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Einträge zur Thematik Umwelt (26921 статья)
5-Prozent-Niveau 5-percentile
596DC0217 MITTEILUNG DER KOMMISSION UEBER DAS RAHMENUEBEREINKOMMEN DER VEREINTEN NATIONEN UEBER KLIMAAENDERUNGEN COM (96) 217 FINAL Communication from the Commission under the UN framework convention on climate change
76/464/EWG: Richtlinie des Rates vom 4. Mai 1976 betreffend die Verschmutzung infolge der Ableitung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe in die Gewässer der Gemeinschaft 76/464/EEC: Council Directive of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community
93/389/EWG: Entscheidung des Rates vom 24. Juni 1993 über ein System zur Beobachtung der Emissionen von CO2 und anderen Treibhausgasen in der Gemeinschaft 93/389/EEC: Council Decision of 24 June 1993 for a monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
98 %-Wert 98th percentile
a)Einschließung containment
A-Schallpegelminderung sound pressure level reduction
Aalborger Charta europäischer Großstädte und Städte für eine dauerhafte und umweltgerechte Entwicklung Aalborg Charter of European Cities and Towns towards Sustainability
Aaskrähe carrion crow
Aaskrähe crow
Abbau degradation (A type of organic chemical reaction in which a compound is converted into a simpler compound in stages)
Abbau biodegradation
Abbau chemical degradation
Abbau der Ozonschicht depletion of the ozone layer
Abbau der Ozonschicht ozone depletion
Abbau der Ozonschicht ozone layer depletion (The fragile shield of ozone is been damaged by chemicals released on earth. The main chemicals that are depleting stratospheric ozone are chlorofluorocarbons which are used in refrigerators, aerosols, and as cleaners in many industries, and halons, which are used in fire extinguishers. The damage is caused when these chemicals release highly reactive forms of chlorine and bromine. Over the past 30 years ozone levels over parts of Antarctica have dropped by almost 40% during some months and a "hole" in ozone concentrations is clearly visible in satellite observations)
Abbau der Ozonschicht in der Stratosphäre Stratospheric ozone depletion
Abbau von natürlichen Ressourcen degradation of natural resources
Abbau von natürlichen Ressourcen degradation of natural resources (The result of the cumulative activities of farmers, households, and industries, all trying to improve their socio-economic well being. These activities tend to be counterproductive for several reasons. People may not completely understand the long-term consequences of their activities on the natural resource base. The most important ways in which human activity is interfering with the global ecosystem are: 1. fossil fuel burning which may double the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by the middle of the next century, as well as further increasing the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen very significantly; 2. expanding agriculture and forestry and the associated use of fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorous) are significantly altering the natural circulation of these nutrients; 3. increased exploitation of the freshwater system both for irrigation in agriculture and industry and for waste disposal)
abbaubares Detergens soft detergent