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主题的术语 军队 (71894 статей)
CP OSCAR Command Post Operations Support Center and Rear
CP site Area over which a command post is deployed. - A headquarters is considered as “single-site” when it only consists in one Main CP, and when it is therefore deployed over a single site (the Tactical CP is not taken into account since it is not permanent) - The headquarters is considered as “multi-site” when it consists in several CPs (Main, Rear, Alternate) each of them located on a different site.
CP-OP command post - observation post
CP/G copilot/gunner
CPA central purchasing authority
CPA chief of public affairs
CPA closest point of approach
CPA command post aircraft
CPA command post augmentees
CPA contingency planning aid
CPA continuous patrol aircraft
CPA cost planning and appraisal
CPAM countermeasures penetrating antiarmor munitions
CPAR chairman's preparedness assessment report
CPAS civilian personnel accounting system
CPAT Collection Planning and Targeting
CPB charged particle beam
CPBW charged particle beam weapon
CPC central planning center
CPC civilian personnel circular