
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

3.08.2018 15:55:22 gen. co-mother-in-la сватья (Не путать со свахой – посредницей, занимающейся сватовством // The relationship between women whose children marry each other; the mother of the bride vis-à-vis the mother of the groom. / мать одного из супругов по отношению к родителям другого супруга, то есть тёща сына или свекровь дочери)
3.08.2018 15:55:20 gen. not to tell you your busines дело ваше (в предложениях с противопоставлением) Not to tell you your business, but maybe writing that down is not the best idea?)
3.08.2018 15:55:20 gen. not to tell you your busines дело твоё (в предложениях с противопоставлением) Not to tell you your business, Kitty, but maybe writing that down is not the best idea?)
3.08.2018 15:55:19 law context. in good standing and having full capacity to transact business действительный (о состоянии юридического лица – в том смысле, что оно не имеет задолженностей по подаче отчётности и т.п., в отношении него не инициировано никаких процедур и проч. Не путать с "duly incorporated" (зарегистрированное должным образом/в установленном порядке): А business entity which is either registered with or chartered by a government agency is said to be in good standing if it has filed and continued to file all appropriate paperwork with the government agency which provides its charter, and has paid all fees which are due for its charter or the renewal thereof. Note that being in good standing simply means the entity has kept all paperwork related to its charter and yearly renewal up to date and that all fees have been paid. It is possible for a corporation to be simultaneously, say, in bankruptcy or delinquent on its taxes, but as long as the paperwork and fees are current with the chartering authority, the entity will still be in "good standing.")
3.08.2018 15:54:58 gen. bring везти (кого-либо куда-то)
3.08.2018 15:54:58 gen. offload сбагрить (He offloaded the defective car onto an unsuspecting buyer.)
3.08.2018 15:54:57 inf. trash паршивый (You open up your trashy mouth again, I'll knock out them front teeth for ya, you got it? | The Hateful Eight)
3.08.2018 15:54:53 law charge shee уведомление о подозрении (вообще это не одно и тоже, но в некоторых случаях верно отражает суть сказаного // If a suspect is charged with a crime, the police will give them a charge sheet which contains details of the crime they are accused of committing.)
3.08.2018 15:54:27 gen. in order уместный (Now that we have finally finished, I think a celebration is in order. – ... можно (=уместно) перейти к торжественной части.)
3.08.2018 15:54:14 inf. turn state's evidence давать показания против сообщников (в суде)
3.08.2018 15:54:14 inf. have no bearing in the real world не иметь ничего общего с реальностью (We're rehearsing a scene for an acting class. Everything we're saying is fiction and has no bearing in the real world.)
3.08.2018 15:54:13 gen. play dumb строить из себя дурачка (to pretend to be slow-witted or lacking in specific knowledge, usually in order to avoid responsibility or to gain some advantage)
3.08.2018 15:54:06 gen. business administration управление предпринимательской деятельностью
3.08.2018 15:53:30 context. be on record числиться (за кем-либо; о преступлениях и т.п.; перевод с заменой грамматической конструкции: "I sent your prints to Washington. ... I can tell you're not on record for anything very bad." "I'm not on record for anything at all." – Ничего серьезного за вами не числится.)
3.08.2018 15:52:20 gen. coun иметь значение (Looks count. – Внешний вид (тоже) имеет значение.)
3.08.2018 15:52:17 rude stick it where the sun don't shine. в гробу я видел
3.08.2018 15:52:12 Makarov. swath укладывать в валки (swath)
3.08.2018 15:50:42 gen. pul размозжить (I headbutted him. I guess I pulped his nose.)
3.08.2018 15:50:42 gen. give one shi заливать (You didn't do it, you know it, everybody knows that. Don't give me that shit.)
3.08.2018 15:50:32 gen. on the right hand sid по правую руку (on the right hand side of the building)
3.08.2018 15:50:32 gen. be on deploymen быть направленным (to) по службе, особенно военной или полицейской)
3.08.2018 15:50:28 slang po шампунь (о шампанском // Who wants another glass of poo?)
