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Einträge zur Thematik Umwelt (6671 статья)
jellemző érték typical value
jelző marker (1. Small amount of an easily detected substance that can be used to follow and quantify the flow of materials or movement of organisms not otherwise visible or detectable by ordinary means. 2. An isotope of an element, a small amount of which may be incorporated into a sample of material in order to follow the course of that element through a chemical, biological, or physical process, and thus also follow the larger sample. The tracer may be radioactive, in which case observations are made by measuring the radioactivity)
jó irányítás good management (The competent, skillful and successful process of planning, leading and working toward the accomplishment or completion of goals, objectives and mission of an organization or institution)
jó környezeti állapot good environmental status
jó mennyiségi állapot good quantitative status
jó mezőgazdasági és környezeti állapot good agricultural and environmental condition
jog law (science, Complex of rules fixed by law or custom which regulate social relations)
jogalap legal basis (The fundamental law or judicial precedent that warrants or supports a subsequent decision or action by any governmental, corporate or private entity)
jogalkotási eljárás legislative procedure (Any prescribed step or manner of proceeding that a law making body takes in proposing laws, resolutions or special acts before they can be enacted or passed)
jogalkotó hatóság legislative authority
jogellenes kormányzati lépés wrongful government act (A deed performed by a government official or agent in exercise of police, constitutional, legislative, administrative or judicial powers that infringes upon the rights of another and causes damage, without protecting an equal or superior right)
jogellenes lépés wrongful act (An act contrary to the rules of natural or legal justice)
jogérvényesítés enforcement (The execution, carrying out or putting into effect an order, regulation, law or official decree)
jogérvényesítés law enforcement (Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to the binding rules of a state, especially the prevention, investigation, apprehension or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of violating those rules)
jogharmonizáció harmonisation of law (The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders)
jogi eljárás legal procedure (Term includes all proceedings authorised or sanctioned by law, and brought or instituted in a court of legal tribunal, for the acquiring of a right or the enforcement of a remedy)
jogi hivatás legal profession (A body of persons whose occupation is concerned with advising clients in matters of law, representing them in court or assisting them through the judicial process, including, in the first instance, lawyers and, by extension, judges, legal assistants and court employees)
jogi szabály judiciary rule (Specific norms, regulations and precedents governing the conduct, procedure and arrangement of a judicial system, its various divisions and its officers)
jogi szabályozás legal regulation (Any order or rule issued by a government stipulating its procedures for the creation, execution or adjudication of laws)
jogi szakterület law branch (A subdivision of the body of principles and regulations established by a government or other authority, generally defined by its scope or application)