
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

10.08.2018 11:14:49 gen. motor transport автомобильный (относящийся к автомобильному транспорту)
10.08.2018 11:14:49 gen. of motor vehicles автомобильный (относящийся к автомобильному транспорту)
10.08.2018 10:23:50 typogr. this page was left blank intentionally страница оставлена пустой намеренно
10.08.2018 9:20:11 mil. permanent duty station место постоянной дислокации
10.08.2018 0:22:25 mil. permanent duty station место службы (...FSA credit starts on member's date of return to permanent duty station)
10.08.2018 0:19:13 mil. permanent duty station пункт постоянной дислокации
10.08.2018 0:16:57 mil. permanent station место постоянной дислокации (The breaking of this Division before the completion of the field training simply to provide an Army payroll for the communities in the vicinity of the permanent stations of the troops, appears unjustifiable.)
10.08.2018 0:14:04 mil. permanent station пункт постоянной дислокации (The place where the training duty is being performed shall be deemed to be the permanent station of such members.)
10.08.2018 0:06:34 mil. home station пункт постоянной дислокации (части, подразделения: 552nd ACW personnel deployed in support of OEF and OIF returned to home station at Tinker..)
10.08.2018 0:03:47 mil. home station место постоянной дислокации (части, подразделения)
9.08.2018 23:47:13 inf. feed oneself out вылезти (о бумаге, ленте – из принтера, кассового аппарата и т.п.: Next to my hip, the fax machine started beeping and whirring. The thin sheet of paper fed itself out, covered in writing.)
9.08.2018 16:41:45 mil. red force вероятный противник (на учениях)
9.08.2018 16:39:52 mil. unfamiliar terrain незнакомая местность
9.08.2018 15:47:36 mil. weapons officer заместитель командира части по вооружению (думаю, что как вариант можно использовать более дословный перевод "deputy commander for ordnance and munitions")
9.08.2018 15:10:58 mil. enlisted personnel сержанты и солдаты (...выставить охранение: офицеров – 3, сержантов и солдат – 22)
9.08.2018 14:56:07 mil. combat standby duty боевое дежурство (The missile servicemen, just like all servicemen in the Soviet Armed Forces, are primarily ardent patriots of the motherland, ideologically convinved fighters who are boundlessly devoted to the party and the cause of communism and who are prepared at any moment to perform to the utmost their lofty patriotic and inter¬ national duty. They are distinguished by lofty responsibility and legitimate pride at being entrusted daily with performing combat standby duty [boyevoye dezhurstvo] on the frontline of the defense of the great gains of socialism. sflan.net)
9.08.2018 14:35:43 mil. auxiliary command post вспомогательный пункт управления (рабочий вариант перевода)
9.08.2018 14:21:19 mil. context. standard-issue общевойсковой (об оружии: AK-47 became the standard-issue assault rifle of the Soviet Army – ...стал общевойсковым автоматом)
9.08.2018 14:20:20 mil. auxiliary operations center вспомогательный пункт управления
9.08.2018 14:14:58 mil. tactical operations center вспомогательный пункт управления (рабочий вариант перевода)
9.08.2018 13:30:45 gen. have trouble не мочь (doing something: Dr. King, I've been having trouble getting through to my wife. • What happened after that, I have trouble recalling.)
9.08.2018 13:29:14 gen. not get to не мочь (по объективным причинам: Say a prayer for all those kids who don't get to be at home for Xmas.)
9.08.2018 13:24:54 gen. one doesn't get to не получится (You don't get to be a hero that easy.)
9.08.2018 13:00:53 mil. task element оперативная группа войск
9.08.2018 13:00:53 mil. task force оперативная группа войск
9.08.2018 13:00:36 mil. task element оперативная группа армии
9.08.2018 13:00:36 mil. task force оперативная группа армии
9.08.2018 10:50:15 mil. in the enemy rear в тылу врага (The two airborne operations emphasized coordination between ground and airborne units operating in the enemy rear.)
9.08.2018 10:25:53 mil. enlistment by contract военная служба по контракту
9.08.2018 10:25:53 mil. volunteer military service военная служба по контракту
9.08.2018 10:13:22 hist. mil. bombardier приказный (эквивалент звания бомбардира в казачьих войсках)
9.08.2018 9:53:52 russ.lang. yefreytor ефрейтор
8.08.2018 23:46:58 gen. vanish скрыться (из виду: I watched as five coverall-clad figures climbed out and then vanished into the building.)
8.08.2018 23:44:06 idiom. tutored eye глаз специалиста (Even for the tutored eye, birds' ears are indicated only by a small group of feathers that hide the ear openings.)