3.08.2018 15:50:28 avia. acknowledge and agree разъяснено (в некоторых контекстах // Покупателю разъяснено, что... – The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that...)
3.08.2018 15:50:15 inf. drop one's bi снять свою кандидатуру (Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was disowned by his own party's top leadership on Tuesday and faced calls to drop his White House bid as the world reacted with outrage to his plan for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.)
3.08.2018 15:50:03 account. accountable for бланк строгой отчётности (Accountable form – a document that acknowledges the receipt of money or issued for value that uses a sequential number or is a pre-numbered form)
3.08.2018 15:49:49 gen. come o подкатывать (to someone) to show sexual or relational interest through words or sometimes actions. She started coming on to me as soon as my wife left the room. | Wiktionary)
3.08.2018 15:49:46 gen. be defined уточняется
3.08.2018 15:49:45 gen. reintroduc возвращать (в значении "вновь вводить" // Ukraine reintroduces conscription to counter threat of pro-Russia separatists.)
3.08.2018 15:49:33 rude stick it where the sun don't shine в гробу я видел
3.08.2018 15:49:11 gen. weasel ou увиливать (weasel out of their responsibilities)
3.08.2018 15:49:02 gen. fring радикалы (тж. members of the fringe // Those members of a group or political party holding extreme views: "members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times")
3.08.2018 15:48:57 gen. defian несогласный (в некоторых контекстах)
3.08.2018 15:48:54 gen. education economic экономика образования (Education economics or the economics of education is the study of economic issues relating to education)
3.08.2018 15:48:51 gen. offer one's resignatio подать рапорт об отставке (The Vedemosti business daily reported yesterday that Mr Voloshin had offered his resignation to Mr Putin, and that it had been accepted)
3.08.2018 15:48:30 gen. offgoin сменяющийся (The duty officer's tour is generally 24 or 48 hours, after which he will be relieved by the oncoming duty officer listed on the roster or watchbill. The offgoing duty officer will turn over relevant data and documentation to his relief about the previous day's happenings, before returning to his normal duties.)
3.08.2018 15:48:25 mil. analo стрелочный (в некоторых контекстах)
3.08.2018 15:48:14 gen. teaching metho форма обучения (является подвидом "mode of study" и делится на: in-person, long distance, on-line, on-line and in-person, self-study)
3.08.2018 15:48:10 ed. lab clas семинар (в противоположность лекциям – lectures)
3.08.2018 15:48:09 TV via phone по телефону (напр., надпись на экране, когда корреспондент говорит со студией по телефону)
3.08.2018 15:47:40 mil., lingo misfire несход (ракеты)
3.08.2018 15:47:36 gen. call each other созвониться
3.08.2018 15:47:16 gen. strap шлейка (Next she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, working the straps down over her shoulders but holding the cups in place over her breasts.)
3.08.2018 15:46:34 mil. explan. professional soldier военнослужащий контрактной службы (The policy of conscripting soldiers came to an official end on Friday after over 55 years in Germany and follows the practice of most NATO member states, the armies of which are composed exclusively of professional soldiers.)
3.08.2018 15:46:27 gen. move backward дать задний ход (Kerry said had "walked away" during talks in London, when Iran "started fudging numbers they'd already agreed to and they moved backward" and again, later, "when we were in another set of talks in Lausanne)
3.08.2018 15:45:53 gen. motion жестом приказать (Jules motions him to sit down.)
3.08.2018 15:45:42 slang snag отхватить (check out this awesome Atari t-shirt I snagged on ebay!)
3.08.2018 15:45:42 slang context. snag урвать (в знач. "удачно купить"; в контексте дефицитного товара англ. вариант, скорее всего, не подойдет: Check out this awesome Atari t-shirt I snagged on ebay!)
3.08.2018 15:45:42 gen. if we are lucky в лучшем случае
3.08.2018 15:45:13 mil., lingo guard duty наряд (тумбочка)
3.08.2018 15:45:13 construct. building superintendent прораб
3.08.2018 15:44:59 gen. not feel like лень ("Ain't got no" is used by very lazy people who don't feel like saying "Don't have any".)
