

link 26.11.2016 15:37 
Subject: "/mr" и "/mt" gen.
Добрый день! Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести!

В конце документа (протокол заседания совета директоров) указаны сокращения "/mr" и "/mt". Что они означают?

Заранее спасибо!


link 26.11.2016 16:06 
инициалы, например


link 27.11.2016 22:20 
I don't think they're standard abbreviations used in minutes. They could just be in-house administrative abbreviations used by that particular organisation, in which case they could mean almost anything -- 'typed by', 'to be approved by', 'file away under', or whatever.


link 27.11.2016 23:31 
"whatever" - that's what I wrote: initials


link 27.11.2016 23:48 
Как вариант -management representative, management team (Учитывая ограниченный контекст)


link 27.11.2016 23:52 
I'll believe you(!) :-) Could mean almost anything. Who knows?


link 27.11.2016 23:53 
(That was intended for Yippie, by the way).


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