8.08.2018 23:43:54 idiom. tutored eye опытный глаз (The cruiser was an unobtrusive brown utility vehicle, ostensibly bulky and underpowered but to a tutored eye very obviously armoured.)
8.08.2018 23:43:54 idiom. tutored eye тренированный глаз
8.08.2018 23:36:44 idiom. not give something a second glance не обратить внимания (When we walked in, no one gave us a second glance. . • If your label doesn't stand out or suit the packaging, customers are not going to give it a second glance. • Probably most readers would not give it a second glance, but to some of us the statement requires explanation.)
8.08.2018 21:40:57 idiom. give something a second glance присмотреться внимательнее
8.08.2018 21:38:31 idiom. not give a second glance нет дела до (Pulling a thing like this in broad daylight, I'd been prepared for people to stare, but no one seemed to give it a second glance.)
8.08.2018 21:35:12 idiom. not give a second glance не заметить (You could walk right past it and not give it a second glance.)
8.08.2018 21:20:55 mil. conditioning подготовка
8.08.2018 20:21:40 idiom. give something a second glance смотреть (в знач. "рассматривать", "обращать внимание": If your CV doesn't reflect your abilities, no one is going to give it a second glance. • Success to me is when I can take tea cup or an egg and cause someone to give it a second glance.)
8.08.2018 20:21:40 idiom. give something a second glance не пройти мимо
8.08.2018 16:46:58 fig. leapfrog прыгнуть в дамки
8.08.2018 16:35:55 idiom. not give something a second glance проскочить
8.08.2018 16:33:44 idiom. not give something a second glance не стать вникать
8.08.2018 16:23:53 auto. mobility service provider информационно-диспетчерская служба
8.08.2018 16:22:23 auto. transportation network company информационно-диспетчерская служба
8.08.2018 15:59:05 gen. buttermilk маслянка
8.08.2018 15:14:34 idiom. not give something a second glance пройти мимо (If your label doesn't stand out or suit the packaging, customers are not going to give it a second glance. • I wouldn't buy it or anything, and I'd not give it a second glance in a bookstore other than maybe to think, 'Ugh, hipster trash.')
8.08.2018 14:39:44 idiom. not give someone a second glance не взглянуть в чью-либо сторону (No one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance. • When we walked in, no one gave us a second glance. .)
8.08.2018 14:18:48 idiom. give something a second glance посмотреть внимательнее (Give it a second glance and you'll discover that all is not as it seems.)
8.08.2018 14:06:57 gen. see to поспособствовать (в немалой мере: It has never been a good place to live, the constant earthquakes have seen to that. • The financial crisis and Brexit have seen to that.)
8.08.2018 14:01:52 gen. late arrivals те, кто опаздывает (Nan Madison hates late arrivals, you know. – ... не любит, когда опаздывают.)
8.08.2018 13:56:07 uncom. take off отгрызть (в контексте: Feed it to them on a long stick. ... Because if you don't, they'll take your hand off at the shoulder.")
8.08.2018 13:39:30 gen. in time в своё время (=со временем: In time, you'll understand.)
8.08.2018 13:19:41 gen. haphazardly беспорядочно ([The city] had no real centre. Instead, it sprawled hahhazardly across a broad semi-desert plain.)
8.08.2018 12:56:22 gen. give something a second glance см. not give smth a second glance
8.08.2018 11:07:54 gen. know best знать лучше всех (He utterly misunderstood the situation, but there is no telling him anything, I need not say, for he is always certain he knows best.)
8.08.2018 11:02:52 gen. there is no бесполезно (There is no arguing with someone like that, and most people have the sense to not even try. • There is no telling him anything. He cannot and will not listen to reason.)
8.08.2018 10:48:28 obs. come closer поди
8.08.2018 10:38:58 gen. as hell как я не знаю кто (как вариант: He's stubborn as hell. – Он упрямый, как я не знаю кто.)
8.08.2018 10:26:03 gen. there is no telling сложно делать какие-то прогнозы (Will Speer, a petroleum analyst at GasBuddy.com, said that at this point there's no telling how low prices will go.)
8.08.2018 10:09:48 gen. there is no telling трудно сказать наверняка
8.08.2018 10:08:33 gen. there is no telling да кто угодно (да кто только не...: "Who might be trying to trap you?" I asked. "There is no telling. Government agencies, the Cartel, corporate leverage analysts, Kempist spies...)
