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Einträge zur Thematik Microsoft (4246 статей)
Save Gorde
save gorde
Save as type Gorde idatzi ahala
Saved networks Gordetako sareak
Scalable Video Coding (A video compression standard that encodes high-quality video bitstreams. Support for the capability enables the conferencing server to determine how bitstreams should flow among receiving clients, based on the capabilities and bandwidth of the receiving endpoint) SVC
scale eskalan jarri
scam iruzur
Scan Eskanerra
scan azterketa
scan eskaneatu
scan head eskaneatzeko buru
scanner eskaner
scene eszena
Schedule Antolaketa
schedule performance index antolaketaren errendimendu-tasa
Schedule View Agenda-ikuspegi
Scheduling Assistant Agenda Laguntzaile
schema eskema
scope esparru
Scope Esparrua