

link 1.08.2006 9:39 
Subject: Cc
Помогите перевести Сс в письме (по идее "от" покрайней мере находиться на таком месте) очень интерестно что за аббр-ра, как полностью. Спасибо.


link 1.08.2006 9:41 
Carbon Copy?


link 1.08.2006 9:43 
"Carbon Copy"What does it maen по русски?


link 1.08.2006 9:45 
Обычно сначало идет: "Кому" (кому направлено письмо).
Затем может идти Cc, то есть "Копия" (кому направлена копия письма).


link 1.08.2006 9:45 
просто копия - и указано, кому отослана


link 1.08.2006 9:46 

Carbon copy
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Carbon copying, often abbreviated to c.c., was originally the technique of using carbon paper to produce one or more copies simultaneously with the creation of paper documents. On an old-fashioned typewriter, this would be done by placing carbon paper sheets between two or more sheets of paper in the machine, so that whatever was typed on the front sheet was copied onto the other sheets. This technique applies to written documents as well.

This practice declined with the advent of photocopying and other electronic means, although it is still used, for example, in manual receipt books which have a multiple-use sheet of carbon paper supplied, in order that the user can keep an exact copy of each receipt issued.

The term Cc has found renewed use with the growth of the Internet. Its purpose is similar even though its implementation has changed.

In e-mail, the abbreviation Cc refers to the practice of sending a message as a "carbon copy" or "courtesy copy". That is, the receiver is not expected to reply (although they may, of course). Typically, supervisory personnel are notified with Cc.

Contrary to popular belief, Cc is not meant for sending multiple copies, at least, not particularly. It is a perfectly legitimate practice to populate the To: field with several addresses.

The Cc recipients are revealed to all recipients, and this may not be desirable, depending on the situation. An alternative field, Bcc or blind carbon copy is available for hidden notification. In common usage, To field recipients are the primary audience of the message, Cc field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message, and Bcc field recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication.

Grammatical Use
The term Cc has entered the vernacular as a common verb "To Cc." Appropriate conjugation is:

Simple present: I Cc the email.
Present continuous: I am Ccing the email.
Simple past: I Cced the email.
Past perfect: I had Cced the email.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_copy"


link 1.08.2006 9:48 
Я слышала два варианта
Копия - обычная, т.е. когда ты ставишь в Сс, то видно кому еще направлен документ
есть еще и Bcc - blind carbon copy - скрытая копия, не видно других адресатов

Но есть и просто Copy (видно) и Cc - concealed copy - т.е. скрытая, и никаких Bcc


link 1.08.2006 9:49 
просто "копия" (carbon copy)
а ещё есть "скрытая копия" Bcc (blind carbon copy)


link 1.08.2006 9:50 
О! синхронно с Сусликом получилось!


link 1.08.2006 9:51 


link 1.08.2006 10:00 
"Corbon Copy" What does it mean in russian?


link 1.08.2006 10:01 
Всем спасибо, доступно и понятно!


link 1.08.2006 10:05 
Carbon copy - от старого "под копирку"
Переводите просто "копия"
(если, как правильно заметила Суслик, у Вас уже нет поля "Копия").


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