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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Sachverständigennetz für eine "grüne Diplomatie" Green Diplomacy Network
Sachverständigennetz für eine "grüne Diplomatie" Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable Development
Sackfilter bag filter
Saegemehl sawdust
Saeueretaupunkt acid dewpoint
Saeumlinge edgings
Saeureaufschluss acid hydrolysis
Saeureteere sludges from plant, equipment and maintenance operations
Saeureteere acid tars
Safrol safrol
Sägemehl sawdust (Wood fragments made by a saw in cutting)
Sägespäne filings
Saiga Saiga antelope
saisonales Ozonloch seasonal hole
saisonales Ozonloch springtime hole
saisonales Ozonloch springtime ozone hole
Saisonwanderung seasonal migration (The periodic movement of a population from one region or climate to another in accordance with the yearly cycle of weather and temperature changes)
Salamander salamander (Any of various urodele amphibians, such as Salamandra salamandra of central and S Europe. They are typically terrestrial, have an elongated body, and only return to water to breed)
Saline salina (A place where crystalline salt deposits are formed or found, such as a salt flat or pan, a salada, or a salt lick)
Saline salina