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Términos sobre el tema Cocina (804 статей)
Weizenvollkorngrieß whole-wheat semolina
Weizenvollkornmehl whole-wheat flour
Wienerschnitzel cutlet/escalope in egg and breadcrumbs
Wienerschnitzel crumbed veal cutlet
Wildsoße game gravy
Windbeutel puff pastry bun filled with whipped cream
Wolfsbarsch sea bass
Wurstwaren sausages
Würze flavouring
Ysop hyssop
Zander pikeperch
Zartbitter-Schokolade semi-sweet chocolate
Ziegenkäse goat's milk cheese
Zigeunerschnitzel escalope/cutlet with spicy sauce of red and green peppers
Zimtsterne cinnamon stars
Zitronenschnitze lemon wedges
Zuckeraustauschstoff artificial sweetener
Zuckerrübensirup sugar beet syrup
Zuckerschoten snow peas
Zuckersyrup sugar syrup