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主题的术语 天文学 (6748 статей)
Radialgeschwindigkeitskurve radial velocity curve
Radiant meteor radiant
Radiantendichte radiant density
Radiantenort radiant position
Radiantenverschiebung daily motion of the radiant
Radiantenverschiebung displacement of the radiant
Radiationsfeld area of radiation
Radiationsfläche area of radiation
Radio-Echo-Beobachtung radar observations pl
Radio-Echo-Beobachtung radio echo observations pl
Radio-Echo-Methode radar observations pl
Radio-Echo-Methode radio echo observations pl
radioastronomische Sternwarte radio astronomy observatory
radioastronomische Sternwarte radio observatory
radioastronomisches Observatorium radio astronomy observatory
radioastronomisches Observatorium radio observatory
Radioecho radio echo
Radioemission aus... radio emission from...
Radioemission aus... radiofrequency radiation from...
radiofrequente Sonnenstrahlung solar radio-waves