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Términos sobre el tema Ambiente (6671 статья)
újrahasznosítható anyaggal való építkezés construction with recycled material (Construction with waste product used as raw material)
újrahasznosítható műanyag recyclable plastic (Plastic waste that can be transformed into new products)
újrahasznosíthatóság recyclability (Characteristic of materials that still have useful physical or chemical properties after serving their original purpose and that can, therefore, be reused or remanufactured into additional products)
újrahasznosított anyag recycled material (Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity)
újrahasznosított papír recycled paper (Paper that has been separated from the solid waste stream for utilization as a raw material in the manufacture of a new product. Not all paper in the waste stream is recyclable. It may be heavily contaminated or otherwise unusable)
üledék sediment mobilisation (The transport or setting in motion by wind or water of insoluble particulate matter)
üledék sediment (Any material transported by water which will ultimately settle to the bottom after the water loses its transporting power)
üledékképződés sedimentation (The act or process of forming or accumulating sediment in layers, including such processes as the separation of rock particles from the material from which the sediment is derived, the transportation of these particles to the site of deposition, the actual deposition or settling of the particles, the chemical and other changes occurring in the sediment, and the ultimate consolidation of the sediment into solid rock; geology)
üledékszállítás sediment transport (The movement and carrying- away of sediment by natural agents; especially the conveyance of a stream load by suspension, saltation, solution or traction)
ülepedés deposition (The process by which polluting material is precipitated from the atmosphere and accumulates in ecosystems)
ülepítés sedimentation (industrial process, The separation of an insoluble solid from a liquid in which it is suspended by settling under the influence of gravity or centrifugation)
ülepítőmedence sedimentation basin (A basin in which suspended matter is removed either by quiescent settlement or by continuous flow at high velocity and extended retention time to allow deposition)
ülepítőmedence sedimentary basin (A geomorphic feature of the earth in which the surface has subsided for a prolonged time, including deep ocean floors, intercontinental rifts and elevated and interior drainage basins)
ülepítőszer flocculant (A reagent added to a dispersion of solids in a liquid to bring together the fine particles to form flocs)
ülepítőtartály settling tank (A tank into which a two-phase mixture is fed and the entrained solids settle by gravity during storage)
ultrafinom szűrés ultrafiltration (Separation of colloidal or very fine solid materials by filtration through microporous or semipermeable mediums)
ultrahang ultrasound
ultraibolya sugárzás ultraviolet radiation (The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths shorter than light but longer than x-rays; in the range of 4-400 nm)
uniós balti-tengeri stratégia Baltic Sea Strategy
uniós balti-tengeri stratégia EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region