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Термины по тематике Окружающая среда (24829 статей)
credit (The financial facility or system by which goods and services are provided in return for deferred, instead of immediate, payment) Kredit
credit assistance Kredithilfe
credit assistance (The help and support from banks and other financial institutions in providing money or goods without requiring present payment) Kredithilfe
credit policy (An official course of action adopted by a business, financial institution or state to regulate, restrict or increase deferred payment arrangements for goods, services or money) Kreditpolitik
crediting period Anrechnungszeitraum
creek (A narrow inlet or bay, especially of the sea) Bach
creeping disaster schleichende Katastrophe
creeping plant Kriechpflanze
crescent nail-tailed wallaby Mondnagel-Känguru
crested argus Rheinartfasan
crested coot Kammbläßhuhn
CRESUF Forschungsstelle für Raumwirtschaft der Universität Freiburg
Cretan formation Formation auf Kreta
Cretzschmar's bunting grauer Ortolan
criminal case Strafprozess
criminal law (That body of the law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that it is prohibited by statute, prosecuted and punished by the government) Strafrecht
criminal law Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht
criminal law Strafgesetz
criminal law procedure (The rules of law governing the procedure by which crimes are investigated, prosecuted, adjudicated, and punish) Strafprozess