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FTI abbr.acentos
aviac. аппаратура для проведения лётных испытаний (Flight Test Instrumentation Шандор)
endocr. индекс свободного тироксина (Free Thyroxine Index Jacka)
sajal. показывающий счётчик расхода (Flow totalizer with indicator)
 Inglés tesauro
FTI abbr.
abrev., avia. flight test installation; flight test instrumentation; flight test interface; fuel temperature indicator
abrev., defens. frequency time intensity (radar)
abrev., electr. film thickness increase; fluorescent thermal imager
abrev., ensayo cl. force-time-interval (iwona)
FTI abbr.
abrev. Factory Type Information; Foreign Traders Index
abrev., avia. Fitiuta, American Samoa; Flight test instructor EASA (Elena-LS); flight test inventory
abrev., defens. frequency time indicator (radar)
abrev., escoc. Fast Tactical Imagery; Fixed Target Imagery / Indication
abrev., espac. fixed target imagery
abrev., inmunol. free thyroxine index
abrev., IT Fast Track Initiative; File Type Information
abrev., kárat. figure of tunnel interference
abrev., marc. Future Technologies, Incorporated
abrev., med. Free thyroxine index
abrev., mil. Failure To Implement; Fixed Target Indicator; Fast Tactical Imaging
abrev., petról. factorized transversely isotropic
abrev., sajal. Flow totalizer with indicator
mil. fixed target indication; fixed target information; fixed time interval
tec. film thickness indicator; fixed-target indication; frequency-time indicator