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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for miljø (1990-1994) Specific research and technological development programme in the field of environment (1990 to 1994)
særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for miljø og klima Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of environment and climate
Særprogram for forskning, teknologisk udvikling og demonstration inden for livskvalitet og forvaltning af bioressourcer Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on quality of life and management of living resources
særprogram for forskning, teknologisk udvikling og demonstration vedrørende energi, miljø og bæredygtig udvikling Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on energy, environment and sustainable development
særskilt indsamling separated collection
særskilt rensning af spildevand individual wastewater treatment
særskilt rensning af spildevand individual wastewater treatment (The process of using a natural system or mechanical device to collect, treat and discharge or reclaim wastewater from an individual dwelling without the use of community-wide sewers or a centralised treatment facility)
særskilte ledninger for regn-og spildevand separate sewerage system
særskilte ledninger for regn-og spildevand separated sewerage system
sæsonbetinget ud- og indvandring seasonal migration (The periodic movement of a population from one region or climate to another in accordance with the yearly cycle of weather and temperature changes)
sæsonmæssigt udsving seasonal variation
sæsonudsving seasonal variation
sæsonvariation seasonal variation (In time series, that part of the movement which is assigned to the effect of the seasons on the year)
sætning af jorden soil settling
sætningshastighed for jorden settling velocity
sætningshastighed for jorden soil settling velocity
sætte skud coppice
sætte skud resprout
sætte skud fra jordstængel tiller
sætte stødskud coppice