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主题的术语 一般 (48989 статей)
uafviklet termins- og spotforretning i fremmed valuta uncompleted forward and spot exchange transaction
uamortisabelt lån perpetual issue
uanmeldt undersøgelse unannounced audit
uanset bestemmelserne i stk. 1 notwithstanding paragraph 1
uanset bestemmelsessteds-undtagelse "all destinations" derogation
uanvendelighed disapplication
uautoriseret interception unauthorized interception
uautoriseret opsnappelse unauthorized interception
uautoriseret reproduktion af topografi unauthorized reproduction of a topography
ubåd bestykket med ballistiske raketter ballistic-missile submarine
ubådbaseret fladbanemissil submarine-launched cruise missile
ubådbaseret interkontinental raket submarine launched intercontinental missile
ubådbaseret krydsermissil submarine-launched cruise missile
ubåds-base submarine base
ubådsbaseret ballistisk raket fleet ballistic missile
ubådsbaseret ballistisk raket sea-launched ballistic missile
ubådsbaseret ballistisk raket submarine-launched ballistic missile
ubådsbaseret raket submarine-launched missile
ubådsbekæmpelse anti-submarine warfare
ubådsbekæmpelsesaktion anti-submarine action