a handful of несколько (The CIA maintained a handful of paid agents in Afghanistan, but these were dedicated to tracking down Mir Amal Kasi. • That organization maintained a handful of offices in the lower floors of the Nichols Block until last year.)
30.07.2018 14:02:13 gen. number among быть в числе
30.07.2018 14:00:38 gen. number among входить в число (As one of only five ex-Envoys soldiering for Carrera, I definitely numbered among that particular elite.)
30.07.2018 14:00:38 gen. number among принадлежать к числу (He numbered among his friends, some of the most important men in parliament, and indeed in all England.)
30.07.2018 13:53:47 gen. get hip to открывать для себя (More and more people are getting hip to e-banking.)
30.07.2018 13:53:47 gen. get hip to узнавать (о чём-либо)
30.07.2018 13:52:53 inf. get hip to доходить (до кого-либо; требует изменения конструкции: She finally began to get hip to what was going on.)
30.07.2018 13:45:54 gen. know who one is узнавать (на фотографии и т.п.: My mom and I always know who she is in the picture before we even see her face because of her riotous hair.)
30.07.2018 13:44:35 prop.&figur. riotous непослушный (в т.ч. и о волосах: The woman shook her head and pushed long, riotous copper-colored hair back from her angular face. • My mom and I always know who she is in the picture before we even see her face because of her riotous hair. It was known to be very uncontrollable)
30.07.2018 13:30:08 gen. I was being rhetorical это был риторический вопрос ("How did I guess?" "Well, must be because you--" "Skip it, I was being rhetorical." • I was being rhetorical. Where "Why do you use pleb as an insult" means the same as "Using pleb as an insult is stupid".)
30.07.2018 13:21:13 gen. seasoned with grey с проседью (Close-cropped black hair seasoned with grey, a lined patrician face whose dark eyes and weathered features were somehow both hard and understanding...)
30.07.2018 13:17:55 mil. give a status update доложить обстановку
30.07.2018 13:11:29 mil. status update оперативная сводка
30.07.2018 13:05:36 inf. walked in on someone in bed with застукать (He walked in on his wife in bed with another man.)
30.07.2018 12:07:19 gen. hold it потерпеть (об отправлении естественных нужд: Can't you hold it until the next gas station? • I walked in on a kid peeing. I decided I could hold it a while longer.)
30.07.2018 12:01:17 inf. if you will так сказать (= so to speak; в т.ч. как фраза-паразит: These are "partial artifacts", if you will. • And so it seems that the lapse, the failure to connect the dots, if you will, really is more egregious than we even knew about. • I think it's a reason we've done well; part of our mystique, if you will. )
30.07.2018 12:01:17 inf. if you will что называется (= as they say, as the saying goes; в т.ч. как фраза-паразит)
30.07.2018 12:01:17 gen. if you will прошу прощения (в знач. "простите за выражение": Putting our balls out there means "we don't have to take crap, if you will, from China or North Korea or anybody.")
30.07.2018 11:27:48 gen. supervisor on duty начальник смены (не только на производстве)
30.07.2018 11:18:56 gen. backwoods, hick place захолустье (Unfortunately, the majority of people outside of West Virginia see it as a backwoods, hick place where siblings marry each other, most people live off of welfare, and our teeth are rotting out.)

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