

link 3.07.2006 11:23 
Subject: the expiration date of the Board of Directors
Directors are elected and replaced by the Shareholders’ Meeting with their service term as 3 years. When the term is expired, directors can pursue for reappointment. Before the service term is expired, the Shareholders’ Meeting can not dismiss directors without a sound reason.
The service term for directors should be calculated from passing date of the resolution for the Shareholders’ Meeting to the expiration date of the Board of Directors.



link 3.07.2006 11:25 
до дня(даты?) окончания полномочий Совета Директоров


link 3.07.2006 11:27 
"... исчисляется с даты принятия решения собранием акционеров до даты истечения полномочий Совета Директоров".


link 3.07.2006 11:43 


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