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DSC 名词强调
汽车 Система курсовой устойчивости
Dsc. 缩写
占星术 Десцендент (Точка эклиптики, в которой в заданный момент времени в конкретном географическом месте эклиптика пересекает западную половину истинного горизонта. Точка, диаметрально противоположная Асценденту. Cabbage)
DSC 缩写
一般 Крест "За выдающиеся заслуги" (сокр. от "Distinguished Service Cross" Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, 军队 Корпорация по поставке военных материалов США (Defense Supplies Corporation)
Gruzovik, 科学的 короткое замыкание (dead short-circuit)
北约 цифровой избирательный вызов (Yeldar Azanbayev)
印地语 корпус / служба военизированной охраны (Defence Security Corps Шандор)
商业活动 ДСС (MichaelBurov); двойное складское свидетельство ((Буров М.М. и (MichaelBurov); двойное складочное свидетельство ((Буров М.М. и (MichaelBurov); складское свидетельство плюс залоговое свидетельство (MichaelBurov); складское свидетельство плюс варрант (MichaelBurov)
汽车 система динамической стабилизации (YuriDDD)
流量测量 дифференциальный переключаемый конденсатор (differential switched capacitance (E+H) unrecyclable)
聚合物 дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия (ДСК kat_j); ДСК (дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия iwona)
航海 цифровое управление звуком (Johnny Bravo)
钻孔 система алмазного кернового бурения (diamond coring system – в морском бурении коренных пород, после проходки рыхлых четвертичныъх отложений (Программа океанического бурения, ODP) Углов)
银行业 коэффициент обслуживания долга (Debt Service Coverage ratio. Debt service coverage refers to the amount of cash or cash flow required to pay off a debt, and how much the total debt actually is. The better the debt service coverage, the better off a company or individual is. Alex_Odeychuk)
DSc 缩写
科学的 доктор наук (Alex_Odeychuk)
 英语 词库
DSC 缩写
缩写 direct support costs
缩写, 军队 defensive space control; dual-status commander
缩写, 电信 development support communication
缩写, 航空 Data Systems Coordinator
DSC 缩写
军队 depot supply center; digital signal converter; divisional supply column; document service center
技术 chief data systems technician; data synchronizer channel; deep space communication; defense security classification; design safety criterion; difference signal control; digital scan conversion; digital scan converter; digital set point control; digital signal conditioner; digital standards converter; digital-to-synchro converter; direct satellite communications; discone antenna; double-silk covered; dry shielded canister; dry storage canister; dry-storage container; dynamic sequential control; dynamic standby computer
法律, 荷兰 Dutch Supreme Court ('More)
缩写 Debt Service Coverage; Deferred Sales Charge; Digital Still Camera; Direct Servo Connection; Dynamic Stability Control; DAMA system controller; Dark Shadow Creations; Dark Sun Clan; Data Structures Cookbook; Defense Satellite Communications; Defense Scanning Calorimetry; Defense Shipping Council; Defense Supplies Corporation; Defense Supply Center; Deliverable Structure Chart; Designated Secured Creditor; Devil Society Club; Digital Sound Company; Digital Switching Company; Disable Smooth Curves; Document Structuring Conventions (Adobe); Door Switch Control; Dumb Stuff Clique; Dutch Sniper Clan; decision support center; decimal classification system
缩写, 信息技术 Description file; Digital Selective Calling; Discard file; Document Structuring Commands; distributed control system (Метран)
缩写, 军队 Distinguished Service Cross
缩写, 冶金 direct strip casting
缩写, 化学 double skelton catalyst
缩写, 医疗器械 diagnostic satellite console
缩写, 医疗的 De Sanctis-Cacchione (syndrome); Dental Study Club (periodical); Down Syndrome Child; Doctor of Surgical Chiropody
缩写, 印度 Digital Signature Certificate (gov.in 13.05)
缩写, 商业活动 double storage certificate (MichaelBurov); DWC (MichaelBurov); double silk covered; DWR (MichaelBurov); double warehouse certificate (MichaelBurov); double warehouse receipt (MichaelBurov); a warehouse certificate plus a pledge certificate (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 地球科学 Discrete-State Compartment Model
缩写, 地质学, 科学的 Displacement Shift Complete
缩写, 媒体 Document Structure Convention
缩写, 库页岛 Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers Subcommittee; digital selective call (ing xlator)
缩写, 教育 Direct Self Control
缩写, 数学, 科学的 Digital Setting Circle
缩写, 文件扩展名 Description file (Vosoni); Discard file (Oracle)
缩写, 汽车 driver shift control; duty cycle solenoid; dynamics stability control
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Differential Scanning Calorimeter; Differential Scanning Calorimetry
缩写, 电信 digital code squelch; district switching centre; digital selective call; Digital Switch Communications Corporation; Diameter Signalling Controller (Баян)
缩写, 电子产品 digital selective calling (terminal); data selection criteria; data service center; data set clocking; data stream compatibility; dead short circuit; dedicated signaling channel; descriptor selection counter; digital serial components; digital spectrum compatibility; digital speech compression; digital studio control; digital subscriber controller; digital switch controller; directly addressable storage communication area; direct service circuit; discriminator; disk storage controller; display station controller; district switching center; drain saturation current; drain separated from channel implanted region; dual scan color; dynamically self-checked; dynamically switched buried channel (cell); dynamic sharpness control; digital cellular system
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Digital Signal control; Direct Servo Control; Dynamic Squelch Control
缩写, 电气工程 dead short-circuit
缩写, 石油/石油 drillstring compensator; data conversion system; double silk-covered; downhole simulation cell
缩写, 科学的 Doctor of Science
缩写, 税收 discount charge (Yuriy83)
缩写, 空间 deep space communications; defect-survival capability; Defense and Space Center; direct satellite communication; directional solidification crystals
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Debian Source Control
缩写, 聚合物 differential scanning calorimetry
缩写, 航海 Digital Sound Control (Johnny Bravo)
缩写, 航空 data sub-center; destination select control; digital signal convertor; direct survey control; directional solidification crystal
缩写, 苏格兰语 Defence Security Command (Korea, South); Defence Situation Centre; Defense Space Council (USA); Deputy Squadron Commander (UK Royal Air Force); Digital Scan Convertor; Direct Side-force Control; Direct Support Command; Direction de la Securite Civile (France)
缩写, 英式英语 Documentation Standards Committee
缩写, 运动的 Dynamo Soccer Club; draw shot challenge (jagr6880)
缩写, 通讯 digital signal channel
缩写, 钻孔 drill string compensator (lxu5)
能源行业 dry storage cell
DSc 缩写
缩写 Doctor of Science
Dsc: 11 短语, 6 学科