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Терміни у тематиці Сільське господарство (82461 статья)
Anthelmintika antihelminthic drugs
anthelmintische Mittel antihelminthic drugs
Antheren- anther
Anthocyane E163
Anthracnose anthracnose
Anthracnose black spot
Anthraknose grape anthracnose
Anthraknose grape-vine anthracnose
Anthraknose der Kichererbse blight of chickpea
Anthraknose der Kichererbse gram blight
Anthraknoseder Kichererbse gram blight of chickpea
Anthranilsäuremethylester NH2.C6H4.CO2CH3 methyl anthranilate (NH2.C6H4.CO2CH3)
anti parasitäre Mittel antiparasitic drugs
Anti-Bläue-Behandlung anti-stain treatment
Antibiotikamast fattening with antibiotics
antibiotische Leistungsförderer antibiotic growth promoter
antibiotische Mittel antibiotic drugs
antiepidemisch antiepidemic
Antifaktor im Futter anti-nutritional factor
antihelmintisch antihelmintic