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Termes pour le sujet Général (3878 статей)
hash # IlyaMa­rt
hash with beer being the treasure Углов
hate intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
hate an object of hatred
have a fling to have a short sexual relationship with someone
have a go to attempt to do or undertake something, especially that which is unfamiliar or new
have a go to physically attack someone
have a go to criticize, berate, or verbally harass someone at length and/or with great intensity
have (got) a line on to have helpful information about how to find, contact, or reach someone or something
have a quick word have a short conversation Julia_­D
have an in have an in with 4uzhoj
have got (someone's) back when someone has your back, they are there to support you unconditionallу
have the stomach have the guts asia_n­ova
have your cake and eat it have (one's) cake and eat it
haywire baling wire Vadim ­Roumins­ky
hb Honours Bachelor Parvat­e
HBC fuse High-Breaking Capacity Fuse Andrey­250780
HdGPD Haradh Gas Plant Department Johnny­ Bravo
c подачи he didn't object Анна Ф
c подачи he was down for that Анна Ф