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מונחים בנושא סביבה (6671 статья)
vállalat/cég firm (A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when incorporated)
vállalatgazdaságtan business economics (The art of purchasing and selling goods from an economics perspective or a perspective involving the scientific study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services)
vállalati környezetvédelem environmental protection in the enterprise (Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human health)
vállalati politika company policy (Official guidelines or set of guidelines adopted by a company for the management of its activity)
vállalati szerkezet company structure (The type of organization of a company. Three kinds of structure are usually recognized: centralized, formal or hierarchical)
vállalkozás mérete size of business (No definition needed)
vállalkozás típusa type of business (The class or category of an enterprise or organization involved in an economy)
vállalkozások osztályozása business classification (The categorization of enterprises or organizations involved in an economy)
vállalkozni undertaking business (Any commercial activity, position or site associated with the preparation of the dead for burial and the management and arrangement of funerals)
vallás religion (The expression of man's belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe)
válogatás a forrásnál sorting at source (The classification and separation of solid waste, according to type, at the location where it is generated)
valószínűsíthetően szennyezett terület száraz területi ökoszi area of potential pollution (Area which is supposedly causing dangers to human health and environment)
válságkezelés crisis management (The technique, practice or science of handling or controlling situations of acute difficulty, danger or instability; or the total of measures taken to provide a solution for political, economic, environmental or other similar dangers and conflicts)
váltógazdálkodás shifting cultivation (Agricultural practice using the rotation of fields rather than crops, short cropping periods followed by long fallows and the maintenance of fertility by the regeneration of vegetation)
változatok gyűjtése variety collection (Assemblage of cultivated plants that are distinguished by any characteristics (morphology, physiology, etc.) significant for purposes of horticulture, agriculture or forestry)
vám customs (Duties charged upon commodities on their importation into, or exportation out of, a country)
vámszabályozás customs regulation (A body of rules or orders generally issued by the executive authority of a government to establish and direct the taxes, duties or tariffs payable upon merchandise exported or imported)
vámtarifa customs tariff (An official list or schedule setting forth the duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods)
vandalizmus vandalism (The deliberate or wanton destruction of personal or public property caused by a vandal)
vándorló fajok migratory species