8.08.2018 9:14:44 gen. additional в дополнение к уже имеющимся
8.08.2018 0:11:11 gen. give something a second glance вернуться к (чему-либо)
8.08.2018 0:04:31 gen. to a point в некотором роде
8.08.2018 0:04:30 gen. to a point в какой-то степени (To a point, you're right.)
8.08.2018 0:04:30 gen. to a point в чём-то
8.08.2018 0:04:30 gen. to a point частично
8.08.2018 0:01:55 gen. rooted to the spot прикованный к месту (Harry watched, rooted to the spot, as one pale spidery hand reached up to grasp the white thing and flung it viciously into the bushes.)
8.08.2018 0:01:46 gen. rooted to the spot приросший к месту (Roxanne watched, rooted to the spot, horrified at what she was witnessing.)
7.08.2018 23:53:03 gen. centipedal напоминающий сороконожку
7.08.2018 23:49:16 gen. catch someone watching поймать чей-либо взгляд (He looked up, caught me watching and winked.)
7.08.2018 23:34:09 gen. end of the line конечная (остановка, станция)
7.08.2018 23:33:55 gen. end of the line конечная остановка
7.08.2018 23:33:27 inf. end of the line все, приехали (End of the line, folks. Everybody out.)
7.08.2018 16:56:45 gen. one cannot be too careful осторожность не повредит (I thought these were your friends." Schneider shrugged. "They were, but you can't be too careful. • I apologise for the drama, but one cannot be too careful in these uncertain times.)
7.08.2018 16:55:11 gen. not be lost on не ускользнуть от внимания (The exchange had not been lost on Schneider. He cleared his throat loudly.)
7.08.2018 16:48:06 gen. make a sharp clucking sound with one's tongue щёлкнуть языком
7.08.2018 16:43:31 gen. stand at rigid attention вытянуться по струнке (т.е. стать по стойке "смирно"))
7.08.2018 16:42:55 gen. stand at rigid attention застыть по стойке смирно (They took up station in front of the bench and stood at rigid attention.)
7.08.2018 15:28:42 gen. ambulance доставить (в больницу в карете скорой помощи: Two other occupants were pulled out from under the debris alive but critically injured were ambulanced to hospital, rescue sources said.)
7.08.2018 14:46:28 gen. within touching distance см. come within touching distance of
7.08.2018 14:44:17 idiom. come within touching distance of вплотную приблизиться (Back in 2015, Kevin Mitchell came within touching distance of becoming a world champion, suffering a brave stoppage defeat in the 10th round.)
7.08.2018 14:25:32 gen. be brave enough to отважиться
7.08.2018 14:25:04 gen. be brave enough to отваживаться (It's just that no man, woman or beast has ever been brave enough to get within touching distance of our office fridge for several years now.)
7.08.2018 14:24:08 gen. get within touching distance of приблизиться (It's just that no man, woman or beast has ever been brave enough to get within touching distance of our office fridge for several years now.)
7.08.2018 14:11:02 idiom. within touching distance в двух шагах (от)
7.08.2018 14:04:12 idiom. within touching distance в паре шагов (от: The stage was touching distance from our seats and we definitely got more than we bargained for. – Мы сидели буквально в паре шагов от сцены...)
7.08.2018 14:00:16 idiom. move within touching distance вплотную приблизиться (of/from something: Rory McIlroy moved within touching distance of a first major championship win.)
7.08.2018 14:00:16 idiom. move within touching distance остаётся всего ничего
7.08.2018 13:45:31 idiom. within touching distance рукой подать (We are in for a disappointment again, since the mountains which seem within touching distance from our hotel are all covered in cloud and mist.)
7.08.2018 13:45:31 idiom. within touching distance в шаге (от; англ. термин оч. часто используется в спортивных обзорах: Spurs are within touching distance of becoming a Champions League club. • Back in 2015, Kevin Mitchell came within touching distance of becoming a world champion, suffering a brave stoppage defeat in the 10th round.)
7.08.2018 13:38:19 gen. grade-one первосортный (I can remember ... when all this was stacked with grade-one artifacts.)
7.08.2018 11:59:48 mil. grenade гранатомётный выстрел (если имеется в виду подствольный или станковый гранатомет типа АГС; для реактивных гранатометов типа РПГ правильный термин – rocket / RPG rocket)
7.08.2018 11:58:13 mil. RPG rocket гранатомётный выстрел (только если имеется в виду реактивный гранатомет (в данном случае RPG – это аббревиатура от rocket-propelled grenade); для подствольных и станковых гранатометов правильный термин – grenade)
7.08.2018 11:31:18 gen. bureaucratic cliche канцеляризм
7.08.2018 11:08:07 gen. supervisor on duty старший смены

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