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Terminy tematyki Ochrona środowiska (5703 статей)
sahil yolu seaside footpath (A route or track running along the coast)
sakin inhabitant (A person occupying a region, town, house, country, etc.)
salamandra salamander (Any of various urodele amphibians, such as Salamandra salamandra of central and S Europe. They are typically terrestrial, have an elongated body, and only return to water to breed)
salmonella salmonella (General name for a family of microorganisms, one of the largest groups of bacteria, that includes those most frequently implicated in food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Unhygienic handling and inadequate cooking of poultry and meat, improper storage of cold meats and, more recently, contamination of battery-reared hen eggs, are the most common sources of salmonella infections)
sanat art (The creation of works of beauty or other special significance)
sanayi industry (An industry is a group of establishments engaged in the same or similar kinds of economic activities. Industries produce commodities that are sold with the expectation of recovering the total cost of production. A single industry can produce many different commodities)
sanayi alanı industrial area (Areas allocated for industry within a town-planning scheme or environmental plan. The range of industries accommodated in a plan may include: light industry, service industry, general industry, hazardous, noxious or offensive industry, waterfront industry, extractive industry. Standards are usually defined for industrial areas relating to access and roads, drainage, car parking, aesthetics, landscaping, buffer zones, noise levels, and air and water pollution)
sanayi birliği industrial association
sanayi imarı industrial zoning (A system of land use planning that forms zones or boundaries to be used only by manufacturing or business enterprises)
sanayi kullanım su water for industrial use (Water used by industries for purposes such as fabrication, processing, washing and cooling, which is obtained from a public supply or through self-supplied sources)
sanayi mevzuatı industrial legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate working conditions or the acquisition, processing and disposal of materials by the aggregate of factories, companies and enterprises in one or more manufacturing or technically productive fields)
sanayi politikası industrial policy (Course of action adopted by national government to support and promote industrial activities)
sanayi tipi fırın furnace (A structure or apparatus in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, often to warm houses, melt metals, produce steam and bake pottery)
sanayi ve ticaret kurumları public institution of industrial and commercial nature (Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues)
sanayi yeri location of industries (The particular place that seems apt for the installation of a new plant; the choice of the site depends on a number of economic and environmental factors)
sanayileşme industrialisation (The process whereby manufacturing industry comes to occupy the predominant position in a national or regional economy)
sanayinin çevresel etkileri environmental impact of industry (The effects on the environment connected with industrial activities are mainly related to the production of industrial wastes that can be divided into various types: solid waste, such as dust particles or slag from coal; liquid wastes from various processes, including radioactive coolants from power stations; and gas wastes, largely produced by the chemical industry)
sansargiller mustelid (A large, diverse family of low-slung, long-bodied carnivorous mammals including minks, weasels, and badgers; distinguished by having only one molar in each upper jaw, and two at the most in the lower jaw)
şantiye building site (A piece of land on which a house or other building is being built)
şantiye ekipmanı construction equipment (Heavy power machines which perform specific construction or demolition functions)