3.08.2018 15:44:57 gen. hue and cry держи вора
3.08.2018 15:44:57 inf. get along real well отлично ладить (Since then me an' Smokey get along real well with the local cops.)
3.08.2018 15:44:51 gen. rear задняя часть (When the Lieutenant realized we were on the wrong road, he brought our little column to halt. There we sat on the road while he was attempting to establish contact by radio with the rear of the column.)
3.08.2018 15:44:47 gen. rendering plant жировой комбинат
3.08.2018 15:44:38 mil., lingo bush поле (In addition, many Vietnam War Veterans refer to the wilderness, jungle or border areas of the theatre of operations as "the bush", as opposed to towns, cities and military bases.)
3.08.2018 15:44:27 inf. come under fir попасть под обстрел (Under the leadership of G/Sgt. Kellogg, a small unit from Company G was evacuating a fallen comrade when the unit came under a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior enemy force.)
3.08.2018 15:44:22 fig. beat выбить (something out of someone) Например, признание из кого-либо: Later, he would claim they beat the confession out of him, and that he was innocent.)
3.08.2018 15:44:04 gen. be confined не вылазить
3.08.2018 15:36:23 gen. be perfectly frank если откровенно
3.08.2018 15:36:23 gen. real deal мужик (Man, you the real deal. I owe you.)
3.08.2018 15:35:54 spectr. cts имп
3.08.2018 15:35:45 gen. hover over стоять над душой (someone); Please don't hover over me, watching what I am doing. // Then comes the helicopter – the boss who constantly keeps hovering overhead and interrupts all of your work.)
3.08.2018 15:35:33 gen. special designation особое наименование (соединения, часто истрическое \\ A special designation in the United States Army is a "nickname granted to a military organization" which has been authorized by the Center of Military History and recognized through a certificate signed by the Chief of Military History. Once approved, these designations may only be used by the officially recognized unit.)
3.08.2018 15:35:33 gen. masstige доступная роскошь
3.08.2018 15:35:19 gen. situation normal: all fucked up всё хорошо, прекрасная маркиза (It means the situation is bad, but that is a normal state of affairs.)
3.08.2018 15:35:09 law conspiracy организованной группой (перевод с заменой грамматической конструкции, например: Edward J. Woodard, 70, of Norfolk, Virginia, was sentenced today to 23 years in prison, followed by five years of supervised release, for conspiracy to commit bank fraud, false entry in a bank record, unlawful participation in loans, false statements to a financial institution, misapplication of bank funds, and bank fraud.)
3.08.2018 15:35:05 context. badge погоны (естественно, это не дословный перевод, а трансформация – badge здесь является атрибутом, прочно ассоциирующимся с людьми, опирающимися на формальные и неформальные привилегии, которые дает служба в "силовых" ведомствах. У нас в разговорной речи в качестве такого атрибута выступают погоны, у "них" – жетон: Actually, rogue cops are thugs with a badge.)
3.08.2018 15:35:05 jarg. fig. badge ксива (как атрибут людей, опирающихся на формальные и неформальные привилегии, которые дает государственная служба (особенно в силовых ведомствах): Actually, rogue cops are thugs with a badge.)
3.08.2018 15:35:01 gen. put into the field поставить под ружьё
3.08.2018 15:34:59 gen. Our Lady of Mount Пресвятая Дева Мария с горы (Кармель)
3.08.2018 15:34:55 gen. corporate shell правовая оболочка (т.е. компания, не имеющая (лишенная) реальных физических активов // Some of the state enterprises, however, especially those in heavy debts to Ukrainian residents, were appropriated in a different fashion: their assets were nationalized or transferred to the newly incorporated Crimea-owned entities, while the corporate shells remained indebted.)
