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Einträge zur Thematik Umwelt (22989 статей)
tanning liquor containing chromium chroomhoudende looivloeistof
tanning liquor free of chromium chroomvrije looivloeistof
tanning-industry effluent afvalwater van leerlooierijen
tapping of underground water aftappen van ondergronds water
tapping profile aftapprofiel
tar (A viscous material composed of complex, high-molecular-weight, compounds derived from the distillation of petroleum or the destructive distillation of wood or coal) teer
tar and tar products teer en teerprodukten
tar ball teerbal
tar production teerproductie
tar production (The manufacture of dark, heavy, viscous substances or residue, which is obtained by the distillation of organic materials such as coal, wood and petroleum) teerproductie
tar sand teer zand
tar sand (A sandstone in which hydrocarbons have been trapped; the lighter compounds evaporate, leaving a residue of asphalt in the rock pores) teer zand
tar use teergebruik
tar use (Any employment or utilization of dark, heavy, viscous substances or residue derived from the distillation of certain organic materials, often to produce benzene, soap, dyes, cosmetics and other products) teergebruik
target group (A collection of people selected and approached by some entity for a variety of purposes, including assistance, recruitment, information dissemination, marketing and research) doelgroep
target setting (Establishing or determining environmental goals or objectives) het stellen van doelen
target setting het stellen van doelen
target site saneringsplaats
target species doelsoort
target system bestrijdingssysteem