

link 22.12.2017 7:46 
Subject: excluded offeree gen.
Добрый день.

Подскажите, пожалуйста, что может значить это excluded. Тема: описание размещения и выпуска акций, и их предложение. Встречается еще в варианте excluded offer.
The offer is excluded if it does not require disclosure in a form of the disclosure document, and the Issuer considers you as an excluded offeree for the purpose of this Section 2.

Заранее спасибо!


link 22.12.2017 9:05 
м.б. неприемлемый подойдет?


link 22.12.2017 9:13 
тут не в этом смысле,
на него не распространяются какие-то требования

http://books.google.ru/books?id=__HT51ngYikC&pg=PA336&lpg=PA336&dq="excluded+offer"+shares&source=bl&ots=wANB8gmH0J&sig=JDfndwVm_ivkGPFYM4JSTgqsaTk&hl=ru&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR9PG1op3YAhWBO5oKHdpNDSsQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q="excluded offer" shares&f=false


link 22.12.2017 9:21 
как вариант "исключительный"

если судить по след. отрывку
"No prospectus or other offering material or document, including this prospectus, has
been or will be registered as a prospectus with the Securities Commission of Malaysia
pursuant to the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 of Malaysia (“CMSA”) as the offer
for purchase of, or invitation to purchase, the Offer Shares is meant to qualify as an
“excluded offer or excluded invitation” or “excluded issue” within the meaning of sections
229 and 230 of the CMSA. A"


link 22.12.2017 9:44 
Можно ли перевести как Исключительное предложение, как вы полагаете?


link 22.12.2017 9:46 
Не стоит путать excluded и exclusive


link 22.12.2017 9:57 
просто документ составлен на Фиджи и изобилует несуществующими терминами и ошибками. Мог ли автор перепутать?


link 22.12.2017 10:10 
в след. контексте вполне "исключительный" подойдет

"Making excluded offers Sometimes, before a company reaches the stage of an actual IPO, it may attempt an excluded offer — an unpublicised capital raising not open to the public. Excluded offers were a feature from 1998 to 2000...."
в таком же примерно значении и в ссылке выше


link 22.12.2017 10:16 
доп. иллюстрация к сказанному выше, которая монтируется с контекстом аскера ("offer is excluded if it does not require disclosure in a form of the disclosure document")

"The Corporations Law doesn't allow a public share offer without a prospectus. However, a company can offer shares to so-called professional investors through an excluded offer, by invitation, in $500,000 lots. These offers are accompanied by an information memorandum, which doesn't have to be lodged with ASIC and contains far less information than a prospectus. It's assumed that professional investors understand the risks involved in an excluded offer better than retail investors and require less information. In other words, they're big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves."


link 22.12.2017 10:31 


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