3.08.2018 15:34:48 gen. Our Lady of Mount Пресвятая Дева Мария с горы Кармель
3.08.2018 15:34:45 ed., subj. health and safety основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (предмет в школе и институте)
3.08.2018 15:34:45 gen. bill квитанция на оплату (Например, electricity bill, tuition fees bill и т.д. // Не следует путать квитанцию на оплату: (квитанцию с заполненными реквизитами платежа, которой необходимо совершить платеж) с квитанцией об оплате (payment receipt, payslip и т.п. – документом с отметкой об оплате)
3.08.2018 15:06:16 context. see распорядиться (that something is done, to something: I will see that you are reimbursed for the expenses. – Я распоряжусь, чтобы вам возместили расходы. • I'll see to it. – Я распоряжусь.)
3.08.2018 14:57:44 gen. scheme-built типовой (о жилье: From the air, the internment camp had looked as innocuous as most scheme-built housing, but...)
3.08.2018 14:57:38 gen. treachery предательство (Officers at the HQ said Berezovsky had committed treachery twice the first time when he broke his oath, and the second time on Monday morning when he requested permission to enter the headquarters and let several Russian special forces officers slip in behind him.)
3.08.2018 14:50:47 gen. briskly прохладно
3.08.2018 14:45:03 gen. briskly коротко (сказать что-либо коротко)
3.08.2018 14:29:04 gen. dimly remember смутно помнить
3.08.2018 14:26:19 gen. modus vivendi способ сосуществования ("Мы совершенно убеждены, что, если мы заключим договор о союзе с Францией и Великобританией, Германия будет вынуждена отказаться от Польши и искать modus vivendi с западными державами... ")
3.08.2018 14:26:17 gen. speed превышать скорость (The state trooper pulled the speeding motorist over.)
3.08.2018 14:26:02 law cause of action обоснование исковых требований (раздел искового заявления // Сause of action is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party – Под основанием иска рассматриваются фактические обстоятельства, из которых вытекает право требования истца, на которых истец их основывает.)
3.08.2018 14:26:02 law cause of action основание искa (cause of action is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party – Под основанием иска рассматриваются фактические обстоятельства, из которых вытекает право требования истца, на которых истец их основывает.)
3.08.2018 14:24:56 gen. authorization документы ("I'll have to see some authorization," said the sergeant.)
3.08.2018 14:24:37 gen. call to the bar выдавать лицензию на право заниматься адвокатской деятельностью (be called to the bar – получить адвокатское свидетельство или лицензию)
3.08.2018 14:24:01 gen. trustee in bankruptcy ликвидатор (если перевод для Украины)
3.08.2018 14:23:48 gen. by stealth скрытый (The drama being played out in eastern Ukraine (and the UN) is an invasion by stealth by suspected Russian soldiers, says The Times)
3.08.2018 14:23:36 busin. be announced уточняется (напр., в программах конференций)
3.08.2018 14:23:30 gen. put on a war footing привести в боевую готовность (The fledgling government in Kiev put the country on a war footing on Sunday as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, tightened his grip on the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula of Crimea and western powers were left scrambling to find a response to the escalating crisis.)
3.08.2018 14:23:26 gen. storm-surge barrier волнолом (гидротехническое сооружение)
3.08.2018 14:23:26 gen. storm-surge barrier берегозащитное сооружение
3.08.2018 14:23:23 media. shell company компания-прокладка
3.08.2018 14:22:48 gen. gross с учётом НДС (о сумме)
3.08.2018 14:22:46 gen. wassail бешенство (в игре "Vampire: The Masquerade": Each vampire has a Humanity score, measuring how closely in touch with his human nature the vampire is; as it decreases, the vampire becomes more susceptible to his Beast, the feral side of the vampiric soul that is driven entirely by rage and hunger. Brutal, immoral actions risk lowering a vampire's Humanity score. If the individual's Humanity drops to zero, the Beast takes over and the vampire is in a state of constant frenzy known as Wassail.)
3.08.2018 14:22:35 gen. shell company фирма-пустышка
3.08.2018 14:22:32 gen. lecture читать мораль (+ dat.)
3.08.2018 14:22:19 inf. cut loose начаться
3.08.2018 14:22:17 int.rel. accede вступить (в блок или содружество государств; напр., в НАТО, ЕС и т.п.: Allies who have recently acceded to NATO are amongst the highest per capita contributors to NATO missions.)

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